Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cats Vs Dogs what's your choice?

Hey Friends Oz is at it again. Today's subject is Cats Vs Dogs which do you prefer? I have two cats I've had a dog before so this one is a real close call. Let me start off with the cats debate. Cats are cute and cuddly and when they want to eat they will meow at you until they get what they want. Cats have claws and they really hurt if you are not careful. If you get a cat make sure you declaw them so they do not tear up the house. Cats like to rub there heads against several objects such as purses, bags, other people and many others. Cats like to clean themselves daily so I would consider them very high maintenance. Some cats walk around with their heads held high thinking they are all that and a bag of chips but us owners know otherwise. Kitty Cats are well potty trained for the most part but one of my cats Pistol he's an older cat and he likes to poop on the floor and sometimes in the litter box Jazzy a cute little thing about 2 or 3 years of age knows how to do her business she's such a good cat. Cats also like to play a lot tackling each other and lick each other so it's a little of give and take. That is the argument for the Cat. Now I make the case for the dog. Dogs come in all different shapes and sizes and a lot of dogs like to smother you with kisses. Which is a definite plus but if you don't like dogs maybe your not all for the dogs. Dogs are definitely a man's best friend and that will never change. There are some dogs that are meant for hunting or guard dogs in those cases dogs can be a very dangerous animal who can be put to sleep because they bite some innocent person and that is very sad. Dogs are very blunt about marking there territory when they make there mark you know not to cross the line. Dogs are good for playing fetch with a Frisbee, going to the lake or go camping. Dogs make good companions for the blind being guide dogs which I think is very very cool. With all this said it's time for Oz to come to his conclusion. Do I prefer Cats or Dogs? It's a very tough call I have to admit but when it comes down to it. I have to give the nod to the feline the cats because they are less of a hassle to clean up and they are a smaller breed of animal and they are so soft but I also love dogs but in this case Cats get the slight edge! I have a couple of closing thoughts. What is your preference? Cats or Dogs? Man's best friend or do you like Garfield? Why do you like one or the other? Until next time may Oz always be with you!