Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Big Brother Is Watching!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a reality show edition of The Oz Files. Hey everybody I'm not reallyh sober tight now but I'll do the best I can but there will be no spell check so dig with me my boys and gals! So Leah provided the subject once again and I think it's quite amazing! The subject is out of any reality game show which do I think I would win? What tactics would I use and what would I do with the prize? Would I try to be in the lead throughout the entire show? Or would I go for a surpise win? So I love reality TV I love American Idol, Survivor, The Amazing Race and Big Brother. That about covers myh realtiy show viewing and I think they are all great shows. However I think that Big Brother is an amazing game and a lot of stradegy and a lot of fun to talk with the people in the house and all the grat epic challenges! Big Brother is a game that 12 strangers are placed in a house and they gotta survie the other 11 and the winner gets a nice check of like 500 thousand or soemthign like that. A lot of drama goes down but I think it's fantastic. Backstabbing is incredibly amazing and I think tit's it's really epic! Peiople play both sides and durring head of household competitons are always amazing and I hope I win them all so I can be in charge always ! All I can say is don't lose the food competion because you will have to eat SLOP for one week and from what I hear it's some nsty nasty suff oh yeah! The tactics I would use is be the nice guy play both sides and eventually choose one side and go as far as I can. Make bonds for life and hope the people like me so they won't vote me out of the house of luxy. Now the thing is the bad thing abotu Big Brother is your cut off from all outside communiATOIN YOU DON'T KNOW what's going on and being a sports fan I'd be dying with anticipationthat woudl be sooooooo annoying! If I won what would I do with the prize? If I woud have won Big Brother i'd buy a nice house and a bowling alley in the house so I can flop on my face but I think it would be a good time right LEAH! Finally the question of would I be in the lad thorughout or be unhder the radar? I think Oz would go under the radar then make my mnove in the last couple weeks and prounce on my prey and win the finals and be amazing and be epic superhereo status! n These are the thoughs of Oz. What do you think? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!