Thursday, March 5, 2009

Candies At The Silver Screen!

Hey friends it's oz here again for a roller coaster of a ride they like to call Ozzie's playhouse no it's the Oz files blogathon! Today's topic is what is the bet candy to munch on while at a movie and why? Well dudes and dudets this should be a very lovely discussion. Myself I do go to a lot of movies but I'm not big on the candy while watching a movie kinda guy I am more of a popcorn on large sprite kind of guy but Leah supplies and I demand thought you would like that play on words! I think a good movie candy to start with would be those red hot tamales ohhhhhhhhh baby they are hot and steamy meow! One time at the Garland Theatre I bought this HUGE bag of starburst man I downed that bag like there was no tomorrow! I heard a little voice saying Ozzie eat me I'm juicy and fruity! How about those Junior Mints? Yeah buddy Junior Mints they are like chocolate and minty so it's like health food! Well not exactly but I'm sure if you thought about it for quite some time I'm sure you would see it the Oz's way! Sour Patch Kids wow those can be sooooooooo lethal it's not even funny! You have to bring a glass of something to drink because it makes your mouth go numb and your eyes are watering well that's just me! How about those Red Vines mmmm good if you ask me! The strawberry flavor of that gooey goodness is just ay okay and so "yummo!" Well it has come to that time where Oz has to make his presence felt and that's how it should be and that's how it's always gonna be YA DIG? My favorite movie snack if I had to choose and I am would be milk duds because milk duds are so gooey and so healthy for ya! Milk duds are so addicting you eat the whole box wow so so tasty! If you don't like milk duds then we will have to check you into the nearest psycho ward ASAP! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!