Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gotta Love The BBQ!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a BBQ edition of The Oz Files. Summer time is just around the corner and one of the great American traditions is about to happen all across this great nation. What is this great tradition? It's BBQ a little BBQ never hurt anyone and I will be talking about some great BBQ delights. What are my favorite BBQ treats? What are my least favorite BBQ treats? What's good to drink at a BBQ? What sort of activities do I enjoy at a good ole fashion BBQ? Finally what are my thoughts on BBQ sauce? BBQ is huge down in the south and from what I hear they do a damn good job at the BBQ prowess. I think what they do down south is the BBQ ribs with smothering of BBQ sauce and probably lots of chicken and beer. What are Oz's favorite BBQ tasty treats? My all time favorite BBQ food is a nice double cheeseburger with all the fixings minus the tomato. The taste of a BBQ hamburger is something to savor I think it's what they call BBQ divinity. I also like BBQ hot dogs wow those are sooo goood and very juicy. Just put some mustard, relish and onions and hold the ketchup and sauerkraut. I really enjoy the solid chips that are always showing up at BBQ. What are some BBQ treats I do not like as much? Well BBQ chicken isn't on the top of the list but if it's on a plate I'll eat it and I'll devour. It's pretty good but it can't beat the above tasty treats. Without a doubt the most hated loathed BBQ food is potato salad. Yuck that stuff makes me yack so my family tries to tease me with the potato salad yuck yuck and yuck! While your eating at the BBQ I think you may grow thirsty. I tend to enjoy the kooloaid and lemonade at a BBQ. Some people like beer and other drinks but you can't go wrong with lemonade and koolaid! A good BBQ has some fun activities and I will share my favorite activities. I really enjoy playing volleyball at a nice BBQ when I play the volleyball at a BBQ the competitive juices get flowing ya dig! I also love hitting the birdie around in a circle with badminton racquet's that's always a good time at my aunts house! Played in the rain for several hours at the Easter BBQ party wow that was such an epic time! What are my thoughts of BBQ sauce. It's simple I don't like it and I don't care for it which is the same thing. I think the taste of BBQ sauce is foul but many people love it more power to ya! I do have a story to tell about a BBQ years ago in good ole Rockford Washington USA. We were having a BBQ and I go make my hamburger and get everything on the bun. I go sit down and look down at my pathetic plate and I realize I forgot to grab the most important part and that was the hamburger! Wow I really got razzed about that but that was a fun time in my life. What are your thoughts on BBQ? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!