Hey friends it's the ozomatic blogging machine at it once again are you thrilled I am. Today's blog is what is my favorite food as a kid and do I still love it? Well let's see let's start off with sloppy joes I mean sloppy joes are definitely a kids treat because they are sloppy and all kids get sloppy and your name is Joe Bonus points ha ha i kill myself! Um Pizza is always a kids favorite remember chunky cheese where a kid can be a kid? Man always had my birthday parties there such good times pizza is DA BOMB! You can't forget hot dogs they are always a great hit with the kids even I was a kid hard to believe I'll find picks I'm sure i was STRAPPING! how about baby food that is child as they get. It's a bird it's a plane no it's a spoon with terrible sauce but apple sauce is a good tasty treat. How about those rocket shaped Popsicles? This girl Kristina said and I quote" uhm they had the cherry level and the coconut goodness level and the bottom was blue raspberry which as the best part cause ur tongue would turn blue!" Thank you great comment and she's racked! My choice is the mac and cheese great stuff indeed you can't have too much mac and cheese! Can you? To answer the other part of the question do i still enjoy it? Heck ya dudes and dudets and others um well what's your flava baby? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!