Thursday, February 19, 2009

Favorite Movies?

Hey friends it's Oz again how do ya do matees? I'm doing well but that's besides the point part two of the blog today is drum roll please... What is my favorite movie? I'm sure Leah really wanted to get down deep and see what's inside this mind of mine. Well let's see there are a lot of great movies I do enjoy many of them are sport films. Football movies like Remember The Titans, We Are Marshall, The Little Giants, Friday Night Lights and a lot more. Baseball movies, of course you got the epic tale of the Sandlot, Field Of Dreams, Eight Men Out, Bull Durham and the Natural the list goes on and on. Those are just some sports movies that may be the Oz's selection for best movie. Musicals are great too. I love Sound Of Music, Annie, Cats, West Side Story, Mama Mia, Singing In The Rain and so much more. Comedies who doesn't like a good comedy? Such films as the American Pie Trilogy, Animal House, Catch Me If You Can, Meet The Parents, Zoolander, Starsky and Hutch, Wedding Crashers etc etc etc. I could go on and on about other movie genres but I won't do that it's time for the Oz to make his pick for his all time favorite movie. The envelope please... The Oz has chosen his favorite movie is Catch Me If You Can this is just a great story a true story in fact about a boy running away from home at the age of 13 or 14 scamming writing bad checks and getting away with it for 3 or 4 years with his charm and absolutely mind boggling story and the good thing about it is the real Frank Abagnale JR makes billions he created the security measures you see on checks and drivers license guys a genius loved the book lots of great stuff check them both out you won't regret it! Oz wants to know what is your favorite film and why? Until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Favorite food and why?

Hey friends it's Oz again here for another blog for your viewing pleasure. One of the topics up for discussion today is what is your favorite food and why? Food hm what a great word and speaking of food that always makes the tummy rumble. On a serious note, let's start off with spaghetti. Spaghetti and meatballs are a very nice food indeed it's from Italy and it's zesty and very healthy for you and the noodles are nice and long and the meatballs are really tasty too so you can't go wrong with spaghetti and meat balls. Now we move on to a more traditional American food which is hamburgers. I should be an expert in hamburgers I've had quite a few hamburgers in my day and let me tell you I haven't met a hamburger that I haven't liked. Yummy beef, onions. lettuce, pickles, cheese and mustard and the essentials. Let's move on to the pastries cake and pie. Cake and pie are very tasty but they tend to be very rich and very bad for your health but it's a good time had by all so pie and cake yummy what a wonderful treat yes sir! Finally the last food up for bids on the Oz is right is pizza. Pizza college kids and people of all shapes and sizes love pizza. I don't even know how many kinds of pizza you can order it's very convenient that is unless you ordered online and did not know what you were doing and ordered a pizza on a Sunday and you get the pizza Monday at 10pm UM YEAH MOVING ON! I have come to the conclusion that my favorite food is you guessed it PIZZA a good ole fashion pizza pie appeases Oz's appetite! What is your favorite food and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!