Hey friends it's Oz here for an OH Christmas Tree edition of The Oz Files! So this is the blog that was supposed to be last night's blog but I was consumed by WWE programming and sports talk so I had to catch up! So the first blog today is the last memory blog and this one from Leah is funniest drunken memory (diving practice at the bowling alley excluded lol! Ha so I've had a lot of stories when I have been in a drunken state but none of them will come close to this one fabulous night in the northwest! So this happened a few years ago when I was experimenting with drinking and wow what a night! I went over to a guys house for a beer BBQ! What is a beer BBQ apparently it's where you have a BBQ with a lot of beer and other alcohol! I don't like beer but apparently on this night I did and I drank A LOT! I had like 5 or 6 hamburgs couple hot dogs and 9 beers and like a 5Th of vodka! I had some whiskey too wow I was an animal back in the day! I was so hammered that I was in the backyard with my pants down singing oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree! Oh my goodness I did not remember this but this is what I was told. Also I was so hammered my friend was trying to get me to drink some water and I said no I don't' want that water! So he said it's VODKA and I drank that down and soon after I threw up everywhere! I slept outside in a sleeping bag and it rained that night and when I woke up oh my GOODNESS! I had the worst hangover in world history it got worse because when I got inside the house they blasted the music just to piss me off and my head was spinning! To top it all off I had to go to Sylvan Learning Center that morning for some math for an hour and oh my goodness was that a riot! I told my Tudor or whatever that I was a bit hungover and he thought it was fantastic! At the end of the lesson or whatever he said a letter I had to say a word that started with that letter and might I mind you I had a teenager also at the table so it was epicness! B Beer, V Vodka, W whiskey...... So we all had a nice laugh and after that whole thing went down I went back to my friends house not the one we had the beer BBQ but his house and I layed down for several hours. We finally went out for dinner and played mini golf at wonderland um one of my friends at the time did a full swing wow stupid! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!
I like to consume a good hamburger after I drink some beers.