Friday, March 6, 2009

The Perfect Meal!

Hey friends it's the Amazing Oz back again for another epic tale of The Oz Files and you love it! So Leah thinks she's really funny giving me a three part blog topic whatever she says goes! So Leah has decided that tonight's topic is going to be what is my idea of the perfect meal? What items would it include? What would be for dessert? IF you have been reading my blogs I usually give some examples then make the big reveal this time I am going to change it up just a pinch! Since this is a pretty loaded subject I am just going to dive right into it just like I took a dive on the players and spectators bowling alley Leah loved it! Even though I don't recall that ever happening! Oz the Great and his idea of the perfect meal. Decisions decisions, I'll just put this out there as long as there is meat that is cooked that is always a good sign for me to dig in and devour what is put in front of me! On the other hand you can never go wrong with bread products because they are soo good and mighty healthy. I'd prefer a hot meal rather than a cold one that's just how it has to be. this one is for you Leah, Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Ha ha wow that was random anyways another thing would be gotta have something to drink so that definitely has to be a cold beverage! Well that covered the first of this three part question. Now the elements will now come into fruition as I peel away the layers of this blog into a masterpiece! You may ask what does your meal consist of? I'm glad you asked because I have an answer it took me a little time to think about it but I have come with a great meal. My first idea was meat pizza with root beer and bread sticks always a good choice but then cooler heads prevailed! I would first start with a nice dinner roll with butter yum! I like the ones they have at Golden Coral oh baby so fresh and gooey! I think eating that roll made me thirsty so I think I'll have a Sprite and a Strawberry Margarita Blended yummmers! The main dish is quite extravagant it's a good ole fashion pot roast. This includes onions, carrots, potatoes, beef, celery and so much more that's some good eating right there son! So that covers part two of this three question blogathon! Now every ones favorite time of the meal it's dessert time. Sir or Madam would you like a dessert menu? The response no thanks we know what we want! Leah I am sorry to break your Little heart but no it's not chocolate cake smeared all over my face wow good times though AY! My choice for desert would have to be the HUGE piece of carrot cake you get at Swinging Doors best in town they bring it on a HUGE plate wow Swinging Doors sounds better by the minute! So there ya go folks another great writing piece by the one the only wiz of oz himself! Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain! Oz wants to know what is your ideal meal? What does it consist of? What is for dessert? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!