Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a bus riding edition of The Oz Files. We continue our trip down memory lane this week and tonight's blog topic is going to be about bus trips around the greater Spokane area. Leah wants to know my most interesting memory while riding the bus or something memorable I saw at the plaza. Wow I've ridden the bus so many times there have been a lot of memorable rides. Which one shall I choose? Well I think I have figured out which one I will roll with. I was attending SFCC at the time and I had an 8 AM creative writing class to get to. Just to give you a little run down I had my groups homework because I am the writing savant that everyone loves and admires. I believe it was information on short stories that we read and I had the paper that we worked on in class the previous day. Okay so I hopped on the bus apparently it was the wrong bus I wanted to go to SFCC and it wasn't going anywhere remotely to it. So I talked to the bus driver and he told me to walk down the street and take this other bus that would get me to SFCC. So I walk aimlessly in hopes of finding the bus stop that would lead me to the promise land that they do call SFCC. In some miraculous act of God I was able to get on the right bus and I got to SFCC and I was a little late to class. I walked in with a great ovation because I am Oz and the people love me. The teach was cool she was a groovy chick! My team was happy to see me with the homework in hand and yes we got an A because um yes we are that good! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!