Thursday, February 26, 2009

Myspace OR Facebook?

Hey friends it's Oz here at your service for this fine evening of your blogging pleasure. Leah has decided that she wants to heat up a nice debate on myspace vs facebook. Which one do I prefer and why? Leah already knows my answer due to past text messages and conversations the past couple weeks. However the general public out there do not know what I prefer so this is your time to get a glimpse into the life and times of one Ozzie Whitehead the 3rd. Myspace has been around for several years and I'm not going to lie it's a hell of a website. One man having this great idea of having ordinary people have there own space online to share with there friends and family a totally cool concept. As time went by there were a lot of spam messages going into peoples inboxes which set up an outrage with fellow mysapceers. That has trimmed down quite a bit don't get a lot if any spam messages anymore. Myspace gives us common folk a chance to read blogs from celebs I enjoy the Matt Hardy, John Morrison, The Miz and Victoria blogs WWE ROCKS they are fabulous! Over the past couple months and most notably the past couple weeks when I send a message to one or two of my friends on mysapce my account gets phisched. I change the password try again oh your phisched again and again and again you get the picture people! So now I've managed that problem now I don't use myspace on the computer just on the G1 phone on myspace mobile much better. That is the case for choosing myspace over facebook. Now we will venture into the facebook generation. I will start by saying that facebook is a lot easier to find old classmates it lists them by first and last name alphabetically. Also facebook isn't all that flashy with the profiles it's so easy even a caveman can use it um ha ha! There are tons of applications beyond myspace comprehension and that's the bottom line. The Friend updates and what are you doing now are cool you can comment on everyone and you can write on peoples walls like I used to write and color on the floor and walls of my bedroom as a kid also used the permanent marker my mom wasn't too thrilled. Facebook is also the best way to network in all these communities and facebook is really rad. Both myspace and facebook have mobile applications which I have to say both are really solid. It has come to that time where I have to make a decision. That decison wasn't that tough and my decision is that facebook craps all over myspace and that's the bottom line because stone cold said so! The number one reason why facebook is better than myspace is my account hasn't got phisched one time it's really secure. So Oz wants to know what is your stance on this sticky debate between mysapce and facebook? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!