Monday, March 23, 2009

Ozzie's Phone Oh The Possibilities!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a great edition of The Oz Files. This may be a shorter blog than usual because I have to get up at 5 AM YAY ME! So Leah has decided that my blog tonight will be about my new phone the G1 and how awesome it is! So friends let me tell ya I've had flip phones before that's all I have had but now I go into the world of touch screen navigation and so much more I will get into that in a minute. The G1 is Tmobiles Google phone it's conquerable to the IPHONE with AT&T but I think it's a better phone but that is my humble and professional opinion! The G1 has many applications such as you tube, weather channel, android tunes, amazon mp3, cool messaging applications and there are toooooo many to count but if you get to play around with my phone you wont' be able to put it down. You can also check show times on my phone with one simple click and also get coupons that you can send to email and print them out so awesome. There is a battery life manager that saves your battery it's quite amazing. The keyboard flips down when you text and when you type in web addresses and you can can check your email it checks for email every 5 minutes! I got myspace mobile, Facebook mobile and twitdroid which is for twitter it's so amazing. You can get countless games for free or you can buy some games but it's real nice. On all the applications and games there are user reviews so you can see if you want to get it or not. This is the best phone eon the planet boys and girls and one other thing why it's so great it's because the great Oz owns it and I am awesome! It has GPS so you can track your phone down if you lose it by sending your friends a text message with a pin and all they gotta do is send a text out and it will find the phone wow love technology. Wow I could go on and on about this great phone but I have to go to bed! Forgot one more thing you can do google search right from desktop there are three pages of stuff where you can put your icons and you can speak into the phone and do a google search that way totally awesome. If I could use it as a ping pong paddle I would but I won't and it can scan items with bar codes and give you different prices at different stores for the same item. Well what do you think of the G1? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!