Friday, June 12, 2009

Small Town USA!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a small town edition of The Oz Files. Tonight I was going to write about the worst parts of summer but while I was looking into it I have decided that it's gonna be about the five smallest town in America. The top five towns not to visit at anytime. I have also decided that every free write Friday I'll be finding a topic to research and show you my peeps what's going down. I'm a city boy and I love the big cities Seattle, San Fransisco, Las Vegas and Edmonton ETC. So we will start from the bottom and go to the top that is how I be rolling tonight boys and girls! So the first town is huge compared to the others I will mention in this blog. Our travels start out in the Midwest to the lovely state of South Dakota which we visit White Rock, South Dakota population 18! Okay so seriously peeps what would you do in a town that had a population of 18? The only thing I can see happening in that town that is productive is go to the sandlot if there is one and play 9 on 9 baseball. If you played America's past time in small town America now that's nostalgic. Beyond that I don't think there is much else you can do besides reproduce and maybe increase the population to perhaps one day a city not a small town in the middle of nowhere USA. Okay so we now move on to the great town of Tenney, Minnesota population 6 oh snap! Wow what a great population we have here you have enough people to play 3 on 3 basketball or get a wrestling match going 3 on 3 tag team battle or 6 way match that would be sick! When you have a population of 6 people the reality is these people are most likely from the same family. If not there might be two families down there. I don't think there is no cell service or Comcast or dish service!!! What on earth would you do besides twiddling your thumbs and reproducing? I don't have those answers that you seek because I don't live there and wouldn't want to live there. Our adventure brings us to Lost Springs, Wyoming which had a population of 4 in year 2000 and grew to a whipping 5 in 2002. I guess somebody had a baby or someone actually thought it would be a cool idea to move to a hick town. What to do with a population of 5 people I guess a good game of duck duck goose is in order! That about covers it thought oh yeah so exciting! The final 2 destinations are tied with 0 population and they are the lovely Hoot Owl, Oklahoma and Glenwood Plantation, Maine! Wow I guess when they say we are just passing through I guess they weren't kidding! These towns are so bad nobody wants to live there I mean if you did live there you can do whatever you wanted too! That would be pretty kick ass! Um I don't know what to say can there really be a town with a population of zero? Well apparently there can be and this makes no sense but these are my thoughts! What do you think of these towns? Also I would steer clear of Rockford, Washington and Harmony, California. Rockford, Washington is my choice and Harmony, California is Leah's choice! Well until next time may The Oz always be with you so long!