Thursday, April 2, 2009

The One And Only Oz!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a family edition of The Oz Files. Today's blog topic is going to be I'm an only child and what are some advantages and disadvantages and did I enjoy being an only child? Wow what a great question from Leah and I think I can answer these questions for your viewing pleasure. Well this may be short and sweet but we will see how things progress. It is true I am an only child and when I was younger I thought it was called a lonely child so I kept telling people I'm a lonely child over and over again and people were quite taken back. So I guess it's called an only child which I guess makes some sense. Now with all that being said I will first talk about some advantages about being an only child has been like. The way I look at it is this when your an only child with no brothers or sisters you get all the attention. It's quite possible that you may have been spoiled from all your relatives especially your grandparents and of course mother dearest. Being the only child meant that you could do a lot of things and get away with it like you know coloring my bedroom floor with markers and crayon and labeling my walls with permanent black markers! A huge advantage is that I have nobody to compete with for TV viewing it's all mine and I'll take it all please with an order of fries on the side thanks so much! Those are just some advantages I am sure there could be more but I'll leave it at those couple right there. I shall now talk about the disadvantages of being an only child. First off I think that being an only child you yearn for that brother or sister that you wish you had. I always wished I could get a sister to tease and boss around. That did not happen but I'm okay with that and another thing that I do not like about being an only child is you tend to talk to yourself quite a bit because you have nobody to talk or play with. I can recall many times playing catch with a football or baseball or frisbee by myself wow I could sure blaze those parks with my Nike's! Another bummer deal about being an only child was that when you were in team sports like I was with YMCA soccer and basketball I sucked by the way just in case you were interested. There would be parents with multiple kids on a team and they would be saying those are my boys or girls! When I was playing my mom would be like that's my boy and I had to bring multiple family members to cheer me on just to make up for the fact that I only would have had one supporter. I don't know I just made that up but it sounded good at the time about the support at youth events! I'd like to say that I did play and I did suck and that is no lie! I now will answer the question of did I enjoy being an only child? With all the information I have provided I'd have to say that it's been a great experience. I did follow my shadow a few times thinking it was a guy trying to get me but all in all I'd say I turned out alright but maybe some don't agree ha ha ha! Anyways what are your thoughts on the only child discussion? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!