Monday, March 2, 2009

Potato Madness

Hey Friends it's Oz here back again for yet another mind blowing out of body experience we like to call The Oz Files! Today's discussion will be about potatoes they can be cooked in sooo many ways but which is best? That's why I'm here to come up with some hum dingers to see what really is the best way to cook a potato. Let's start with hash browns because potatoes make good breakfast foods. hash browns have that distinct taste and you can't just have one taste you have to have several until you finish off the good ole hash browns. Potatoes are good mashed because you know on Thanksgiving or Christmas mashed potatoes are one of the great American staples in this great country of course. Now potatoes are good scalloped having it that way is just so delightful it makes your heart go number for only a moment! I could eat scalloped potatoes every day for the rest of my life them is good eating I reckon! How about the All American french fries I mean french fries are pretty popular anywhere you go! Each restaurant establishment makes them different some have curly some are regular some are waffle fries depends what floats your boat and please don't sink your boat that would be sad! Okay now I have come to the point where I am going to make my huge reveal on how Oz likes his potatoes cooked. I sure love my jo-joes I mean who doesn't like them? They are huge and nice and soft and really good anytime of the year. My friend Lindsey was quoted by saying, "Hoe-hoes Theresa like dem jo-joes!" That is a great quote and very profound well done. So Jo-joes are definitely a hit with Lynz and Myself the great and powerful wizard of Oz! Oz wants to know what is your favorite way potatoes are cooked? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!