Thursday, June 18, 2009

Party At Oz's House!

Hey peeps this is the blog from Leah she did not state what the topic was so I'll do that before I post her amazing thoughts. Since I Oz got a new schedule Monday through Friday 7am to 3:30pm we have decided Leah is going to do a blog every Wednesday it's going to be amazing! Anyways I gave her the topic to write a story with the words funky monkey, The Wiz, Halloween and jellybeans. Ozzie was excited about his birthday. It was October 20Th, and his birthday is on Halloween, so he had 11 days to get his party planning done. He had chosen a costume party theme, since it seemed appropriate for the holiday as well. He had some problems choosing a costume… Should he be a witch, a princess, or his all time favorite movie character, the Wiz? “Tough decision,” he thought, “so I will work on food planning. I’m definitely going to have big bowl of jellybeans! And a food buffet with lots of margaritas on the side!” He got all the of the food arranged, and decided that he was going to be one of the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz instead of his original choices. The costume was amazing, and really made him look like a giant flying monkey! The day of the party came, and tons of people showed up. There were mermaids, ghosts, witches, and even a cross dresser! Overall the party was definitely a hit. Once the trick-or-treaters stopped interrupting with knocks at the door, Ozzie busted out in a totally awesome dance, which he named the “funky monkey”. Everyone loved it and they begged for an encore. The party went on until the early morning hours, and everyone was very hung over the next day, but they thought it was worth it. They are all looking forward to the next birthday party…

Stranded On An Island HELP!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another great edition of The Oz Files. Sorry I was MIA yesterday but Leah was going to do a blog last night but her internet crapped so she did it today and is going to email me the blog so I can post it for our peeps. However her internet crapped again so the blog from yesterday hopefully should be posted this weekend so now we got all that cleared up. Leah has come up with the creative writing blog topic this fine Thursday evening. I am stranded on an island and the only thing that me it to the shore with me when my canoe sunk in the middle of the ocean was a tarp, a giant mirror and a fun noodle, like you use in the pool. What will I do with these items? How will these things help me service until I am rescued? I think this topic is super fantastic. Oh no Oz was on a canoe but it sank but I survived because I am so amazing like that! All I have is a tarp, a giant mirror and a fun noodle. Oh boy I don't know what I can do with these items but I think we can figure this out. I will use the tarp to sleep on and make beach angels and probably get a nasty sunburn but the peeling process is fabulous! With the giant mirror I would be posing all day long and flexing my biceps of steel. I would say "Hey Sexy how you doin?" The mirror would also be a good fuel for making a fire if I could find a magnifying glass but that won't happen so I would just pose all the time! Oh and the fun noodle I would just practice my Ichiro swings with it I wold be so hip and groovy! I would also take it on the water and float around a bit to pass the time. How will these amazing items help me survive until I am rescued? All I will say is they will see the bright yellow tarp and a huge mirror and a guy swinging his fun noodle. With all that being said who wouldn't want to save me because yes I am that good and you know it! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!