Monday, February 23, 2009

Rain Or Snow The Debate Continues

Hey Friends it's Oz again for my blogging extravaganza. Let's cut right to the chase today's topic is rain or snow which is better and why? I will begin with the case for the rain drops, Why would you like rain rather than the snow? Well rain comes down and you get all wet and you might even catch a cold if your out too long. Rain is cool because when you have a thunderstorm rain is soon to follow. Rain produces puddles of rain so if you want you can play in the puddles. Tonight I found myself with a decision walk through a gigantic puddle or run into the chance of falling on ice I went with walking in the puddle. How did that turn out? Not so good my socks are soaking wet boy it was nice and chilly that is for sure. As a kid I used to catch rain on my tongue and drink it yum tasted like chicken um no just a joke there it tasted more like water. If your waiting for a ride or walking down the street and a vehicle comes by and find a puddle and goes through it fast then your screwed. I'd like to call that wipe out and one last thing do not have your cell phone out and text when it's not raining because even if it did rain and your under a building raindrops might fall into your keypad. Hm this sounds oh so familiar Leah gotta love those alien text had to get a replacement! One last thing you gotta love Singing In The Rain! Now it's time for the snow debate! As a kid I loved the snow you can build snow angels and make snowmen and have snowball fights and even go sledding or skiing. Wow those were the good ole days! Let's fast forward a few years and now as an older person I'd have to say snow is a drag. You have to shovel the snow and the snow turns into ice. If you drive in the snow it's hard to drive in even with snow tired. Snow delays flights especially during the holiday season now I don't think you would want to deprive your loved ones of your presence. A couple inches here and there of snow is fine but when you get 6 feet of snow in 2 weeks that's another horse of a different color. This brings me to a story a very bad experience if you ask me. I was walking on the sidewalk well not really a sidewalk I'd like to call it a snow bank and both feet got stuck in the snow and one of my shoes got stuck and buried in the snow. I tried pulling that sucker out of the snow with no gloves on for a better part of 45 minutes. There were times I had to lay there for awhile to compose myself I kept yelling and praying and almost came to tears! Thanks for listening to that heart felt story and I will always remember the day that Oz's shoe got the business. Now it is time to make up my mind which do I prefer? Is it snow? Or is it rain? Hm based on the above information I don't think this will come to a shock to anyone but I'd rather have the rain than the snow. Raindrops falling down having thunder storms are okay in my book. The reason why rain is so good is because I said so and that's the bottom line. What is your choice do you have any good or bad memories about the rain or snow? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!