Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Worst TV Show Of Mankind!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a swan song edition of The Oz Files. Well we are doing two blogs tonight because Leah thought she sent the topic from last night like at 9 something but it was in her outbox so she sent it to me around 1230AM so now we just gotta do double duty and this last TV themed blog is going to knock your socks off. I have been doing some hard research today to see what show to come up with. The blog topic is what is the worst TV show of all time? What makes this show so terrible? Is it still on the air? If so, what could be done to improve the show? If not, why do I think the show got cancelled? All right guys and gals I went on Google today and hunted and pecked for the worst show of all time. There was a close second but this one is the worst show of all time and I got all sorts of evidence to back it up. The second worst TV show is VIVA Laughin look it up and you will know why. The worst TV show of all time is one that everyone who is reading this probably hasn't heard of it. I never heard of it because the show was way down under in Australia. This show was called Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos! Wow is it hot in here oh yes you can draw your conclusions here. I will now reference Office Space It's a jump to conclusions mat! What makes this show so terrible? It was a 1992 series spun off from Australia's Funniest Home Video Show, hosted by Doug Mulray. This show was actually cancelled during its first episode when then-Nine Network owner Kerry Packer called the station and ordered the show be taken off the air. After a commercial break, the network cut to a rerun of Cheers citing technical difficulties. It was shown in a repackaged version on August 28, 2008. There is some difference of opinion as to whether this was intended as a special or as an actual series. When you have a show get canned during your first show and you don't get to finish it. I think that classifies as the worst show of all time. I must say showing Cheers isn't a bad alternative NORM! Finally why do I think the show was cancelled? I never saw the show and most of Australia apparently did not get to watch the show. My opinion is that the name of the show says it all Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos. I don't know what people are thinking of having these shows air when naughty is part of the show. That's why they live DOWN UNDER G'day MATES! What do you think about this topic? If this isn't the winner which one is it? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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