Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lost In Olympia!

Hey friends it's Oz here back in the saddle again for a lost in Olympia edition of The Oz Files. Leah proding the topics again and tonight is what is my favorite memory with my mother? Well this one took me awhile to think of one and by George I've got it! All of a sudden while playing farm town wtih Leah the light turnne on and this is going to be epic and fantastic! So my mom, my friend at the time James we lost touch and yours truelly headed from Spokane to Olympia for a ncie weekend on an islanbd outsie of Olympia to visit friends at the time lost touch and to watch Mariners and the Yankees in the Kingdome. Do we sense a theme here? Anyways so we stop for food along the way that is not important but I like to share with my people. Ha so we get to Olympia and we are trying nto get out of Olympia the lovely captial of Washingotn. Um it took us awhile we kept going past the state capital like 10 times wow we go rund and round and round! I though tit was fantastic I was laughing so hard my mom wasn't amused we did hae a state map wow that did not help. That was the night Randy Johnson was dealt to the Houston Astros it came down on the radio so that was where I was when that happened! So my mom went to a pay phone calle dour friends at the time and there husband came down and got us and all was well and we watched the Marienrs lose taht weekend great! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Fun(ny) TImes In Cali!

Tonight’s topic:
Well, you’re a Cali girl, so Oz wants to know what are some memorable moments in Cali and memorable moments from Oz’s Halloween party?
In case you couldn’t tell, this is not Ozzie. This is Leah, and I was informed tonight that I am required to state my name before my blog so people do not get mixed up.

Hmmm… My favorite memory of California? There are almost too many. I guess I’ll talk about a funny memory from when I was a kid. My family (immediate & extended family) was staying up at my aunt & uncle’s cabin at Shaver Lake. We pretty much spent the week fishing and enjoying Shaver Lake & Huntington Lake. I was about four years old. . My older cousins were about seven and eight, my older brother was about six. My younger brother was just about two, so he was probably just chilling in his diaper or something. My dad and grandpa enjoyed themselves trying to scare the pee out of us at night with stories of bears sneaking into cabins. One day, we were just hanging out playing board games while our moms cooked and my dad, uncle, and grandpa went into town. My older brother was looking out the window and started saying that he saw a bear. We all ran to the front window, not sure whether to be scared or excited. We saw a bear. It was standing by the cars, walking around a bit. It started walking towards the cabin and got on the deck. At this time, my dad came in the back door, asked us what was going on, and pulled out his video camera to capture the event forever. We all watched as the bear sat on the deck like it didn’t know what to do. It got up and was walking towards the front door. We all screamed, and the door opened. The bear came in, and for some reason, my mom told us that we should go hide in the bathroom. The four of us kids were in the bathtub (yeah, it was a funny sight) and were pretty much screaming. My mom stood near us, and my dad was busy with his video camera, making sure to get the bear n some good shots, and the looks on our faces. The bear followed us into the bathroom, and when our screaming got louder, and we were closing the shower curtain, it pulled its head off. My grandpa’s smiling face was underneath. Apparently he and my dad had the genius idea to drive to the nearest costume shop and rent a bear suit. Such nice people. The video is amazing, and I don’t think I’ve ever been able to watch it without laughing out loud. I haven’t seen it in years, but I kind of want to steal it from my dad’s house so I can watch it again. I guess I really shouldn’t have been surprised at the bear costume, seeing as my grandpa rents a chicken suit every year for Halloween!
Oh, I guess I was supposed to write about memories, not just one memory. Um… After my aunt & uncle sold their cabin, pretty much all of our vacation were spent at either Disneyland or Pismo Beach. One year, when I was in 3rd grade, the El Nino storm system was taking a toll on southern California. My parents had planned a Spring trip to Disneyland months in advance, and we had 2 day passes for our family and my grandma, plus reservations at the Disneyland Hotel. It had pretty much been raining for days, but we had already planned the trip, and were determined to go. We got lots of umbrellas to prepare, and we had some very attractive rain ponchos. (I find it incredible that my mom was able to find 7 rain ponchos in the city of Bakersfield to begin with… yay for Wal-Mart!). We got to Disneyland, and the weather was clear for a few hours, then the storm hit hard. It seemed like the park was emptying out pretty rapidly. There were no lines for the rides, and it was amazing! We rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and there was no line at all when we were done, so they let us stay in the boat and go a few more rounds! We rode Peter Pan’s Flight, Splash Mountain, the Dumbo ride, the teacups, and so many more. The amount of rides we got in during that 2 day trip was crazy. That was definitely my favorite trip to Disneyland. =)
As for the most memorable moments of Oz’s Halloween party in’07... I think I’ll just point out a few highlights. There was lots of picture taking when I got there. And Oz was striking poses, dressed up as Uncle Fester. I was a hippie, Noelle was a cowgirl, Amari was a pirate wench, there was a cop, and there were some other creative costumes. I remember the alcohol was flowing, and Ozzie was singing to everyone. For some reason, he laid in the leaves under the big tree in his backyard for a while and it almost looked like he was trying to make snow angels. Fun times. Lol.

Well, I think I wrote enough already, so that is all
. Bye Bye!