Friday, June 26, 2009

Hoopfest Memories A Plenty!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a Hoopfest edition of The Oz Files. So yet again it's free write Friday and I have chosen to write a blog about Hoopfest because well this weekend is Hoopfest weekend the biggest 3 on 3 basketball tournament in the WORLD! Leah think this is a nice topic but she will be there in spirit! I will be there this weekend and I think it's going ot be fantastic! Hoopfest takes place downtown Spokane Washington every year I think this is year 20 or 21 not ure but it's been around awhile. All age groups compete to win a shirt but it's fun and there is an elite division those guys ballin! This weekend Kareem Abdul Jabar is in town with AC GREEN! In the past I have operated one of the courts high school boys and oh my goodness drama drama drama! Most of the families are cool but there are a select few who have to spoil it for the rest of them. You got these stage moms and or dads telling me that I missed a point and when I tell them to sit down and shut up the Oz has delivered his wrath ummmm maybe not but I took control of the situation. It seems as thought it's really hot down there and one year I forgot my sunscreen and ohhhhhh what a burn I had wow but the peeling process was fantastic! I was in pain for a couple days reminded the time when I did Bloomsday and got burnt to a crisp and ohhh boy blisters blisters blister couldn't walk for three days! Hoopfest is a great place for great eats however I haven't had any food or drinks from Hoopfest besides the sack lunches they give us people who operate the scoreboards and court monitors but this year I'll have to take the plunge since I'm not doing scoreboard just enjoying the action. I will also say that there have been some pretty ugly cheap shots on the court and some pretty brutal fights. I could see why this happens between young people someone gets fouled or something then they get caught up in the moment and start brawling! They do get yelled at and do get tossed and get chewed out and I have talked to the parities involved and played peace maker! There was one year where we saw stuff flying down from the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's Oreos falling from way up in a hotel room at the Davenport Hotel. Some kid was throwing Oreos from way up there and falling on the court wow don't forget the creme filling! I want to say good luck to all of you out there playing Hoopfest this weekend and I shall see you out there don't forget the sunscreen! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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