Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Sports Nightmare!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a sports nightmare edition of The Oz Files. This blog is meant to be tonight's blog but we got two so this one is going to be epic. Leah has decided that when I wake up and the world seems to have no knowledge of sports. There are no sports teams, no sports shows or magazines, and even P.E. class doesn't exist. What would be my initial reaction be? Would I introduce sports to everyone? If so, how would you go about doing this and what sport would I start with? Oz wakes up and the worst possible thing could happen. Oz realizes all of mankind accept for him has no knowledge of sports. My goodness no sports talk shows oh my goodness I don't even know what to think. Just 24 hours ago the whole universe knew about sports and now a disease has stricken the whole universe and only one man has the knowledge that is sports mania. What has the world come to? With no Physical Education classes we gotta think about the kids. What happened to all the sports teams NFL,NBA,MLB,NHL and so much more? Even Tiger Woods has no recollection of what golf is this breaks my heart oh so much. The worst thing sis there is no ESPN or Sportscenter and no fantasy sports what has the world come to? Will Oz reach out to the millions that need the sports knowledge? The answer is simple and the answer is a resounding YES! How would I reach my lending hand to all the peeps? I would hold a sports seminar and it would be a very basic ABC 123 format. We gotta start with the basics. What sport would I start with the obvious the easy sport to break down America's Past time baseball. I don't want to beak it down to you all because it would be long and drawn out but you know what it's all about. What would you do if this happened? Well until next time may The Oz Always be with you so long!

The Switcharoo!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a out of body experience edition of The Oz Files. So last night Leah forgot to get me the topic early last night because I was headed out to trivia. She gave it to me while at trivia it was her bad she's sorry and that's that it's all good baby! So tonight we get to do two topics. So our first topic is What would I do if I woke up in another persons body? Wow this kind of reminds me of that movie BIG. Tom Hanks wishes he was big and he was this 30 year old in a 12 year olds body. It made for great comedic theatre and got a lot of laughs. It was his body but kind wasn't so I thought it was really epic. I am just putting this out there let's just say I woke up in Leah's body and wow what would Oz do? I'd wake up and I'd be like ohhhh YAY it's gonna be a great day. If I were in Leah's body I'd be so sad because I was such a tiny thing. I'd have to use a ladder to see many many things. I know for a fact that I'd go after that Strawberry Shortcake blanket Awww the pink blankie. The next thing I'd do in the Stafford body would be do hat little snickering laugh that she does that I find very entertaining. Ummm So I think I would also like to a ton of jumping jacks and also do a few back flips. Also I'd like to watch the wiz in my handy dandy DVD player and I know I would love it! Well that's what I gotta say on this big subject. What would you do in somebodyelses body? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!