Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ear Pulling 101!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a school memory edition of The Oz Files. This is a new week and Leah has come up with the theme of memories. I have had a lot of school time memories but there is one day I will never forget. Oh I forgot to give you the topic, Leah wants to know my favorite memory while in Elementary School. I must say I have a lot of memories at ole Willard Elementary go cougars the non Pullman variety! This memory takes us back to the 1st grade in Mrs. Hammond's class. I sure liked her class she was a good teacher and good role model for everyone to look up too. With all this being said let's get down to business and the great story that I will always remember. It was like it was yesterday and the vision is so clear in my mind because I thought it was fantastic. I was sitting in my little desk not in but at my desk on my chair and no Leah I did not fall off my chair. I haven't developed those mad skills at this time in my young youth but as you know were honed to perfection. As I was saying I was sitting down at my desk like a good boy with all the other good boys and girls but there was a rotten apple on this day in Hammond's 1st grade class. I don't know what sparked this confrontation but all hell broke loose and the culprits were my boy Erich Miller and of course the teacher Mrs. Haymond! Imagine this little 1st grader pulling on a grown women's ears and struggling to win this battle. Haymond was pulling on his ears in retaliation I think this was fantastic. Little Miller was struggling to keep his feet under him because he couldn't over muscle skinny Mrs. Haymond after awhile with one hand on Millers ear the other hand was on the button to call the front desk to report the issue. So little Miller was sent to the principals office and all he got was a teacher parent Principal conference. Knowing his dad a fellow teacher and ohhh boy I am sure the shit hit the fan but according to Miller via yahoo chat he says that he was punished for it but nothing major. Well that made me laugh inside and now outside what a nice memory to share! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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