Sunday, March 8, 2009

Elvis and Aliens!

Hey friends it's Oz again for a very a revealing edition of The Oz Files! Tonight Leah has decided to let me choose a topic and I have to let you know choosing a topic is hard to do! She's got mad skillz yo! Anyways I have come to the decision to talk about drum roll please... Bam bam bam Was Elvis abducted by Aliens? There are a lot of people out there who think that Elvis is still alive and there are those who think he died of an overdose. So what really happened to the king of rock and roll? This serious subject is one that can't be taken lightly. I will first say that those who think that Elvis is still alive may be right because it is an opinion and may be the wrong one but an opinion none the less! If Elvis is still living on planet earth then why hasn't anyone seen him? Has his looks gone by the waste side and he now looks like a common man if he was still alive he would be 74 years old! Word on the street is that there have been Elvis sightings all across the world wow why haven't I seen him? All I ask is for a glimpse! There are others who say the king is dead! All signs point to this to be true but how can you rely on death certificates people? It is reported that he died of a heart attack and there was a reported 14 drugs in his system and was pronounced dead on arrival! Can you really trust what you hear they are saying the autopsy results won't be available to the public until 2027. That is 50 years after his supposed death! These are all great stories but this is actually what went down. Elvis was enjoying his life down in Memphis and all of a sudden in the blink of an eye he saw something flying in the air! Elvis couldn't believe his eyes he thought it was superman but to his surprise it was a flying object in the air. That's right a flying saucer was approaching his residence and he had no idea what do think. Once they landed he got down on his knees and the aliens said Elvis you are the king of rock and roll and we want to be just like you. Elvis responded there is only one King of rock and roll and at that point the aliens abducted Elvis from his home and he hasn't been heard from since! The mystery continues and will be continued. Ha ha um what do I really think what happened of course he's a dead man there is no debating this but I appreciate your time and energy everyone! What do you think happened to the King of Rock and Roll? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!