Monday, June 22, 2009

Shoe Digging What A Thrill!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a snowy edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog is yet another memory theme and Leah wants to know a snowy memory good or bad? Well this memory is so recent it just happened this past nasty winter in Spokane Washington USA! This is one winter I will never forget and I am sure people who went through will never forget we will always remember that nasty cold winter of 2008! Let me set the stage for ya we had below freezing temps and we got 26 inches of snow at least in a four day period um yes sucks to be us! Okay I was walking to the bus stop on a cold, wet and icy morning on my way to work. I was afraid to get hit by a car while walking in the street so I hopped up on the sidewalk oh I mean the very deep snowbank! I was walking just fine but all of a sudden one of my feet get stuck deep in the snow I was able to pull my foot out but my shoe was buried deep down! What was I to think? I was kinda freaking out with my shoe way down there and I had no no gloves so it was going to be awhile before that shoe got out. I was thinking maybe it wouldn't come out until the snow melted and that was quite some time later weeks later! I tried to dig that shoe out with all my might and with all my strength but nothing was coming easy. So I texted Leah about this and boy she was sad about this and there was a good chance I wouldn't be to work on time. So I called work and told them what happened and of course they were kinda in awe about the whole thing but shocked I don't think they were in shock because I think they expect that out of the Oz. While digging in the snow my hands were getting red which wasn't a good sign. At one point I just layed there for a few minutes I was so exhausted and wore out I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to work at all! My hands were frozen solid my foot without the shoe was freezing and sock was soaking wet and I was in miserable shape. Um 45 minutes later from the time the shoe was stuck I digged it out and I yelled THANK YOU GOD! I put my shoe on and my foot got a lot colder because when I jumped off the snowbank I jumped in a big puddle of water. Believe it or not but I did make it to work on time and I was so cold that day. A hot shower that night was a recipe for success! Oh I wish no ill will on anyone like that well there is one person and I think someone else knows who that is! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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