Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

Hey friends Oz here again for another great blog. Today's blog is about Valentine Days hence today is February 14Th 2009 Valentines Day. Roses are red violets are blue I am Ozzie and I love you! That is what Valentines Day is all about, Love is in the air between boy and girl or maybe you like the same sex I don't know. As a kid Valentines Day was a special time getting valentines day cards from your fellow classmates. Valentines Day candy hearts can't be matched, be mine, forever yours and many others. Whenever you got a valentines from a secret admirer that was always a thrill. Progressing into the high school years there was the Valentines Dance where the cute couples ventured to dance and be marry and make a statement to everyone this is who I love. If you are in the older generation then you have to find a way to woo your partner. Maybe you buy jewelry or candy or even a bouquet of roses you really can't go wrong. If you forget about Valentines Day and your honey may not ever want to have anything to do with you ever again but if you make it up to them then you may get lucky. Valentines Day is a day where restraints are booked with reservations with couples dining and making there statement to say I love you and you love me now were a happy family um sorry couldn't resist. The bottom line is love is in the air on this special day so if you have a sweetie I wish a very happy Valentines day and until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!