Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Camping Oh What A Thrill!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a camping edition of The Oz Files. Um I'm kina not sober at the moment I think 11 drinks may do that to ya wow I love team trivia! Um So tonights blog topic is going to be what uis my favorite place to go camping and why is ti so amazing? Leah has a genius of a mind I am sooooo happy she's awesome in everyone every wy way imaginable! So my family and I love to go camping every year we do the camping thing all the tiem. When I say my family and I that means that I am part of the family can ya dig it babes and babets and guys and gents! Um so I like to gio intertubing and I will preface this by saying I won't be using spell check because i'm kinda not doing that tongiht too much work for the OTRAIN so bare with me with the typos! As I was saying i loev interubing and I lovehow my uncle get me on the tube then he makes a sharp turns and takes me a for a ride I will never forget ummm YEAH i fly off the tube and lay out in the lake on my back with such exhausintan it was sooo amzing! We love to go fishing and the fishies in the lake and in thee deep blue sea well they are my friends and I love them and I love to eat them but I don't like to gut them because that is kinda gross but so are peaches so I geuss you get my drift! Um sooo I should probobly answer the questin then what is my favorite camping spot and why is it so amazing? Um I'd have to say the eeeee best camping spot would have to be at 7 bays on lake rosevelts ho oh bay wbaby what a rush! The campsite is quite epic with great views and lots to do I love to swim and I lovd oto jump in the water! I love to eat while camping ohhhhh what a great time had by all! Well um I think I've done a lot of damamge for one night in more ways the an one! So tell me friends and friendetss um that's not a word. hatwhat is your favorite camping spot nd what makes it so amazing? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!