Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Oz Juice!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an infomerical edition of The Oz Files. So Leah has another epic blog topic tonight and I think you will find it very entertaining. So keeping with the TV theme tonight's topic is as follows. Ok... Infomercials if I had to do a 30 minute infomercial what product would I endorse? How would I go about demonstrating this product amazingness? What would my products slogan be? When your up late at night there really isn't anything on accept for reruns and HBO movies and great infomercials. Who can forget the food dehydrator, the magic bullet and Leah's favorite the Sham Wow! I'm not a fan of the infomercials but I think this would be fun to make up a nice product to sell it. This reminds me of the time in freshmen English class at Shadle when I had to think up a product make the product and show it off in class I made a hula hoop with a covering around it I think it was like some sort of dumb thing I don't know anyways that's not important. So if you have been under a rock or your just a dumbass I'm a HUGE sports fan and I am amazing. So my infomercial has to be sports related and I think your all going to enjoy it so much! So my product is going to help a lot of people achieve there dreams and make millions. The product I have come up with pure Oz genius and yes I do have high praise of myself and I'm not going to back down from this humble attitude. The product I would push is called The Oz Juice. What is the Oz Juice? I'm glad you asked, Oz Juice isn't your typical juice found in most homes in the country. The Oz Juice is filled with steroids and comes in three flavors which are regular, diet and berry. The regular Oz Juice has more calories, diet has less calories and berry has same calories as regular but it has a sweeter taste. Think about it peeps an average guy or girl I don't want to discriminate. They drink The Oz Juice couple times a day 7 days a week and they grow into this super beast of an athlete. You go out for a tryout in some major sport and wow the scouts and boom your signed to play with a pro team. How would I demonstrate the products amazingness? You will love this I would show clips of my past clients before The Oz Juice and After. The athletes shown would be AROD Manny Barry Bonds Jose Conseco Roger Clemens Mark Mcgwire and Sammy Sosa. You would see the skinny pretty good to above average players then the after would be the superstar bulging biceps and effortless records going down. Also you would see the images of there bank accounts then you will become a believer in The Oz Juice. What is my slogan for this great product? Oz Juice where fabricated careers and dreams really do come true! This is an amazing product what would your product be? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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