Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Last Summer In History!

Hey friends Oz is back for a summer freak out edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog is going to knock your socks off Leah is a mastermind behind this epic brain trust we like to call The Oz Files. The topic is hmmm. An announcement is made that due to something crazy, this will be the last summer ever. Once fall hits, the weather will stay cold forever. What is my initial reaction? Would this news upset me? What would I miss the most about summer and how would I spend my last summer? Wow no more summers EVER what are we going to do about this? My reaction, What the @@@@! Who made this decision to have no more summers? The camping and the tubing the BBQ's. The summer camps and the boys of summer what is the world going to do? I think time travel is a great thing the Delorian stay in the same year forever and Summer will never go away! Without Summer there is no Pig Out At The Park just one of the great Festivals in this great nation of ours. Okay maybe Spokane Washingotn USA but hey I can dream big! Without Summer we don't' have the Summer blockbuster movies and the beach parties and the shades a plenty! The swimsuits and bikinis and the beach volleyball on the AVP tour what is this world coming too? I am happy I have the Delorian ha ha ha who wants to join me? Would this news upset me? Um Yes but as I have noted earlier I have the Delorian so i will be able to enjoy summer all the time! I think Bakersfield California in the Delorian could be a nice little treat. I'll let you all know Rockford Washington will NOT be on the list that's for damn sure! What would I miss most about Summer? Hm let's say I don't have the Delorian what would I miss most? Hmm I'm thinking I'd miss tubing out on the water and swimming and having those family camp outs and also the BBQ! How would I spend my last Summer? I would spend it in the great continent of Australia. Hello Sydney Australia I would love scouting the nice "scenery" The Grade A talent G'day mate! I would love to go to the beaches down there way down under! I love the accents and that is where I would be if once again I did not have my Delorian and we have stated that I do have this amazing machine! I should clarify if you don't know what the Delorian is ummmm you need to Google it so you can educate yourself on the hard hitting topics in today's society. Great Scotts Marty I think this blog is a wrap! What do you think about this whole discussion? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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