Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Being hungover at work!

Hey friends it's oz here yes I'm back to the Oz files this time I ghav have erich and john giving me topics and you also can text me topics every night for topics it hsould be fun and yes we are back at it again! So tongihtgs tonpic gos to Erich miller who was at mortys tonight where i had a lot to dorinbjk. Yes a lot but it's all good cuz I have training tomororw morning at 8am and I have to get up at 530 530 630 SO iy's gonna be a goodo times yalls! SO the topic tonight is what would I do at work while hung over? Wow this is a great topic to discuss and there ia good chance that I my may be hungoer tomorrpow but I did take 5 advil and drink tons of ater before I h0opped online. So I may not be hung over but I guess i'll let you knlow tomorrow and so here we go. Since toimororw I have another day of fantastic training that I will just sit at my chari look like i'm interested and nodd my had yes and no and be like waht was that all about. And I would dominate the dojo when it ocm es ot ping poing because today I was 3 wins and 1 loss and hat one losst was as asolid loss lost 21 to 19 wow such a good bttle in the trenchs who wans to battle me in the ping pong world I dont' think anybody at this point! I do apoligize for any typos that mya hav e coccured but I am doin g my best at th emonent! Um I thinm kmy breaks and my ulunch would saffice and if i was hungoevr which is usuaply never but if I was I would just go with the flow and wait till my headache goes away and I think that will be fantastic a moondayoya! I love twitter so you should too yes twitter tweet tweet yes siree bob! Well wht o7ydo you do drink I mean hungover ant work well until next time may the Oz always be with you sonlong!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family Campout EPIC Times!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a camping edition of The Oz Files! So the Oz Files is back after a bit of a hiatus but we are back and we are lock and loaded so let's lock it in folks! So this week there is no theme but we will have random subject for all our peeps! Yes I said our peeps Leah has her peeps too but I think she loves her some Michael Jackson music RIP! So tonight's topic straight from Leah from Bakersfield, California USA is she wants to hear all about my camping trip experience over the weekend. Okay babes and gents this is going to blow your minds and you may need some Kleenex because there might be some teary eyes from laughing so hard. So we had a family camp out at Lake Rosavelt from Thursday to Sunday over the July 4th weekend. It was yours truly, my mom, two uncles, an aunt, four cousins and my uncles friend Dwayne his wife and there two kids and my cousin Amanda's good looking friend Emily! Now two of my cousins came up on Saturday so it was a fantastic time and we will start off the activities that went down on Thursday. My mom and I got there and we hopped on the boat and headed over with my uncle Rich over to our secluded lagoon. I put up my new tent and got my new air mattress blown up and settled in quite nicely. I sat on my camping chair which I would later break later that week more on that later. Well nobody had cell phone service except my uncle Rich who has Verizon so I guess they have service way out in the boonies! We were not able to make fire at all so we made smores on a fake fire it was fantastic. I always burn the mollow and get it flaming and then devour the competition. We had some good laughs that night and it was a pretty productive evening. We got in around 5pm so we were the last ones in on Thursday but all in all a great day! So now we come to Friday and it is a hot hot hot hot one we are in the basin and it's always hotter in the basin. I slept really well but Rich's friend Dwayne is a HUGE snorer so his kids and wife had complains I heard nothing because I was out like a light! Our breakfast consisted of delicious blueberry pancakes with real blueberries yum! Also some eggs, bacon and so much more. After breakfast I changed into my new swimsuit sprayed on the SPF 50 and headed into the water wow such a cold atmosphere but felt really good. Oz spent a lot of time in the lake swimming and cooling off because it was so damn hot in the basin! I also took a boat ride to the store at seven bays to get bags of ice and some more sunscreen. Frequent trips to the store were needed to get ice everyday and get whatever down there snacks and that sort of thing. For Lunch on Friday I don't remember what we had but I will let you know I believe it was hamburgers and chips and stuff and oh so tasty! I then proceeded to take another swim and this time I went way out there took awhile to get to the cliff or rocks and watched Dwayne jump off a couple times wow fun times! We also played card a lot of games of war were in session I won a lot of them and also a new game I learned it was called Egyptian something or another not sure the name but it was quite fun but none of us won except my cousin Brian! We also made a shade shelter and we had to move it from time time depending on where the sun was. For dinner I don't know what we had but once again it was really good! We played cards a good portion of that day and into the night we were addicted to this stuff! Oh also Dwayne my uncle Rich and myself went on a crap run to take a crap but I did not have to go but I went anyways just in case. Then we came back and yes I went into the water for more swimming I almost forgot there were two dogs also there and a cat but he stayed in the house boat! Hello Saturday another great breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs etc but this time I had an onion bagel and put bacon in the middle oh so good! I would like to mention I drank tons of water and ice teas and some pops oh you gotta drink out there ya know! I went on another boat trip to the store I do believe and I came back and went into the water for some swimming action did that a lot. I believe for lunch we had some hot dogs and chips and things like that salads which I did not touch. Then I went for another swim and then I layed in the shade took a 4 hour nap while everyone else besides two others were on a boat trip going 8 or 9 miles down the lake to go on the huge slide on Lake Rosavelt but this year they did not get the permit to do it so they all had a swimming time down there. While they were gone there was a crazy windstorm that knocked down the shade tarp for a 2nd time that week and also knocked some of the kitchen shelter down which I was under but that thing is sturdy. I think I had a mild case of heat stroke or heat exhaustion so I stayed in the shade had some great water and cooled off and was quite refreshed. I slept thourgh the wind storm which was amazing in itself! I went for another swim that afternoon. We also got some slushies which were pretty dang solid! Ha also during that day on one of the boats they took down some people down to seven bays to take showers then they would call the cell phones that had service only a couple had service mine not included once they were ready. So Dwayne goes down to get them but he was gone for over half an hour so my uncle Rich gets a call on his VERIZON phone and said where you guys at and we told them so I hopped on a boat with Rich. We went to two rivers that is where I guess they ventured off too but no sign of them we circled around to the swimming area in two rivers no sight so we headed back to camp before that we saw Dwayne and he told us what he did and he headed back to camp while we went to two rivers! So Dwayne went back out there and got them after a detailed conversation on the phone. For dinner that night we had some lovely chicken and beans and chips and pops and stuff like that and boy oh boy it was really really really good! This was the 4th of July and my oh my Rich and Dwayne drank there asses off as did my uncle Russ but not as bad as these two clowns! We watched the fireworks show on the lake it was quite epic stuff legend could be told for ages about how good this show was! Dwayne Rich and my cousin Sean were drinking 100 proof Captain Morgans oh my God there was a lot of it to go around. Plus a lot of wine to drink and they freaking drank it all tapped it out dry! Wow they were really really really drunk and Dwayne and Rich were really really loud but freaking hilarious I think the whole lake could hear them we were up til 3am! We all played a game called a rock it's hard to explain on here but if you want to know I will enlighten you! Just hit me up and I will show you how it works oh great times. They were talking really loud talking out of there asses and I thought it was fantastic. I sang for them and I was amazing and they were blown away and after the song Drunken Dwayne said You must go to church! My cousin Sean kept telling my cousin Brian to stop talking shit ha ha over and over and over again and he goes you know what I'm saying and oh my god he was so tanked! There are a lot of stuff that night that happened what was said but they were so loud my aunt Robin comes out of the houseboat and says she had two pillows over her head and she could still hear us and said to calm down um that did not help matters it was a madness made in heaven. There were stories told and lots of drunkenness I did not drink but I did have a sip of what Sean was having and a couple swigs of wine which was nasty gave me a headache! They were getting a witness to biscuits and gravy and chicken fried state on there knees wow wish we got that on video! There is a lot of stuff that was said but I don't want to go into all the details these are just the highlights! Finally Sunday rolls around and my uncle Russ did not come out of the houseboat he was really hungover he had bad migraines and I think my aunt Robin and uncle Russ stayed until Monday so he can recover he was in bad shape. My cousin Sean said he wasn't hungover he felt fine then he proceeded to dry heave all over the place so he went home a little earlier that day! My uncle Rich woke up still drunk he said he likes it when he can work in his hangover the same day and he said he deserves this hangover! Oh and Dwayne I think he was hungover wow yeah but the dip in the water I guess revived them a little bit! They really got razzed Sunday morning about there antics it was fantastic. I almost forgot to mention my uncle Rich was wearing his shades out in pitch dark conditions until a couple hours later and I told him Rich you are wearing your shades and it's dark he took them off and said wow I can see wow... Oh and my uncle Russ he fell down a hill ha ha hilarious he hurt his knee I guess but it was funny! We had potatoes and sausages and all this stuff mixed up in a bowl and we had a great time and bacon and other stuff for breakfast! I went for another swim had a few swims in that day! We were packing up headed out and I had the runs because I was backed up first craps I took the whole time I was there it always happens to me when I go camping so sorry for the TMI! Ha anyways for lunch I had a couple sandwiches and trailmix and some pops and then we took the boat out to the docs at Seven Bays and loaded the boat and our stuff in the parking lot. Went to the store one last time and got some nice ice cream cones oh so good! I managed to get no sunburns on this trip yes I know shocking news over the wire! One more thing before I sign off, I bumped my head hard on the kitchen shelter tree log thing and hit it hard in this three knot log thing and wow I have 3 huge bumbs on my head it brought tears to my eyes felta bit dizzy but I am okay now but the bumbs are epic! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Jerkface VS Jello!

Hello everybody it's Oz here posting Leah's blog from last week sorry we have been out of touch just got back in town last night from the great camping trip. Leah is in BAKO and loving it and I am now just getting around to posting her blog she texted me so this is going to be great grab a tissue because you will be crying from laughing so hard! I will now be typing exactly what she has sent me lock it in people! Oh the topic is who would win a fight between Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Cosby? All right here goes... So Cosby and Seinfeld are at the bar on trivia night. They've both had a few to drink, but Seinfeld may have had a bit too much... He looks at Cosby who is eating jello, and makes a joke about Cosby's mom. Bill doesn't really approve of this. He usually like to teach some sort of moral lesson when people do thing he doesn't approve of, but at this point he decides that Seinfeld isn't sober enough to remember the lesson. He's about to pull out a pudding cup to snack on, and Seinfeld makes another crack at Cosby's mom. In Bill's opinion, that just crossed the line. He put down his pudding and took a swing at Jerry. Jerry fell over, knocking the table on the ground. Pudding was all over the place! Seinfeldpulled Cosby to the ground, and there might as well have been a steel cage, because they were fighting WWE style. They were all over the place. Fists were flying and pudding was flying! Seinfeld was too drunk to punch straight, so he kept missing. Cosby is just not a fighter, so as you can imagine, he wasn't doing too well. Suddenly Cosby remembers some moves from Theo's karate class, and decides to try them out. He does some ninja kicks and karate chops, but unfortunately for him, Jerry Seinfeld is secretly a professional kickboxer. Seinfeld busts out some crazy kicks that could decapitate a person, but he's actually still pretty intoxicated, so he mainly breaks a lot of bar furniture and kicks some holes in walls. After an hour or so of karate chops and crazy kicks, Bill is getting pretty tired, and Seinfeld is starting to sober up. Seinfeld kicks harder than ever, and gets Bill in the chest. Luckily for Cosby, one of the reasons that he was the voice of jello is because he is made of jello. Seinfeld's food went deep into Bill's chest and got stuck. When he was finally able to yank it out, he pulled so hard, it caused him to fall flat on his back and hit his head pretty hard. It knocked him out cold. Seinfeld laid out on the ground passed out like a dead man and Cosby achieved victory! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Hahaha...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MR.Potato Head VS Gumby!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a blog I was supposed to do last night but I got side tracked with farmtown so here I am again you can blame Leah for that one as usual! So welcome to this kid's toy edition of The Oz Files! Leah wants to know who would win a fight between Mr.Potatohead VS Gumby? Well well well what a nice refreshing surprise. You got the potatohead who is a short stubby dude with stickable noses, eyes ears, glasses, mustaches and so much more! Then you got Gumby who is just this twistable figure who is larger than life. So let's break down this match up the clash of titans. In one corner you go Mr. Potatohead who can sling the potatoes at ya because he is from Idaho the Potato state. I da ho you da ho ha ha couldn't resist! In the other corner you got Gumby who is so fast the speed of light couldn't catch him. Also he is so flexible he can avoid any obstacles thrown in his path! So let's get to the action shall we? Mr. Potatohead is waddling around the frm and throws two potatoes at Gumby but Gumby had it well scouted as he twisted his body to avoid the harvested materials! Gumby approaches Mr. Potatohead and he removes his eyes and ears so he can only smell and shave his mustache when it gets too hairy! Therefor Gumby jumps on Mr.Potatohead and starts whaling on him until he started to cry oh wait he has no eyes until he started to pout and that was all there was left of Mr. Potatohead just a bunch of tator tots! Yes it is a sad day but I think Taco Time had a nice time with free tots! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Samantha VS Jeannie!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a double dip blog style edition of The Oz Files. I got my topic at a reasonable time but I kept chatting with Leah and Jen on Farmtown on Facebook so I kinda got sidetracked and got pretty tired so I hit the hay! However I am back and I do have some sad news to report. There will only be 4 blogs potentially 5 blogs this week because I'll be leaving to go camping Friday and Leah she is off to Bakersfield Thursday so she will be gone awhile but we will be in touch! So with all that being said here we go lock it in and lock it up! So tonight's blog topic according to Leah is who wins a fight between Samantha from Bewitched and Jeannie from I Dream Of Jeannie? Two shows I absolutely heart with a passion! Samantha and Jeannie have similar powers both can be gone in the blink of an eye. Then they will be back as soon as you can say Bakersfield! They both have men in there lives Darren for Samantha and the other dude on I Dream Of Jeannie but they aren't really an item but lots of flirting going on! Oh I just looked it up and the dude in I Dream Of Jeannie was Tony and they eventually married AWWW! So Jeannie has her Genie bottle that she has hibernated in when the occasion has arose! On the other hand Samantha has that broom and she can use it as a weapon! Samantha swings that broom around like they were numb chucks and then she trips Jeannie.... Then Samantha would take her broom and beat the piss out of Jeannie and therefor winning this amazing battle of sitcom beauties! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Parker VS Kent!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a comic book hero fight edition of The Oz Files. So I have chosen the blog theme this week which will be who would win a fight... So tonight Leah wants to know who would win a fight between Peter Parker AKA Spiderman and Clarke Kent AKA Superman? So you got these two comic heroes I'm gonna be honest I haven't really seen Superman in action all that much. With all that being said let's get down to the business at hand. Superman flies around with his red cape as he rescues the world from the villains of this earth. I don't think he has many powers but he gets the job done. Also he has the cute and sexy Lois Lane as his other half which is fantastic. Terri Hatcher anybody she was good in the TV show. We now move to Spiderman who is a likable character. He's Peter Parker high school student who got bitten by a spider and turns into this super human hero as we now know as Spiderman. I have done a blog before on Spiderman so I think we all know where this is going. Parker has the ability to spins webs and climbs walls with his prickly things! He has the hottest girlfriend Mary Jane Kirsten Dunst anybody YEP! So Peter Parker would wrap Clarke Kent around with his web slinging abilities he would stomp on his face and Mr. Kent wouldn't be the same again. Lois Lane doesn't know what to think but she has shed a tear or two! So Peter Parker is the man and Spiderman will live on forever! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Oh Christmas Tree!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an OH Christmas Tree edition of The Oz Files! So this is the blog that was supposed to be last night's blog but I was consumed by WWE programming and sports talk so I had to catch up! So the first blog today is the last memory blog and this one from Leah is funniest drunken memory (diving practice at the bowling alley excluded lol! Ha so I've had a lot of stories when I have been in a drunken state but none of them will come close to this one fabulous night in the northwest! So this happened a few years ago when I was experimenting with drinking and wow what a night! I went over to a guys house for a beer BBQ! What is a beer BBQ apparently it's where you have a BBQ with a lot of beer and other alcohol! I don't like beer but apparently on this night I did and I drank A LOT! I had like 5 or 6 hamburgs couple hot dogs and 9 beers and like a 5Th of vodka! I had some whiskey too wow I was an animal back in the day! I was so hammered that I was in the backyard with my pants down singing oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree! Oh my goodness I did not remember this but this is what I was told. Also I was so hammered my friend was trying to get me to drink some water and I said no I don't' want that water! So he said it's VODKA and I drank that down and soon after I threw up everywhere! I slept outside in a sleeping bag and it rained that night and when I woke up oh my GOODNESS! I had the worst hangover in world history it got worse because when I got inside the house they blasted the music just to piss me off and my head was spinning! To top it all off I had to go to Sylvan Learning Center that morning for some math for an hour and oh my goodness was that a riot! I told my Tudor or whatever that I was a bit hungover and he thought it was fantastic! At the end of the lesson or whatever he said a letter I had to say a word that started with that letter and might I mind you I had a teenager also at the table so it was epicness! B Beer, V Vodka, W whiskey...... So we all had a nice laugh and after that whole thing went down I went back to my friends house not the one we had the beer BBQ but his house and I layed down for several hours. We finally went out for dinner and played mini golf at wonderland um one of my friends at the time did a full swing wow stupid! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hoopfest Memories A Plenty!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a Hoopfest edition of The Oz Files. So yet again it's free write Friday and I have chosen to write a blog about Hoopfest because well this weekend is Hoopfest weekend the biggest 3 on 3 basketball tournament in the WORLD! Leah think this is a nice topic but she will be there in spirit! I will be there this weekend and I think it's going ot be fantastic! Hoopfest takes place downtown Spokane Washington every year I think this is year 20 or 21 not ure but it's been around awhile. All age groups compete to win a shirt but it's fun and there is an elite division those guys ballin! This weekend Kareem Abdul Jabar is in town with AC GREEN! In the past I have operated one of the courts high school boys and oh my goodness drama drama drama! Most of the families are cool but there are a select few who have to spoil it for the rest of them. You got these stage moms and or dads telling me that I missed a point and when I tell them to sit down and shut up the Oz has delivered his wrath ummmm maybe not but I took control of the situation. It seems as thought it's really hot down there and one year I forgot my sunscreen and ohhhhhh what a burn I had wow but the peeling process was fantastic! I was in pain for a couple days reminded the time when I did Bloomsday and got burnt to a crisp and ohhh boy blisters blisters blister couldn't walk for three days! Hoopfest is a great place for great eats however I haven't had any food or drinks from Hoopfest besides the sack lunches they give us people who operate the scoreboards and court monitors but this year I'll have to take the plunge since I'm not doing scoreboard just enjoying the action. I will also say that there have been some pretty ugly cheap shots on the court and some pretty brutal fights. I could see why this happens between young people someone gets fouled or something then they get caught up in the moment and start brawling! They do get yelled at and do get tossed and get chewed out and I have talked to the parities involved and played peace maker! There was one year where we saw stuff flying down from the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's Oreos falling from way up in a hotel room at the Davenport Hotel. Some kid was throwing Oreos from way up there and falling on the court wow don't forget the creme filling! I want to say good luck to all of you out there playing Hoopfest this weekend and I shall see you out there don't forget the sunscreen! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lost In Olympia!

Hey friends it's Oz here back in the saddle again for a lost in Olympia edition of The Oz Files. Leah proding the topics again and tonight is what is my favorite memory with my mother? Well this one took me awhile to think of one and by George I've got it! All of a sudden while playing farm town wtih Leah the light turnne on and this is going to be epic and fantastic! So my mom, my friend at the time James we lost touch and yours truelly headed from Spokane to Olympia for a ncie weekend on an islanbd outsie of Olympia to visit friends at the time lost touch and to watch Mariners and the Yankees in the Kingdome. Do we sense a theme here? Anyways so we stop for food along the way that is not important but I like to share with my people. Ha so we get to Olympia and we are trying nto get out of Olympia the lovely captial of Washingotn. Um it took us awhile we kept going past the state capital like 10 times wow we go rund and round and round! I though tit was fantastic I was laughing so hard my mom wasn't amused we did hae a state map wow that did not help. That was the night Randy Johnson was dealt to the Houston Astros it came down on the radio so that was where I was when that happened! So my mom went to a pay phone calle dour friends at the time and there husband came down and got us and all was well and we watched the Marienrs lose taht weekend great! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Fun(ny) TImes In Cali!

Tonight’s topic:
Well, you’re a Cali girl, so Oz wants to know what are some memorable moments in Cali and memorable moments from Oz’s Halloween party?
In case you couldn’t tell, this is not Ozzie. This is Leah, and I was informed tonight that I am required to state my name before my blog so people do not get mixed up.

Hmmm… My favorite memory of California? There are almost too many. I guess I’ll talk about a funny memory from when I was a kid. My family (immediate & extended family) was staying up at my aunt & uncle’s cabin at Shaver Lake. We pretty much spent the week fishing and enjoying Shaver Lake & Huntington Lake. I was about four years old. . My older cousins were about seven and eight, my older brother was about six. My younger brother was just about two, so he was probably just chilling in his diaper or something. My dad and grandpa enjoyed themselves trying to scare the pee out of us at night with stories of bears sneaking into cabins. One day, we were just hanging out playing board games while our moms cooked and my dad, uncle, and grandpa went into town. My older brother was looking out the window and started saying that he saw a bear. We all ran to the front window, not sure whether to be scared or excited. We saw a bear. It was standing by the cars, walking around a bit. It started walking towards the cabin and got on the deck. At this time, my dad came in the back door, asked us what was going on, and pulled out his video camera to capture the event forever. We all watched as the bear sat on the deck like it didn’t know what to do. It got up and was walking towards the front door. We all screamed, and the door opened. The bear came in, and for some reason, my mom told us that we should go hide in the bathroom. The four of us kids were in the bathtub (yeah, it was a funny sight) and were pretty much screaming. My mom stood near us, and my dad was busy with his video camera, making sure to get the bear n some good shots, and the looks on our faces. The bear followed us into the bathroom, and when our screaming got louder, and we were closing the shower curtain, it pulled its head off. My grandpa’s smiling face was underneath. Apparently he and my dad had the genius idea to drive to the nearest costume shop and rent a bear suit. Such nice people. The video is amazing, and I don’t think I’ve ever been able to watch it without laughing out loud. I haven’t seen it in years, but I kind of want to steal it from my dad’s house so I can watch it again. I guess I really shouldn’t have been surprised at the bear costume, seeing as my grandpa rents a chicken suit every year for Halloween!
Oh, I guess I was supposed to write about memories, not just one memory. Um… After my aunt & uncle sold their cabin, pretty much all of our vacation were spent at either Disneyland or Pismo Beach. One year, when I was in 3rd grade, the El Nino storm system was taking a toll on southern California. My parents had planned a Spring trip to Disneyland months in advance, and we had 2 day passes for our family and my grandma, plus reservations at the Disneyland Hotel. It had pretty much been raining for days, but we had already planned the trip, and were determined to go. We got lots of umbrellas to prepare, and we had some very attractive rain ponchos. (I find it incredible that my mom was able to find 7 rain ponchos in the city of Bakersfield to begin with… yay for Wal-Mart!). We got to Disneyland, and the weather was clear for a few hours, then the storm hit hard. It seemed like the park was emptying out pretty rapidly. There were no lines for the rides, and it was amazing! We rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and there was no line at all when we were done, so they let us stay in the boat and go a few more rounds! We rode Peter Pan’s Flight, Splash Mountain, the Dumbo ride, the teacups, and so many more. The amount of rides we got in during that 2 day trip was crazy. That was definitely my favorite trip to Disneyland. =)
As for the most memorable moments of Oz’s Halloween party in’07... I think I’ll just point out a few highlights. There was lots of picture taking when I got there. And Oz was striking poses, dressed up as Uncle Fester. I was a hippie, Noelle was a cowgirl, Amari was a pirate wench, there was a cop, and there were some other creative costumes. I remember the alcohol was flowing, and Ozzie was singing to everyone. For some reason, he laid in the leaves under the big tree in his backyard for a while and it almost looked like he was trying to make snow angels. Fun times. Lol.

Well, I think I wrote enough already, so that is all
. Bye Bye!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a bus riding edition of The Oz Files. We continue our trip down memory lane this week and tonight's blog topic is going to be about bus trips around the greater Spokane area. Leah wants to know my most interesting memory while riding the bus or something memorable I saw at the plaza. Wow I've ridden the bus so many times there have been a lot of memorable rides. Which one shall I choose? Well I think I have figured out which one I will roll with. I was attending SFCC at the time and I had an 8 AM creative writing class to get to. Just to give you a little run down I had my groups homework because I am the writing savant that everyone loves and admires. I believe it was information on short stories that we read and I had the paper that we worked on in class the previous day. Okay so I hopped on the bus apparently it was the wrong bus I wanted to go to SFCC and it wasn't going anywhere remotely to it. So I talked to the bus driver and he told me to walk down the street and take this other bus that would get me to SFCC. So I walk aimlessly in hopes of finding the bus stop that would lead me to the promise land that they do call SFCC. In some miraculous act of God I was able to get on the right bus and I got to SFCC and I was a little late to class. I walked in with a great ovation because I am Oz and the people love me. The teach was cool she was a groovy chick! My team was happy to see me with the homework in hand and yes we got an A because um yes we are that good! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Shoe Digging What A Thrill!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a snowy edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog is yet another memory theme and Leah wants to know a snowy memory good or bad? Well this memory is so recent it just happened this past nasty winter in Spokane Washington USA! This is one winter I will never forget and I am sure people who went through will never forget we will always remember that nasty cold winter of 2008! Let me set the stage for ya we had below freezing temps and we got 26 inches of snow at least in a four day period um yes sucks to be us! Okay I was walking to the bus stop on a cold, wet and icy morning on my way to work. I was afraid to get hit by a car while walking in the street so I hopped up on the sidewalk oh I mean the very deep snowbank! I was walking just fine but all of a sudden one of my feet get stuck deep in the snow I was able to pull my foot out but my shoe was buried deep down! What was I to think? I was kinda freaking out with my shoe way down there and I had no no gloves so it was going to be awhile before that shoe got out. I was thinking maybe it wouldn't come out until the snow melted and that was quite some time later weeks later! I tried to dig that shoe out with all my might and with all my strength but nothing was coming easy. So I texted Leah about this and boy she was sad about this and there was a good chance I wouldn't be to work on time. So I called work and told them what happened and of course they were kinda in awe about the whole thing but shocked I don't think they were in shock because I think they expect that out of the Oz. While digging in the snow my hands were getting red which wasn't a good sign. At one point I just layed there for a few minutes I was so exhausted and wore out I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to work at all! My hands were frozen solid my foot without the shoe was freezing and sock was soaking wet and I was in miserable shape. Um 45 minutes later from the time the shoe was stuck I digged it out and I yelled THANK YOU GOD! I put my shoe on and my foot got a lot colder because when I jumped off the snowbank I jumped in a big puddle of water. Believe it or not but I did make it to work on time and I was so cold that day. A hot shower that night was a recipe for success! Oh I wish no ill will on anyone like that well there is one person and I think someone else knows who that is! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ear Pulling 101!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a school memory edition of The Oz Files. This is a new week and Leah has come up with the theme of memories. I have had a lot of school time memories but there is one day I will never forget. Oh I forgot to give you the topic, Leah wants to know my favorite memory while in Elementary School. I must say I have a lot of memories at ole Willard Elementary go cougars the non Pullman variety! This memory takes us back to the 1st grade in Mrs. Hammond's class. I sure liked her class she was a good teacher and good role model for everyone to look up too. With all this being said let's get down to business and the great story that I will always remember. It was like it was yesterday and the vision is so clear in my mind because I thought it was fantastic. I was sitting in my little desk not in but at my desk on my chair and no Leah I did not fall off my chair. I haven't developed those mad skills at this time in my young youth but as you know were honed to perfection. As I was saying I was sitting down at my desk like a good boy with all the other good boys and girls but there was a rotten apple on this day in Hammond's 1st grade class. I don't know what sparked this confrontation but all hell broke loose and the culprits were my boy Erich Miller and of course the teacher Mrs. Haymond! Imagine this little 1st grader pulling on a grown women's ears and struggling to win this battle. Haymond was pulling on his ears in retaliation I think this was fantastic. Little Miller was struggling to keep his feet under him because he couldn't over muscle skinny Mrs. Haymond after awhile with one hand on Millers ear the other hand was on the button to call the front desk to report the issue. So little Miller was sent to the principals office and all he got was a teacher parent Principal conference. Knowing his dad a fellow teacher and ohhh boy I am sure the shit hit the fan but according to Miller via yahoo chat he says that he was punished for it but nothing major. Well that made me laugh inside and now outside what a nice memory to share! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

To Infinity And Beyond!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a outer space edition of The Oz Files. So this is the last creative writing blog however I think that I am considering every Friday for the free write Friday will be doing a creative writing story. Leah wants to know about my adventure in outer space. Well I don't know how I got to outer space because I am not with NASA HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM! So I just pressed a button on my TV remote and boom there I was in outer space. I formed a Broadway musical called The Aliens Are Rocking! I don't know but I think it's a novel concept. I also ate a lot of seafood and no Leah there wasn't any shrimp ice cream or lobster pie I am so sorry to disappoint ya! Well I don't like outer space so then I landed back on planet earth! Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

A Night For The Ages!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a disturbing edition of The Oz Files! Um sorry for the delay going to do two blogs tonight and tonight's blog is courtesy of Erich Miller. I apologize in advance I have to write a short story with the words double stuffed Oreo, out cold movie, Irish trashcan, pooping and Chinese food. So yeah let's get this over with and then I can start on the second blog of the night and sadly the last creative writing blog this week. So this guy let's call him Gus and Gus had some double stuffed Oreos on this night and he was so happy. Gus loved him some double stuffed Oreos and he dipped them in milk it does a body good! While he was eating his double stuffed Oreos he was watching the hilarious movie they call Out Cold and he was laughing so hard he needed to drink an Irish trashcan so he did and he liked it! Gus also loved Chinese food so he had some great eats and that made him run to the bathroom where he would have to poop it out! Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Party At Oz's House!

Hey peeps this is the blog from Leah she did not state what the topic was so I'll do that before I post her amazing thoughts. Since I Oz got a new schedule Monday through Friday 7am to 3:30pm we have decided Leah is going to do a blog every Wednesday it's going to be amazing! Anyways I gave her the topic to write a story with the words funky monkey, The Wiz, Halloween and jellybeans. Ozzie was excited about his birthday. It was October 20Th, and his birthday is on Halloween, so he had 11 days to get his party planning done. He had chosen a costume party theme, since it seemed appropriate for the holiday as well. He had some problems choosing a costume… Should he be a witch, a princess, or his all time favorite movie character, the Wiz? “Tough decision,” he thought, “so I will work on food planning. I’m definitely going to have big bowl of jellybeans! And a food buffet with lots of margaritas on the side!” He got all the of the food arranged, and decided that he was going to be one of the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz instead of his original choices. The costume was amazing, and really made him look like a giant flying monkey! The day of the party came, and tons of people showed up. There were mermaids, ghosts, witches, and even a cross dresser! Overall the party was definitely a hit. Once the trick-or-treaters stopped interrupting with knocks at the door, Ozzie busted out in a totally awesome dance, which he named the “funky monkey”. Everyone loved it and they begged for an encore. The party went on until the early morning hours, and everyone was very hung over the next day, but they thought it was worth it. They are all looking forward to the next birthday party…

Stranded On An Island HELP!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another great edition of The Oz Files. Sorry I was MIA yesterday but Leah was going to do a blog last night but her internet crapped so she did it today and is going to email me the blog so I can post it for our peeps. However her internet crapped again so the blog from yesterday hopefully should be posted this weekend so now we got all that cleared up. Leah has come up with the creative writing blog topic this fine Thursday evening. I am stranded on an island and the only thing that me it to the shore with me when my canoe sunk in the middle of the ocean was a tarp, a giant mirror and a fun noodle, like you use in the pool. What will I do with these items? How will these things help me service until I am rescued? I think this topic is super fantastic. Oh no Oz was on a canoe but it sank but I survived because I am so amazing like that! All I have is a tarp, a giant mirror and a fun noodle. Oh boy I don't know what I can do with these items but I think we can figure this out. I will use the tarp to sleep on and make beach angels and probably get a nasty sunburn but the peeling process is fabulous! With the giant mirror I would be posing all day long and flexing my biceps of steel. I would say "Hey Sexy how you doin?" The mirror would also be a good fuel for making a fire if I could find a magnifying glass but that won't happen so I would just pose all the time! Oh and the fun noodle I would just practice my Ichiro swings with it I wold be so hip and groovy! I would also take it on the water and float around a bit to pass the time. How will these amazing items help me survive until I am rescued? All I will say is they will see the bright yellow tarp and a huge mirror and a guy swinging his fun noodle. With all that being said who wouldn't want to save me because yes I am that good and you know it! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Night Of The Burrito!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a burrito edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided tonight's blog is going to be a short story about a tooth fairy, burrito and a container of worms. Now this should be fun! So there was a little boy let's call him Matt and one day he was eating a nice Taco Time BIG JUAN Burrito now that burritos is a giant. Little Matt did not know what to think how do I get this started and all you gotta do is chow down and hopefully come up for air once in awhile. While he was eating his BIG JUAN burrito and his mexi fries mixed in with his large Sprite little Matthew felt a little twinge OWWWW! Matt's mother says what's wrong and Matt says I am missing my tooth mother. Mother says let me take a look and the tooth was missing and little Matthew was bleeding so he got all cleaned up and they retrieved the tooth. Matthew manned up and finished his fabulous meal. That night he went to bed and the tooth was in a zip lock bag under his pillow. The tooth fairy came flying in and instead of giving him money he put a big container of worms on his bedside. When he woke up he saw the worms and he ate them and he thought they were tasty. Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! What do you think of the words what would your story be? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Food Bong!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a weird invention edition of The Oz Files. Today's creative writing blog comes courtesy from farmer Leah Stafford. She says Hmmmm... I am given a special assignment by my job. I must make an invention using a spork, duck tape and a water hose. What will I invent? Will this be an everyday household item? What will I call it? Ha so this got me thinking what would I come up with when you get a spork which is a fork and a spoon combo with duck tape and a water hose? At first I was struggling must have been that doors burger and fries I had tonight oh can't forget my 7 Sprites at the Swinging Doors. There isn't much you can do with these three objects but I think I can BS may through this one it has never failed me before says I. What would I invent? I would invent what I like to call The Food Bong. If you have seen a beer bong you will know where this is going and I don't know if we want to go down this road but we must. How it's assembled is you take the water hose and you put it around your forehead and you tape it up with duck tape and then the hose part faces down and the spork is dangling on the side of the house. You grab a plate or bowl depends what your eating you put the food inside the invisible compartment and the food slides down the hose and onto your plate or bowl. Then you take the spork and depending and you pretty much indulge yourself to a nice meal. Is it an everyday household item? I would say you would use it everyday if you want to eat with it yes and one great product. Of course I'd call it The Food Bong which I would market it overseas to prepaid customers because they will buy anything even a prepaid phone ha ha um right Leah? So this is my invention go grab it while it's hot! What would you invent? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Princess Of Potato Land!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a creative writing edition of The Oz Files. So Leah has decided this weeks theme is going to be creative writing. Tonight's topic is simple I have to write a short story with the words princess, fly swatter and potato. I will let you all know I love creative writing so this is going to be a fun week. Our story starts off in the magical place they call Potato Land. There once was a princess her name was princess Leah not Laya but Leah! She pretty much was in control of Potato Land and all it's potatoes and it's farmers. The best farmer his name is let's call him Oz. Oz always used a fly swatter because when he was in the filed plowing the fields with the potatoes he saw some huge flies. The flies were sizes of Oreo Cookies and the downside was you couldn't eat them and dunk them in milk. Leah said "fetch me that farm boy the chosen one AKA the OZ. So Oz took his fly swatter and made his way to the potato palace where he gazed and bowed down to princess Leah. Princess Leah says Oz you have proven to me that you are worth of a promotion so you shall be the Potato Land mascot who greets all it's patrons and visitors with a warm smile and funky dance. Oz said "That would be an honor." So Oz got in the hot costume and he was called MR Potato Land and he did his job very well. One day Leah said "Oz you have done your job to the best of your ability and you will now live in the palace in Potato Land and wont' have to work again." All the food that was eaten in Potato Land was made out of potatoes so whatever you can think we ate it in high style. Now back to the fly swatter Princess Leah had a fly on her face and I told her to stay calm don't move.... So I took the fly swatter and gave her face a whack and the fly got crushed and fell to the floor. I wiped off the blood with a towel and Princess Leah did enjoy it so much. There is no way out of Potato Land so everyone who lived there lived in Potato houses accept for Oz and Princess Leah who lived in the Potato Palace! Everyone lived happily ever after THE END! So that is my story and I'm sticking to it! So what would you write about with the words princess, fly swatter and potato? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Outdoor Adventures!

Hey friends it's Oz here for our last summer edition of The Oz Files. So tonight is the last night for the summer blogs yes I know it's a sad day for us all! Leah says, summer is a great time for outdoor activites. What are my favorite activites that I am only able to do during the warm suummer weather? Where do I do these things and how often? This is going to be a short but sweet blog just to let you know so I can watch the boxing on HBO on my DVR! So my favorite outdoor activies to do in the summer time is tubing, swimming, BBQ, camping and roasting the mallows! Where do i do these things and how often? I do them at various lakes and rivers across Washington and campgrounds around the state of Washington! We do this like 3 or 4 times a year it's quite fabulous! Oh the BBQ's are usually at my aunts house in the VALLEY! Well these are my thoughts what are yours? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Small Town USA!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a small town edition of The Oz Files. Tonight I was going to write about the worst parts of summer but while I was looking into it I have decided that it's gonna be about the five smallest town in America. The top five towns not to visit at anytime. I have also decided that every free write Friday I'll be finding a topic to research and show you my peeps what's going down. I'm a city boy and I love the big cities Seattle, San Fransisco, Las Vegas and Edmonton ETC. So we will start from the bottom and go to the top that is how I be rolling tonight boys and girls! So the first town is huge compared to the others I will mention in this blog. Our travels start out in the Midwest to the lovely state of South Dakota which we visit White Rock, South Dakota population 18! Okay so seriously peeps what would you do in a town that had a population of 18? The only thing I can see happening in that town that is productive is go to the sandlot if there is one and play 9 on 9 baseball. If you played America's past time in small town America now that's nostalgic. Beyond that I don't think there is much else you can do besides reproduce and maybe increase the population to perhaps one day a city not a small town in the middle of nowhere USA. Okay so we now move on to the great town of Tenney, Minnesota population 6 oh snap! Wow what a great population we have here you have enough people to play 3 on 3 basketball or get a wrestling match going 3 on 3 tag team battle or 6 way match that would be sick! When you have a population of 6 people the reality is these people are most likely from the same family. If not there might be two families down there. I don't think there is no cell service or Comcast or dish service!!! What on earth would you do besides twiddling your thumbs and reproducing? I don't have those answers that you seek because I don't live there and wouldn't want to live there. Our adventure brings us to Lost Springs, Wyoming which had a population of 4 in year 2000 and grew to a whipping 5 in 2002. I guess somebody had a baby or someone actually thought it would be a cool idea to move to a hick town. What to do with a population of 5 people I guess a good game of duck duck goose is in order! That about covers it thought oh yeah so exciting! The final 2 destinations are tied with 0 population and they are the lovely Hoot Owl, Oklahoma and Glenwood Plantation, Maine! Wow I guess when they say we are just passing through I guess they weren't kidding! These towns are so bad nobody wants to live there I mean if you did live there you can do whatever you wanted too! That would be pretty kick ass! Um I don't know what to say can there really be a town with a population of zero? Well apparently there can be and this makes no sense but these are my thoughts! What do you think of these towns? Also I would steer clear of Rockford, Washington and Harmony, California. Rockford, Washington is my choice and Harmony, California is Leah's choice! Well until next time may The Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Last Summer In History!

Hey friends Oz is back for a summer freak out edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog is going to knock your socks off Leah is a mastermind behind this epic brain trust we like to call The Oz Files. The topic is hmmm. An announcement is made that due to something crazy, this will be the last summer ever. Once fall hits, the weather will stay cold forever. What is my initial reaction? Would this news upset me? What would I miss the most about summer and how would I spend my last summer? Wow no more summers EVER what are we going to do about this? My reaction, What the @@@@! Who made this decision to have no more summers? The camping and the tubing the BBQ's. The summer camps and the boys of summer what is the world going to do? I think time travel is a great thing the Delorian stay in the same year forever and Summer will never go away! Without Summer there is no Pig Out At The Park just one of the great Festivals in this great nation of ours. Okay maybe Spokane Washingotn USA but hey I can dream big! Without Summer we don't' have the Summer blockbuster movies and the beach parties and the shades a plenty! The swimsuits and bikinis and the beach volleyball on the AVP tour what is this world coming too? I am happy I have the Delorian ha ha ha who wants to join me? Would this news upset me? Um Yes but as I have noted earlier I have the Delorian so i will be able to enjoy summer all the time! I think Bakersfield California in the Delorian could be a nice little treat. I'll let you all know Rockford Washington will NOT be on the list that's for damn sure! What would I miss most about Summer? Hm let's say I don't have the Delorian what would I miss most? Hmm I'm thinking I'd miss tubing out on the water and swimming and having those family camp outs and also the BBQ! How would I spend my last Summer? I would spend it in the great continent of Australia. Hello Sydney Australia I would love scouting the nice "scenery" The Grade A talent G'day mate! I would love to go to the beaches down there way down under! I love the accents and that is where I would be if once again I did not have my Delorian and we have stated that I do have this amazing machine! I should clarify if you don't know what the Delorian is ummmm you need to Google it so you can educate yourself on the hard hitting topics in today's society. Great Scotts Marty I think this blog is a wrap! What do you think about this whole discussion? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Plans A Plenty!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another summer edition of The Oz Files. So Leah wants to know what I'm up to this summer! So tonight's blog will be as follows, Well summer plans: how do I plan to spend my summer? Am I going anywhere or do I have an exciting plans? If I"m just relaxing and enjoying Spokane, then what are some things in town that I would like to do and or enjoy this summer? So how do I plan to spend my summer? I plan to be working or hardly working whatever comes first himmm. I definitely plan on doing trivia at Morty's Wednesdays nights at 8:30! Also go see some movies at AMC Yes that is definitely in the plans. I also plan to watch The Wiz at least one time this summer because Leah returned it today after close to 2 years. Now that's some progress oh and she never watched it. How does this make me feel? It makes me said and I'm crying inside and I think this is a tragic event! Also camping will be in the mix you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be sun! Also swimming will be in the picture because I love to swim just jump in and don't be a pansy and slowly walk in come on people lock it in! Am I going anywhere or do I have exciting plans? As far as I know a couple camping trips will be in store definitely at Seven Bays absolutely stunning. Tubing will be on slate when we go down there and also Fort Spokane also a great place for camping. Other than that I don't have any current plans on going anywhere. I will be planning on watching Seattle Mariners baseball this year I hope they fall on there face if they won't win the division or wild card. Yes it's brutal but I want that #1 pick next year in the draft we came so close last year but only lost 101 games and got the #2 pick. Finally the last thing I'd be doing over the summer of course is twittering and that's year round. Also would go down to Riverfront Park and feed the duckies! What would you do in the summer time? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Movies of 2009!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a summer movie edition of The Oz Files! The blog topic tonight is as follows, Summer time means summer movies! Amazing movies come out every summer. What movies am I wanting to see? What makes me think those will be good movies? Are there any movies that I will not bother watching? Hey peeps of the Oz blog I can guarantee you that this blog is going to be a lot longer than solid 7 lines. Last night was short because it was one question and it was a simple question and I had to watch RAW it's that simple! So what movies of the summer of 2009 is Oz going to go see? Yes I did go third person on ya and by now you should know that's how I be rolling! I've already seen Wolverine and that movie was pretty damn epic. I saw it at Northtown Mall unfortunately but those were the cards I was dealt! Going into this movie I wasn't thrilled about it but it was something to do last Friday night. I must say that the action scenes were amazing. The action was pretty darn good if you ask me. The CGI was off the chains dudes and dudets mind blowing and jaw dropping madness. If you haven't seen it you gotta go see it. I have heard a lot of buzz about The Hangover and next weekend I definitely be hitting up the AMC! What It's About: Todd Phillips ('Old School,' 'Road Trip') revisits the theme of boys behaving badly with a Vegas bachelor party gone awry -- which leads to hangovers, spotty memories and a missing groom-to-be (Justin Bartha). Will the three groomsmen reclaim their best friend and deliver him to the altar in time? If Philips' previous movies are any indication, they'll be plenty of raucousness, a touch of male-bonding sweetness, and at least 12 lines that call for "earmuffs. I think this movie is going to be hilarious people who have seen it have said it's off the hook that's the news from the twitter vine! The other movie I would see is called All Good Thongs. What is it about? Gosling plays a New York real-estate heir (think a young Donald Trump, with better hair) who gets involved with a woman from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks (Dunst). When she mysteriously disappears, a down-on-his luck detective (Morgan) stumbles upon the truth ... and a lot more than he bargained for. Based loosely on a real story, the movie marks the feature directorial debut of Andrew Jarecki ('Capturing the Friedmans'). To answer the question what makes me think they will be good movies? For Wolverine I saw it and loved it and it was quite epic. In regards to The Hangover just reading what's it's about and watching the trailer it's hands down going to be the funniest movie of the summer! Finally in regards to All Good Things I have two words for ya Kirsten Dunst enough said case closed! Also what movies will I not bother watching? I won't name the films but all the family films Oz will not be watching those films. I have also seen State Of Play with Russel Crow Oh My Goodness a MUST SEE AMAZING! What are your thoughts on this subject? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Swimming and Camping!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a summer edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet! Leah says what is my favorite part of summer? I will let you know that my favorite part of summer is the great weather and the swimming and camping. My family loves camping in the summer and for that matter anytime of the year. We always have a good time and it's really a good time had by all. I enjoy swimming in the water and tubing that's always a joy that I look forward to every summer. I think we are done here. What is your favorite time of summer? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer Camps Are The Best!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a summer edition of The Oz Files. So Leah asked me to choose yet another theme and this weeks theme is summertime. Leah says she needs to know my favorite summertime memory. How old was I when this happened? What is it exactly that makes this memory my top choice? Well I've had a lot of great summer memories but I think I'm gonna go with some church camp memories. I've been to church camp as a kid and I've been to church camp as a young teen like 16 17 18 and a little older than that as counselor and program staff. Church camp was a week long thing and lots of activities planned and worship and the messages kids style! It was all a lot of fun and my favorite summer memory was my last year doing this. I was program staff and me and this cool dude named George we ran the ball field. We played soccer with a huge ball with 2 cabins on each rotation in the afternoons. Also on the big field was the water balloon launcher so there were hoses so for those hot days I got to soak myself. I loved playing those soccer games talking with the campers grades 2nd through 6th I was there favorite. During one of the games I tackled one of the female counselors it was a good time! Also for the whole game in one of the games I was playing for this one cabin and then I was standing at the other ends goal which were red cones. Talking to two of the 4th or 5th grade girls and said you have to go your not on our team. I said I think I'm going to be on your team now! They said Ozzie we don't believe you so I told them to check this out. So when the other team came down with the huge ball I kicked the ball the other way. George yelled out I thought you were on there team I said I have switched teams. That was a great bonding experience. One of the summers when I was a counselor i got this program staff young women Nicole very very very very very wet wow she was soaked when we went to dinner. Ha she wasn't a happy camper no pun intended. One summer I was a counselor think it was that same year when I soaked Nicole so bad we played kickball huge ball I caught it and sprained my wrist fun! But let's focus back to the last year when I was on the program staff. I did it two years and this last one I did was amazing. We always did a variety show and with my singing voice I sang Mary Did You Know. I could see people in the crowd crying when I sang because well it was a great song and I sang it very very well. I got tons of props that night and the next morning. I also sprained my ankle that night I was supposed to sleep in one of the boys cabins and I had my dress shoes on still and slipped and fell down and a huge group of program staff and counselors were standing around. I got on a wheel chair they rolled me into my pad and I layed down I was in tears Nicole was there SMILE! The next day I woke up pain free and it was amazing. All the prayers were great Barb the head honcho said why are you walking I said I have no pain. She was leading the counselors meeting and I went to breakfast and everyone was happy it was the last day of camp! Oh and to answer the question how old was I think I was like 19 or 20 maybe 22 I don't know! It was somewhere in the past 5 years I believe. Now they have the church camp at the church. What made it my top choice? Well I think I covered all that great times all around! Also the 2nd grade girls cabin made me a card to wish I feel better. I visited them at the cabin I broke down in tears because it was such a sweet thing and they gave me hugs. Now that's a Kodak moment! Well what do you guys think is your best summertime moment? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

The Worst TV Show Of Mankind!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a swan song edition of The Oz Files. Well we are doing two blogs tonight because Leah thought she sent the topic from last night like at 9 something but it was in her outbox so she sent it to me around 1230AM so now we just gotta do double duty and this last TV themed blog is going to knock your socks off. I have been doing some hard research today to see what show to come up with. The blog topic is what is the worst TV show of all time? What makes this show so terrible? Is it still on the air? If so, what could be done to improve the show? If not, why do I think the show got cancelled? All right guys and gals I went on Google today and hunted and pecked for the worst show of all time. There was a close second but this one is the worst show of all time and I got all sorts of evidence to back it up. The second worst TV show is VIVA Laughin look it up and you will know why. The worst TV show of all time is one that everyone who is reading this probably hasn't heard of it. I never heard of it because the show was way down under in Australia. This show was called Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos! Wow is it hot in here oh yes you can draw your conclusions here. I will now reference Office Space It's a jump to conclusions mat! What makes this show so terrible? It was a 1992 series spun off from Australia's Funniest Home Video Show, hosted by Doug Mulray. This show was actually cancelled during its first episode when then-Nine Network owner Kerry Packer called the station and ordered the show be taken off the air. After a commercial break, the network cut to a rerun of Cheers citing technical difficulties. It was shown in a repackaged version on August 28, 2008. There is some difference of opinion as to whether this was intended as a special or as an actual series. When you have a show get canned during your first show and you don't get to finish it. I think that classifies as the worst show of all time. I must say showing Cheers isn't a bad alternative NORM! Finally why do I think the show was cancelled? I never saw the show and most of Australia apparently did not get to watch the show. My opinion is that the name of the show says it all Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos. I don't know what people are thinking of having these shows air when naughty is part of the show. That's why they live DOWN UNDER G'day MATES! What do you think about this topic? If this isn't the winner which one is it? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, June 5, 2009

TV Families 101!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a free write Friday edition of The Oz Files. So sticking with the TV theme this week I've decided to pick my top 3 and bottom 3 TV families from sitcoms. If it was all around TV families the McMahon's and Osbourne's would be on the list for best then worst TV families. Ok let's start with the bottom 3 then we will proceed with the top 3. This was a tough decision some cuts had to be made but I'll be giving out honorable mentions at the end of this blog. Alrighty so the bottom 3 TV families in my humble unbiased opinion is going to be groovy and quite hilarious. So the 3rd worst TV family in history has to be the Barones from Everybody Loves Raymond. I love that show so much but you gotta admit that family had some issues. Ray Barone a sportswriter and his wife Deborah a housewife. You can't forget Ray's brother Robert and his mother Marie and father Frank What makes this classic bad TV family is they are always in some quarrel and Ray's stuck in the middle. When you got mother Marie trying to teach wife Deborah how to do things as a mother and wife that really gets the ball going and Frank always says HOLY CRAP! We have now reached the number 2 worst TV family in history. That brings us to the Bundy's from Married With Children. Al Bundy a shoe salesman doesn't do much he hates fat women and he hates his wife. Peggy Bundy the housewife he eats bonbons and watches TV all day and can't cook worth a lick. Kelly Bundy the pretty devious daughter is boy crazy and has lots of boyfriends and always got into trouble. Last but not least Buddy Bundy the smart A student of the family and also made some nice remarks about everyone bad remarks. Al and Peggy locked horns a lot and I think this happens because he always called her WOMEN! Women please get me some dinner. Peggy I think I got me some nice Stael potato chips kids dinner is ready. The kids are just classic just little devious kids doing what kids do best create havoc. I haven't seen much of this show but I have to now but thanks for playing. The all time worst TV family is the Connor's from the Rosanne Show! Dan the father, Rosanne the mother, DJ, Darlene and Becky were the three kids. Rosanne has to be one of the worst mothers on television. She did not supervise with the kids and she always yelled at them for stupid stuff. Dan tried to act like he was the man but deep down inside he knew he wasn't in charge it was that power hungry Rosanne Conner! She has caused the most havoc from any family on TV ever it's downright nasty! I wouldn't want to mess with her because I think the white trash might come out geeeeeeeeter DONE! We move into the top 3 TV families of all time. So the 3rd best TV family are the Cunningham's. You gotta love them from Happy Days which is one of my top 3 shows of all time. You got the father Howard Cunningham, Mother Marion Cunningham, Sister Joanie Cunningham and of course the good looking clean cut Richie Cunningham. The Cunningham's were such a great family they had good laughs and they fought thought some tough times as well. They made everyone feel like part of the family and a lot of people watching could relate to the Cunningham's. We now move on to the 2nd best TV family of all time and that is the Brady's. You know them from the classic TV series The Brady Bunch. America's favorite family father Mike Brady, Mother Carol Brady, Daughters Jan, Marsha and Cindy. Brothers Greg, Peter and Bobby. What is there not to love about the Brady's? It's your typical modern family whose corny lines always make me laugh. Peter brady stick in my mind by saying "porkchops and applesauce." Who can ever forget the episode when Marsha Marsha Marsha nose got hit by a football. They kept playing that over and over and over again. All the kids got in a lot of trouble but what I loved about it is the kids tried to cover up others boo boos and take the fall but as we all know the truth always prevailed. We finally get to the best TV family in history and that is the Huxtable's from The Cosby Show. I don't have to go into it because we all know the COS is amazing and so is the FAM! Honorable mentions for best families Arnold's Wonder Years, Seaver's Growing Pains and Taylors Home Improvement. Who do you pick? Well until next time may The Oz Always be with you so long!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Oz Juice!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an infomerical edition of The Oz Files. So Leah has another epic blog topic tonight and I think you will find it very entertaining. So keeping with the TV theme tonight's topic is as follows. Ok... Infomercials if I had to do a 30 minute infomercial what product would I endorse? How would I go about demonstrating this product amazingness? What would my products slogan be? When your up late at night there really isn't anything on accept for reruns and HBO movies and great infomercials. Who can forget the food dehydrator, the magic bullet and Leah's favorite the Sham Wow! I'm not a fan of the infomercials but I think this would be fun to make up a nice product to sell it. This reminds me of the time in freshmen English class at Shadle when I had to think up a product make the product and show it off in class I made a hula hoop with a covering around it I think it was like some sort of dumb thing I don't know anyways that's not important. So if you have been under a rock or your just a dumbass I'm a HUGE sports fan and I am amazing. So my infomercial has to be sports related and I think your all going to enjoy it so much! So my product is going to help a lot of people achieve there dreams and make millions. The product I have come up with pure Oz genius and yes I do have high praise of myself and I'm not going to back down from this humble attitude. The product I would push is called The Oz Juice. What is the Oz Juice? I'm glad you asked, Oz Juice isn't your typical juice found in most homes in the country. The Oz Juice is filled with steroids and comes in three flavors which are regular, diet and berry. The regular Oz Juice has more calories, diet has less calories and berry has same calories as regular but it has a sweeter taste. Think about it peeps an average guy or girl I don't want to discriminate. They drink The Oz Juice couple times a day 7 days a week and they grow into this super beast of an athlete. You go out for a tryout in some major sport and wow the scouts and boom your signed to play with a pro team. How would I demonstrate the products amazingness? You will love this I would show clips of my past clients before The Oz Juice and After. The athletes shown would be AROD Manny Barry Bonds Jose Conseco Roger Clemens Mark Mcgwire and Sammy Sosa. You would see the skinny pretty good to above average players then the after would be the superstar bulging biceps and effortless records going down. Also you would see the images of there bank accounts then you will become a believer in The Oz Juice. What is my slogan for this great product? Oz Juice where fabricated careers and dreams really do come true! This is an amazing product what would your product be? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Big Brother Is Watching!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a reality show edition of The Oz Files. Hey everybody I'm not reallyh sober tight now but I'll do the best I can but there will be no spell check so dig with me my boys and gals! So Leah provided the subject once again and I think it's quite amazing! The subject is out of any reality game show which do I think I would win? What tactics would I use and what would I do with the prize? Would I try to be in the lead throughout the entire show? Or would I go for a surpise win? So I love reality TV I love American Idol, Survivor, The Amazing Race and Big Brother. That about covers myh realtiy show viewing and I think they are all great shows. However I think that Big Brother is an amazing game and a lot of stradegy and a lot of fun to talk with the people in the house and all the grat epic challenges! Big Brother is a game that 12 strangers are placed in a house and they gotta survie the other 11 and the winner gets a nice check of like 500 thousand or soemthign like that. A lot of drama goes down but I think it's fantastic. Backstabbing is incredibly amazing and I think tit's it's really epic! Peiople play both sides and durring head of household competitons are always amazing and I hope I win them all so I can be in charge always ! All I can say is don't lose the food competion because you will have to eat SLOP for one week and from what I hear it's some nsty nasty suff oh yeah! The tactics I would use is be the nice guy play both sides and eventually choose one side and go as far as I can. Make bonds for life and hope the people like me so they won't vote me out of the house of luxy. Now the thing is the bad thing abotu Big Brother is your cut off from all outside communiATOIN YOU DON'T KNOW what's going on and being a sports fan I'd be dying with anticipationthat woudl be sooooooo annoying! If I won what would I do with the prize? If I woud have won Big Brother i'd buy a nice house and a bowling alley in the house so I can flop on my face but I think it would be a good time right LEAH! Finally the question of would I be in the lad thorughout or be unhder the radar? I think Oz would go under the radar then make my mnove in the last couple weeks and prounce on my prey and win the finals and be amazing and be epic superhereo status! n These are the thoughs of Oz. What do you think? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sports Food For The Soul!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a loaded blog topic edition of The Oz Files. So tonight's blog may be quite long we shall see there is a lot to cover. Leah has come forth with the following topic, I get a chance to create any kind of TV show I want. I get to name the characters, name of the show, do all the casting etc. What kind of show would I create? What would be the name of it be? What would the characters be like? Why would I choose the actors that I chose to play them? Who are the actors? Last of all, what channel would it play on and what time and day of the week? Okay folks let's get this show on the road oh yeah! This took quit some time to figure all of this amazing puzzle out but I think I have come up with something good. What kind of show would I create? I love sports and I love food so why don't we make a TV show about sports and food. We combine the two concepts together for one show where we have people making sports food which would be a great idea because a lot of people want to see new foods that they can try for the big sports parties. They would make food and also drinks as well because you need something to down all that glorious food with. What would the name of this amazing show be? I believe the best name for the show concept is Sports Food For the Soul. In my view that is the name you gotta go with your doing a sports food cooking show and the soul goes deep. So Sports Food For The Soul is so fitting and that's the bottom line. What would the characters be like? The characters on the show would be real people no acting pure raw emotion and beauty would shine through to millions around the country and perhaps the world. The characters I will let you know ill be four females who cook or at least look like they are cooking in the kitchen! Why would I choose the actors that I chose to play them? I have chosen these actors because they are um good looking and guys will watch and it would um definitely be a popular show for men and women of all ages! So grab a pen and paper and some food of choice and sit back and relax and enjoy Sports Food For The Soul. Who are the actors for this TV show? My number one girl is Kirsten Dunst. The next girl would be Nicole Kidman. The third girl would be Halle Berry. The fourth and final girl would be Alyssa Millano! These are four very qualified fans of sports and I am sure they can make sports food on a daily basis. They would have a lot of fun things to say in the program love that! What channel would it be on and when would it be on? It would be on the Food Network and it would be on at 6pm PST/EST and it would be on every day because that's what the people want. What they people want the people get can't let the peeps down! Wow this was fun yes well these are my collective thoughts on creating my own TV show. What are your thoughts? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!