Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Genie In A Bottle!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a magical edition of The Oz Files. Today's topic is if I came across a magic lamp with a genie that gives you three wishes what would they be? Well friends this is going to be one heck of thrill ride into the life and times of the amazing Ozzie Whitehead the 3rd and his three wishes! If I came across a magic lamp and a genie popped out that said I will grant you three wishes and what would they be? This definitely took some collaboration the first wish I thought up myself the last two Lyndsey and I came up with and they are going to be sooo epic! My first wish would definitely have to be winning the state lottery. I would love to have the security that I would not have to work again and I can relax and have a jolly good time mates. I could buy a house or maybe even hire a maid to do my dirty work. It's not that bad of a first wish you definitely want to be set and that is my first wish on the docket. That is one down and two to go and let me tell you folks these are going to make you pee a little bit in your pants if your not careful from laughing so hard. So my second wish definitely has to be we have to make a stand an abolishing all flannel and that's the bottom line. There are no ifs ands or buts. The reason for this is that flannel smells like vomit and it looks like vomit too. Furthermore I don't think you want your flannel smelling like AL BORLIN. I don't think so TIM! I think what he's trying to convey here is he hates his flannel and he wants to transition to sweaters. The most important reason why I am going to abolish flannel is that it's meant for old people who have bad comb overs hmmmm remind you of anyone? It is now time for my third and final wish and this one is going to shock and amaze the nation. You know what I really want more than winning the lottery or abolishing flannel would be you guessed it WORLD PEACE. I believe that world peace is what is holding this nation back to become a great kind gentle hearted nation. Instead of guns and war there would be roses and chocolate sent overseas and all across this great nation. Who really needs war I mean all we want is to be loved right? How about you just show me a little tender loving care that is all I ask of this great world of ours. World Peace is just what the doctor ordered and while were on the subjects of doctors could I get DR PEPPER man them are tasty! So world peace would make this world a better place for all humanity but flannel won't be a part of this whole equation obviously! So there ya have it my three wishes in a nutshell hope you enjoyed this great collaboration. What would your three wishes be? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cattle VS Poultry!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a fresh edition of The Oz Files. Leah had to work later so I got a topic from Kali and Christian what a lovely couple! Today's topic will be the debate Cattle VS Poultry which one is better and why? Let's start off with the poultry side of the spectrum shall we. Poultry consists of different types of birds which include chickens, ducks, turkeys, gooses, mute swan and others that will be named nameless. The birds that are mentioned are a good source of laying eggs so we can all have those super duper omelette's at Denny's or wherever you prefer. Without eggs we couldn't make those delicious cakes or even have scrambled eggs or however you like your eggs Sam I am! I hate to see animals die but I don't mind eating them yummy! Chickens are good fried, barbecued or even crispy. I don't like chicken on ham burgers or on pizza that is just silliness I tell ya. Then you have the turkey which is especially present in the holiday seasons a lot of turkeys gave there lives to this great country to be a feast on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. I tip my hat to those poor turkeys I commend your efforts as you rest in peace! I like ducks because they are at riverfront park and I feed them loaves of bread and they are so cute! I will never eat a duck because that's now how I roll but I hear John Madden enjoys his turducken I turkey stuffed inside a duck or visa say weird COMBO! The last poultry item up for grabs is the mute goose so I guess that means it doesn't make any sounds like the ones at Riverfront Park. I find those geese annoying but they do love it when I feed them bread and they get reeeeeeeeeeeal close to me which I kinda get jumpy but you know it's all good boys and girls! I guess they use the geese for there feathers according to wikipedia. So now we move on to the cattle and the animals include cows,oxen,steers and bulls. Well when you think of cows all I gotta say is got milk? I love to hear cows say moooooooooooooo! Cows are a good source of the meat supply as I said before I hate to see animals get killed besides fish but I do enjoy the benefits of the slaughter! How about an oxen well I haven't heard of anybody eating an oxen so if you have eaten or have heard of it being eaten please let me know! A steer hmm I don't know what a steer is only the steer in restaurant so I guess it has something to do with milkshakes and hamburgers ha ha ha! Finally you got the bulls now I haven't heard of anyone eating bulls either but I'm sure it happens from time to time! My favorite thing about bulls are the bull riding at the rodeo YEEEEEEEEE HAW RIDEM COWBOY! You can't go wrong with either the poultry or the cattle but I think i can sum it up like this. The poultry swear and the cattle correct them on there "FOWL" language ha ha couldn't resist! So what are your thoughts on this topic? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Planet Ozziewood!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an out of this world edition of The Oz Files. Today's blog topic was inspired by Leah watching the movie Monsters VS Aliens. Tonight's topic is going to be what planet would I visit and what would I do there? I am not a fan of the solar system or astronomy for that matter however I have been given a mission and I will complete it. I will start things off by saying that getting to this planet of my choosing will be a tough task I don't have an extra space shuttle lying around or any astronaut suits laying around but I will go on like I do have them at my disposal. I was thinking of choosing Mars because of the whole red planet thing but I have decided to choose Saturn because of the epic rings around it. What would I do on Saturn? I would first have to bring up some friends of mine because I would hate to be on planet Saturn all by my lonesome just twiddling my thumbs all day! The activity I have chosen would be a nice game of duck duck goose. I think that the planet version would be so enjoyable. I can see it now someone gets called goose and they run around the circles and knowing me I may fall off and float into space. The circles around Saturn are very slim sliding so you have no room for error. That is what I think would be a swell time duck duck goose but I have a question how would we be getting back? Aw yes a spaceship that hopefully works and if not well it was fun while it lasted! What would you choose and what would do in outer space? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hey friends it's Oz here for a great edition of The Oz Files! Today Leah has decided that the topic will be if I could go back into any moment in history what would it be and why? This took me quite some time of deliberating but I did reach a destination. I could have picked any moment in history but one that stands out in my mind happened back on August 28, 1963. It was the march on Washington which commenced with the world renown I have a dream speech. I would have loved to be in Washington D.C. to march with all those people. Everyone who was there marched because they were striving all for the same goal and that was to eliminate racism and to get jobs for the blacks because the African American unemployment rate was as high as it ever has been. In my opinion this speech that was delivered may have triggered the start of the abolishment of racial segregation. I couldn't have imagined having separate schools for blacks and whites. Also separate drinking fountains and restaurants and so much more it's heartbreaking to even think about how it was way back then. Racial segregation has been stopped and I am so grateful for that. It took some time for racial segregation to end but the I have a dream speech spurred the movement and I am proud of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King was talking about one day we can all work together, pray together and then he went on to say what I thought was one of the most heart felt moments I have ever heard this was how the speech ended. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" Well this man had a dream and he wasn't able to live long enough to see it happen but he's looking down from above with a huge smile on his face. Well friends this has been a serious side of the Oz you may have never known existed. I hope you can now say that I have a serious side as well. Where would you go in history if you could and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Meal For The Ages!

Hey friends it's Oz here again for the 50Th edition of The Oz Files! Yes it's a great day for the Stafford Whitehead connection. For those of you who do not follow that is the fabulous team of Ozzie and Leah what a team. Since today is the 50Th edition I have chosen a topic myself because it is free write Friday but Leah was thinking of a topic but apparently she is asleep right now so I have chosen a topic that I hope you will all enjoy! I have decided that tonight's topic is going to be if I could have a meal with any three people in history who would they be and why? This topic fascinates me very well and the people I mention may shock and amaze you. Well I have given it some thought and I have come to a decision. The first person I would like to meet and have a meal with would be the Great Bambino Babe Ruth! I mean he's the greatest baseball player to ever play the game of baseball. The guy drank he ate a lot and he smoked cigars and the guy was still super amazing! When he swung the bat it was effortless and when he pitched he made guys look so silly! So Babe Ruth have a seat at my table. Time to meet my second guest for this great meal. I would also like to meet none other than Los Angeles radio host and host of American Idol and other programs Ryan Seacrest! Now Ryan Seacrest is one lucky guy! he host a very popular morning radio show, he hosts America idol which is just blown up and he works for E! He's got a star on the walk of fame at a very young age the guy is epic! All guys would like to be him and all girls want him! It would be fun to talk to him and ask him how he handles all the fame and fortune and what he looks forward to in the future? So Ryan have a seat and I will now reveal my third choice will be none other than Greg Heister the Shyster! Now Greg Heister does the TV games for Gonzaga Basketball and let me tell ya he does an awful job thee WORST announcer on planet earth! I'd like to meet him and tell him how terrible he really is and Seacrest can announce that Heister was just orbited out of space by the Great Babe Ruth GOODBYE HEISTER! It looks like the meal will only be for two because heister is way out in outer space god speed! Well this has been a fun blog for me to write I hope the first 50 were as enjoyable as having me around ha ha! Well who would you choose and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snowman Vs Big Foot!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another quirky edition of The Oz Files. Today I was gonna choose a topic howeva Leah went home sick so she was able to come through with a topic. Tonight's topic will be who would win a fight between the Abominable Snowman and Big Foot and what would be their finishing move? Well after doing some research I have found that the abominable snowman isn't a snowman he's an "APE" so made up and as well is big foot but none the less it's always fun for a good laugh! So you got two hairy beasts going at each other one reigns in North America the Big Foot and the other in the Himalayan region. So who will win this battle of wills? The big foot is black and the abominable snowman is white so we got black vs white and North America VS Himalayans! I think the big foot would come out swinging and doing aerial maneuvers that would be WWE approved. Mr. Snowman would be mounting a defense then he would make an attack of his own with leaping abilities and striking the big foot with a high knee CM PUNK style! He would also ground the big foot from North America! The big foot would then get his second win and lay out the can of whoop ass on the snowman figure! The snowman is down for the count he lays motionless and the big foot makes his final move called the Sasquatch flop! The big foot leaps from the mountain top down to the snowman and lands on him belly first and the ref counts 1,2,3 ring the bell ding ding ding. At the end of the contest the big foot reigns supreme! Well I hope you enjoyed this battle of two fictitious characters what are your thoughts on this whole battle royal? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The WWE Universe!

Hey friend's it's Oz here back again for another edition of The Oz Files. On today's show I will be addressing the great topic that we call WWE! I get free reign for the next couple weeks because I am in training and Leah well she has to work later poor girl so I will be running things for awhile. If you know me then there is no denying my deep passion for what is know as the WWE which is short for World Wrestling Entertainment formerly known as WWF the World Wrestling Federation. Yes, there are aspect of the WWE that are fake I am not going to deny that not one bit however when guys go through tables and ladders and chairs oh my! They put there bodies through so much pain it's not even funny! When you watch these epic steel cage matches and hell in a cell matches and last man standing and no hold barred these guys through hell and back and they do it because they love what they do and they want the championship gold around there waist! John Hoffman and his brother are big WWE fans and I am very happy that I get to share my joy and excitement with them! We have both been to two WWE events in town earlier this year one RAW/ECW event and the other SMACKDOWN/ECW event. The guys and gals know how to entertain the fans of the WWE Universe! Vince McMahon who is the brain trust behind WWE is such a marketing and promotional genius! He has three shows on the air the flagship show Monday Night Raw which airs every Monday night at 9pm on the USA Network which is the longest running episodic entertainment show in US history. Then you got ECW on the Scifi channel Tuesdays at 9pm and then on Friday nights at 8pm you got Friday Night Smackdown! There is always these story lines that get developed none of them are real they have good writers on that show damn good writers. It's basically a soap opera for men which I definitely dig! The WWE divas are amazingly hot oooooooooooohhhhhh BABY! WWE has expanded to online access at www.wwe.com check it out it's amazing and they have a premium on demand channel called WWE247 with great programming for just 7.00 a month. Yes I do have it and it's quite stellar. You get to see old school matches and see hall of fame stuff and interviews and the list goes on and I can't stop gushing about WWE but I will now stop but if you haven't checked it out and especially you better watch out for Shawn Michaels AKA HBK for his sweet chin MUSIC it will hurt ya. What are your thoughts on the WWE? Also does it shock you I love the WWE? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Childhood Funnies!

Hey friends it's Oz here at it again for another epic spin of The Oz Files. Tonight I will be discussing a funny childhood memory oh how time has flown by when your having fun. I could have chosen from a wide variety of stories but I can only choose one and this one is going to blow your mind! Now what I am about to tell you for those of you who know me this will not shock and for those of you don't well let the shocking begin! I was probably like anywhere from age 7 to age 9 and it was a lovely weekend at the Ozzie estate. My mom she is wonderful and one day she told me to clean my room like any mother would. On this day would give a whole new meaning to cleaning your room and would lead to utter chaos and aggravation for some individuals. I did the usual pick up my clothes throw them under my bed, the typical American kid would do in those days and still does today in this generation. Howeva I had access to crayons and permanent markers and that probably wasn't a good thing. See what I did was I was coloring with my crayola box set of crayons all over my bedroom floor. I thought it was quite good what I was doing and this was just the beginning. Ha now the funniest part is about to be revealed to America. I had this black permanent marker and I used this marker to label everything in my room. For instance if I had a poster on the wall I'd write underneath it poster with the marker. The same would go for the floor I'd mark it with the world floor so I knew what it was ha ha ha! I did this for pretty much anything in my room so I hope that painted you a lovely picture. I told my mom I was finished so she could see my great "work" and my oh my her mouth dropped and went into a deep panic! She said what did you do to your room and I said I cleaned it up a little e bit ha ha! So she really couldn't do a lot to me since I was too young to know from right from wrong. I mean I was a kid for goodness sakes and it was all about having fun. So my Aunt Robin had to come over with this cleaning stuff and scrub every inch of my room inch by inch and we got it cleaned up. I was told never do that again and believe me I did not do that again. Well this was a great story from my childhood and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Do you have a funny childhood story you want to share? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ozzie's Phone Oh The Possibilities!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a great edition of The Oz Files. This may be a shorter blog than usual because I have to get up at 5 AM YAY ME! So Leah has decided that my blog tonight will be about my new phone the G1 and how awesome it is! So friends let me tell ya I've had flip phones before that's all I have had but now I go into the world of touch screen navigation and so much more I will get into that in a minute. The G1 is Tmobiles Google phone it's conquerable to the IPHONE with AT&T but I think it's a better phone but that is my humble and professional opinion! The G1 has many applications such as you tube, weather channel, android tunes, amazon mp3, cool messaging applications and there are toooooo many to count but if you get to play around with my phone you wont' be able to put it down. You can also check show times on my phone with one simple click and also get coupons that you can send to email and print them out so awesome. There is a battery life manager that saves your battery it's quite amazing. The keyboard flips down when you text and when you type in web addresses and you can can check your email it checks for email every 5 minutes! I got myspace mobile, Facebook mobile and twitdroid which is for twitter it's so amazing. You can get countless games for free or you can buy some games but it's real nice. On all the applications and games there are user reviews so you can see if you want to get it or not. This is the best phone eon the planet boys and girls and one other thing why it's so great it's because the great Oz owns it and I am awesome! It has GPS so you can track your phone down if you lose it by sending your friends a text message with a pin and all they gotta do is send a text out and it will find the phone wow love technology. Wow I could go on and on about this great phone but I have to go to bed! Forgot one more thing you can do google search right from desktop there are three pages of stuff where you can put your icons and you can speak into the phone and do a google search that way totally awesome. If I could use it as a ping pong paddle I would but I won't and it can scan items with bar codes and give you different prices at different stores for the same item. Well what do you think of the G1? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey friends it's Oz here for a weird edition of The Oz Files! Today I will be discussing what I think would happen if a taco and a grilled cheese sandwich got in a fight and why? Leah very random stuff indeed and I like it a lot. In one corner you got the grilled cheese sandwich which is very simple in form just bread and melted cheese. We are now going to reference grilled cheese sandwich as GCS to make things run smoother! The GCS is quite tasty when toasted and sometimes comes out hot so it might have a slight advantage in that area. It consumes it's dairy so you know it has it's strong bones and yes it does a body good! In the other corner we have the taco and the taco is quite the competitor. He has a hard shell which will protect him when he goes to battle and he has a lot of ammunition to use when he goes into combat with the GC. You see the taco has ground beef, sour cream, shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and many more ingredients that we could name. So the Taco has an advantage in that sense that he can come at ya at all angles. The mighty GC won't know what is coming his way. Even if the Taco's shell breaks a little bit it's not a problem because the taco has a very sturdy shell and has great endurance! So with all this said what I say is the Taco beats the Grilled Cheese Sandwich AKA the GC in a 1st round KNOCKOUT! Down goes GC down goes GC down goes GC it's the amazing Taco prevailing because he has so many weapons not a fair fight. The taco said to GC don't bring a knife to a gun fight! Our friend GC did not know what to do all he was doing was showing off his calcium phasique and while he was doing that the taco launched all his amunition and there wasn't much else that GC could do! The Bell sounded and at the end of the night the taco got his hand raised for the victory! So the moral of the story is don't come to a fight with only your looks you gotta bring it every single time! What is your thoughts on this hard hitting discussion? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Major League Buzz!

Hey friends it's humble Oz here at your service once again for a sports edition of The Oz Files. Today's topic up for discussion today is the 2009 MLB season is only two weeks away and what do I look forward to and any predictions on any teams or players this season? I must tell ya MLB is one of my great passions so this is going to be a heck of a discussion. Leading things off I do look forward to the grueling 162 game season and look forward to see how the Seattle Mariners can bounce back from a 101 loss season a year ago. I know the mariners are not going to be contending for the AL west or even a wild card birth so I am looking forward of watching the kid Ken Griffey Jr back in the emerald city! It doesn't matter if the M's win or lose it's all about Ichiro and JR! When your a fan of northwest baseball that is the great Seattle Mariners you gotta love the sodo mojo and Hall Of Fame Broadcaster Davie Niehouse my oh my get out the rye bread and mustard grandma it's grand salami time MY OH MY! I'm also a big fan of the Arizona Diamondbacks but I won't go into what happened to them last year just blowing the NL west in the second half of the season! Now it's time for some predictions these could come back to haunt me but I'll just go with the basic stuff and then throw in a couple curve balls for ya no pun intended. In the American Leauge West I will pick the Los Angeles of Anaheim. I will take the Boston Red Sox to win the American League East. In the central I'll take the Indians. The wild card pick this year will be the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. In the National League west I'll take my Arizona Diamondbacks I got a good feeling about this one! In the east I'm gonna go with the Mets don't let me down you have so much talent but haven't lived up to the potential. In the central I'll take the Chicago Cubs yes I said it the Chicago Cubs will win the NL central. As for the NL wild card I think I'll roll the dice with the Atlanta Braves we will see what kind of team they have this year with losing John Smoltz huge loss. The AL cy young award winner would go to Eric Bedard of the Mariners if they did not look at recpords but they do so I'll have to go with C.C Sabathia with his first year in the Yankee pinstripes. My NL cy young winner is going to be Jake Peavy in a contract year and the guys so good to beging with and was on the trading block and he may want to prove something to the padres. The AL MVP will not go to AROD because well he's out for 9 weeks with an injury so I'll have to go with Vladamir Guerrerro from the LAA I think it's the angels year and I think it's his time to get the props! In the NL I'd like to go with Albert Pujols the guy is just a man wow go Albert! I won't go into the gold gloves and that sort of thing But I will make an early world series prediciton for ya. The American League representative will be the Los Angels Of Anaheim and in the National League I'm going with the Chicago Cubs. So in the world series I got the angels and the cubs facing off and I'll say Angels in 7. It's bold it's beautiful it's March and we will see how these predictions go down. I would like to close with a couple of my own predicitons. I'm gonna say Ichiro Suzuki is gonna hit another 200 plus hits this season the guy is amazing and I just love watching him run and hit and making amazing plays in the outfield I could go on and on but I might be druelling! I predict that Lou Pinella will be ejected from 10 games this year I'll take the over! I predict the Mariners will still suck next year but I'll be watching them anyways! Finally I predict Barry Bonds will be headed to the slammer with his pending trial on purgery and all about his steroid use say Hi to Bubba with the cute pink dress and don't drop the soap buddy! Well I hope you had fun with this one I sure did and what are your thoughts on the upcoming MLB season? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Oz On Oz!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a great exciting edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided to name every Friday free write Friday and that begins NOW! So Oz gets to pick his own topic once a week and boys and girls this one is going to knock your socks off! So tonight I will be talking about hmm Yes myself the great and powerful wizard of OZ! You all may want to know how was the super amazing ultra human specimen created? Well you know how I was created but I was born on October 31,1982 and boy when I was born they sure broke the mold! I have to admit if there was no me on this earth I don't think civilization would be able to go on without my presence. The Oz is so talented it's quite uncanny to say the least. I have been in a few plays I was picked as the prince in sleeping beauty in 1st grade and I can just remember it like it was yesterday. Oz with his aluminum swords slaying the dragon and winning the girl ohhhhhhhh what a night! In 8th grade i played the Wizard Of Oz for choir in a monologue version based in California. I am the great and powerful wizard of OZ who are you? I'll tell ya who I am. I am the great OTRAIN that keeps coming at ya full speed ahead taking no prisoners! Probably my best talent would have to be my stellar singing voice. I'd hate to brag or anything but I have won quite a few singing awards in my hay day! I have been apart of award winning high school choirs at Shadle and of course a dynamite performance at the falls! The Oz's passion is definitely sports and let me tell ya sports around the clock is 24 hour a day 7 days a week 365 days a year it never stops! The Oz has a serious side to him this may be hard to believe but it's true. I really value my friendships and love my family so much they mean the world to me. Most of all I love Jesus for he is risen he has conquered the grave! I have written for various publications and I even scammed the Spokane Indians out of season press passes for a whole summer and did not write one story on any game just looked like I was writing and had free hamburgers, hot dogs and pop of course! Having a good time up there in the press box schmoozing with the local reporters and the scoreboard operation and sound guy and PA announcer hmmmm good times! Also you couldn't beat the view! I got caught by the owner of the Spokane Indians bobby brett um ha he just said if I need some tickets he will give them to me who needs tickets when you got two free press passes ha ha ha! Leah will testify that I do tend to fall down a lot I could be sober or drunk it really doesn't make a difference it just happens! I think I could go on about my awesome self but I think I have done enough damage for one night! So I'll leave you with this what are your thoughts on the great and powerful OZ? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Survivor Island!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another solid edition of The Oz Files. Today's topic is If I were stranded on a deserted island what three things would I bring and why? This topic is intriguing if you ask me. Just imagine you are all by your self on a deserted island and you have to find a way to survive. There are no cell phones or emails or no digital devices and you have to dig deep inside to find the will to press on for your sheer survival of the game of life. Yes, it's a daunting task but you are in this situation and you have to find a way out and then you can tell your friends and family and who knows maybe some media outlets the whole story and you can have a nice laugh over it that is if you survive the elements! If I were stranded on a deserted island my first thoughts would be holy crap what am I going to do now? First of all you have to be grateful that your still alive and think of this situation as a positive not a negative. I would first papoose the area and see what all I had to work with and I find a way to make a shelter. That is the number one priority on antibody's list maybe or maybe not! The first item I would have on the island would be a huge box of matches. It's a very sound decision because without fire your life grows dimmer by each moment that passes. Making fire and keeping it going is very essential to survival and is also good for cooking meals that is if you can catch anything. Also fire is a good tool to utilize to make a S.O.S flare so someone can find you and that's the most important hing of all. My second item would be to have fishing equipment such as a fishing pole, bait and those sorts of things that is all in one group as a item. Without the fishing equipment I don't think your going to make much use of the firepit. You can catch some big fish and that could last you for a couple days. Drinking water could be an issue but I guess that's something I will have to deal with. My third and final item would be my shaving kit because I always want to look good no matter what. It's a shame to be all scraggly and look like your a bum! That's not how I roll and you never know maybe a shaving kit could come in handy down the line. Well these are my brilliant thoughts and I hope you enjoyed it! What would you bring and why! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Madness!

Hey friends it's oz here once again for a gripping edition of The Oz Files! Today is going to be a fun one with it being the start of march madness tomorrow and through out the the next few weeks it's gonna be a march madness edition of The Oz Files. I'd like to be the first one to say that WSU will not be in it this year they lost 1st rd at home to St Marys gotta dig it WSU blows! This is definitley the best time of year to be a sports fan. You gather up the "best" 64 teams and let them play it out and upsets prevail and the big teams go bye bye! There is always one team that becomes "cindarella" Gonzaga has had that title quite a few years agao! I will never forget the call with Gus Johnson saying the runnnnner THE SLIPPER STILL FITS GONZAGA OH BABY gives the Ozman chills and they are multiplying and yes they are definitley losing control! So i'd like to touch on the Syracuse Orangement for a minuite. They played in the Big East confrerence tourney last week and they really gaev it there all. With an instant classic with UCONN going six OT"s that is insane who does that? Then the next night they go to another OT game and survie that one how they did nobody will know. I would have to say pure addrenline. In the championship game against Louisville I think it all caught up to them and they did falter but wow what a great performacne I gotta tip the hat to the ORANGE! I'll let you know if the orange can get a few lucvky brakgs and get hot hey that team could win it all you never know! That was for you mr Blanchat! Some memorable moments from past NCAA tourneys have to be DREW for the WIN goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood! Wow what a great call Ted Robinson! You can't forget Chris Webber calling a timeout with no timewouts left with a lead against North Carolaina which resulted in a technial foul and CWEBB getting know as the guy who cost the Wolvarines the title! Nick Leute has requsted me to countdown the top 5 Douchebags in the NCAA tourney and even a wildcard that isnt' even in th tourney you girls will DIG IT! Let's start at number 5 and I'll have to go with all the 16 seeds in the tourney! Oz really commends you on your efforts on making it this far but I will have to sadly inform you that um you don't have a chance in hell to beat these great caliber #1 seeds so have fun back on campus and enjoy the driving range peace out 16 seeds! We now move to the number four position and the winner in this is Greg Paulis from Duke oh my God I hate Duke with a passion. They are on the same hate level as WSU wow that's a huge hatred I call it a loathing! Greg Paulis a little white guy who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips HOWEVA I don't think that much of you because your white and you think your black and you have a bad game playa! At number three were gonna go with Lorenzo Romar the head coach of the UW huskies! How lame are you bro when you don't want to play the Zags because you think and know your going to get your ass beat! You might as well wear a skirt and call ya susie because you have no balls check the unit! Now we move on to number two and I think I'm gonna go with Thabeet from UCONN he's this huge man beast who think he can get away with anything he wants too! I'm sorry dude this is AMERICA you can't do whatever the hell you want here you have to deal with consequences. So you can't just throw elbows and get away with it here man so so sorry! Don't cry when you don't get the calls nobody like that so be a man and take your beating! Okay we have come to the number one on this list and this one is going to be Jason off the bacheloer so girls have a nice giggle! I don't watch the bacheloer but Nick Leute thoght it would be a nice touch so there ya go! I'd also like to mention how epic it would be if Gonzaga faced off vs UW in the championship because you would have two washingotn state schools battling it out! Also UW would bow down to the Zags pure surpremency and they would love it take a royal beating behind the woodshed and yell uncle we surrentder! Wow that's a lot of blogging Skills right there yo so I hope you enjoyed this special edition of The Oz Files! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you SO LONG!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Long Live The Irish!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another rendition of The Oz Files! So it being the spirit of St. Patricks Day Leah has decided on a blog of St.Patricks Day. She said are you excited about doing a blog on St.Patricks Day lol I was quite hesitant but I guess we will see where the wind blows! I will start off by saying I am Irish and I am quite ashamed to let you all know that I did not know it was St. Patty's day until I got to work and I saw all the different shades of green. A pinch from a fellow coworker right in the arm on the flesh um not so nice at all! That is when I realized I had made a drastic mistake in forgetting that today was indeed St. Patricks Day! Maybe in 2010 I will get it right and maybe I'll do the pinching ha ha! What do people do on St. Pattys day? Well if you live in Ireland I'm pretty sure the whole country is shut down accept for the local pubs or bars that servce Alcohol. Rumor has it that the Irish like to drink and who can't blame em cheers all around! I am sure leprechauns love to drink but I am sure they only drink small shots because there tiny little bodies can't handle the heat of real alcohol! Bless there little leprechaun hearts! People in the United States Of America they drink on St. Patricks day but I am sure it's not on the level where it is in Ireland mate! Don't get me wrong you will definitely find a lot of people calling into work the next day saying they are sick but everyone knows what is going on you can't handle the thought of working with a hangover! I think for the most part Green Beer is a huge part of St. Pattys day and I have heard it's not that great and that really doesn't shock me to say the least. One thing I will say about the Irish, Notre Dame basketball blows blue balls big time they suck! Anyways those are a lot of thoughts for one person and it's raw emotion and definitely heart felt! So I hope you enjoyed this edition of The Oz Files. What do you like most about St.Patricks day A.K.A. St. Pattys and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Animal Power!

Hey friends it's Oz here back again for another great discussion. Today I will be talking about what animal would I be and why? The possibilities are endless aren't they? There are wild animals and there are domestic animals it all depends what your preference is. I like tame animals and they call them wild animals for a reason. Just look at the alligator guy he died cuz he's stupid and got ate by an alligator or something! My choice is the ole fashioned pet we like to call a dog. Being a dog would be a lot of fun! To start off being a puppy is a good thing because you don't get in trouble for not being house broken so you can piss and take humongous craps in the house without getting in trouble. But as you get older if you still do it then you might get in trouble by your owners! Dogs can play fetch and do tricks and hell they can even enter some stupid dog shows! Also dogs can eat and sleep and play all day and they have not a care in the world! Dogs make good guard dogs or even a good hunting dog if you like hunting and I do not! Dogs love to give people kisses so that would be a lot of fun! Lastly all I have to say is a dog is truly a Man's best friend! What is your choice and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Superheroes Revealed!

Hey friends it's Oz at your service once again. Today's blog topic got me really stumped and I hope I can BS my way through this. Leah thought it would be a good idea for me to talk about superheroes. Actually wants to know who my favorite superhero is and why? Gosh I've only seen the first two spiderman movies and the Dark Knight that is how much qualifications I don't have for this subject! I will dig down deep and find a way to contribute my two cents worth to this great nation we call the United States Of America. So as you all know it's down to two choices spiderman or batman? Batman is really cool however I have to go with my main man spiderman yo! Peter Parker is your average high school kid with good grades and all. He goes on a class field trip to a museum and a spider bites him how rude is that! That was a blessing in disguise because when that event happened that changed the course of Peter Parker's life forever may I quote Sandlot forever forever forever! So Peter Parker made this kick ass uniform he's half spider half man half amazing! Sorry couldn't resist myself. Spiderman fights crime in the city he meets people along the way that don't like him we like to call them villains! The people adored spiderman and well they should he was the peoples champion! spiderman always said can you smell what the web is weaving? The cool thing about spiderman is that he weaves these webs and scales buildings and swings from one building to another what a great guy! As you know he gets the girl Mary Jane she's smoking hot and he's quite the ladies man. So this my friends is my choice of a superhero. If your a comic nerd and try to prove these statements to be falsified then go read another comic book ha ha ha! What is your favorite superhero and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sickness With Benefits!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another great edition of The Oz Files! Today I will be discussing a topic that is near and dear to miss Leah's heart. When your sick what do you do to pass the time? Leah is sick poor poor thing! However she's making pizza and hopefully making plans to go to Golden Coral ha ha some inside dish there! Anyways so being sick sucks so what do I do when I'm at home sick to keep myself entertained? This should be a doozy because I have been "sick" and also been sick so this will be a fun little tale. I do everything the same when I'm "sick" and actually sick. If I'm really sick I like to order some pizza from dominos or pipeline or whoever I feel like ordering. I believe pizza is a good way to get you back in that groove. Just think the smell of pizza oh that feeling you get when you take a bit mmmmmmm tasty and zesty! Also like to drink lots of water with some sprite or root beer! Now that is only what I like to eat while I am sick. I really enjoy watching TV mainly sports and comedies all day long! I also enjoy my WWE programming Oh I just get all juiced up when watching guys pound on each other throw each other into walls and tables ladders and chairs oh my! I also enjoy watching movies! I don't really have a favorite to watch when I'm sick I just pick one and letter RIP! Leah wants to know if i play any games while I'm sick? Well I play games with um nobody so I guess that would be a no! Well thanks for your time friends and what do you do when your sick I'd like to know? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cocktail Delight!

Hey friends Oz here back again for another rim rocking edition of The Oz Files! Let's get down to business shall we? Today's topic is when your drinking what do you drink? What is your preferred cocktail that guarantees you will have a fun time? Well well well this brings up some very interesting questions and I am sure Leah know what my answers to these questions are. I will proceed with my thoughts on this topic she has chosen. Well if I drink I will be drinking some water and sprite oh you mean adult beverages! Okay, I tend to like the non manly drinks so I don't really like beer! Now beer is only to be swallowed only if I'm highly intoxicated and can't taste anything so whatever I drink tastes like water! I have leaned towards like Smirnoff's yum lynz remembers when I had a whole 6 pack while watching BORAT um may have been a little tipsy AY! Um so I also enjoy those screwdrivers yummmy! Also mudslides are good but I will now answer this last question which will shock all of America! My preferred cocktail that guarantees I will have fun will be of course a strawberry margarita ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nelllly! I have had quite a bit of margaritas across this great city and theee best straw marg is hands down at Sawtooth grill oh yes mmmm mmmm goooood! The 2ND best straw margs are at Tomato Street they know how to get it done and I'll throw in a 3rd and a tasty treat is at Red Robin mmmm mmmm good love a good straw marg to always get the party started and get the party shut down! You can never have too many margaritas especially before work or lunch break or after work hmmmmmmmm sounds familiar! Wow so what do you drink and what is your favorite cocktail to ensure a good time? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weather Madness!

Hey friends it's Oz here again this time he is way too sober! So today's blog is kind of a prediction sorta so don't be mad if I get it wrong later in the year! The Jist of this blog is will this winter ever end? What kind of spring we will have and if we are ever going to get a spring? Well I hate the snow there is no doubt about that and shoveling the snow falling down in the snow or falling down otherwise is just no good! Seriously what is up with this weather? What have we done to deserve the wrath of 6 feet of snow in a two week span in December then no snow for a very very long time then all of a sudden 3 to 4 inches in a couple days. This is all puzzling to the Wiz they call Oz and I'm sure it puzzles a lot of other people too! It's March 12Th 2009 we are supposed to be in Spring pretty soon last I checked and wow I'm at a loss of words. If I had a cake with candles and blow to make a wish my wish would be to make this snow melt and never come again! The rain isn't too bad I used to not be a fan of the rain but ever since we got dumped on with snow this year my whole view on the whole rain subject has took a 360 turn. Leah loves the rain and now I know why it's so sexy! Well maybe not sexy but definitely better than rain! Now this year spring starts on March 20Th and that is only 8 days away almost 7 days away! That is a whole week away and there is snow in the streets and on the sidewalks! The prospect of a great spring is not looking so good but I cling on with the hope that bums won't offer me there hat and a penny for my kick ass winter coat! My prediction is that we will have a real spring probably the first week of April when MLB starts up! My theory is when Ichiro suits up the cleats and the fans chant his name ichiro ichiro ichiro! That is when we will have a traditional spring and when all is well in the northwest and we can enjoy the breezy weather! Just around the corner would be summer my favorite time of year because there is no snow and tons of heat bring the heat baby! What is your thoughts on this whole subject? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Greatest Cartoons of Man Kind!

Hey friends it's Oz here um kinda a little not sober at the mement so please bare with me it's much appreciated thanks! Well this is another edition of The Oz FIles and today I will be talking about What is my favorite all time cartoon on tv and wahat makes it so amazing? Let me first start off with that as a kid i watched a lot of cartoons so I have a good vareity to choose from. For starters let's go with the good ole looney tunes. YEs I know there are several looney tunes to choose from ti's so hard but i'm putting them all in one category! My favorite looney tunes is I thought I saw a pussy cat I did i did ohhhhhhhhhh Slyvester you crack me up man! I also really enjoyed the muppet babies oh yeah kermit the frog and miss piggy and gonzo I wish there was an Ozo so I can be like oh theres ozo but I loved Fozzy wakka wakka wakkka! I also enjoyed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turules cartoons oh man as a kid I owend everything turtles you name it I had it. All I Gotta say is COWABUNGA DUDES AND DUDETS! I think French is a great languarge what do you think peopole? I also enjoyed the Jetsons oh man what a rush dudes and duets! Eljoy Elroy and Betty and George and heroy the dog oh what was the cute wifes name Jane I don't know whe sshe was goood looking hmmmmmm doggy! As I will say this is my all time favorite and the winner of tongihts blog is... The world renouned The Flinstones! You got Fred, Barney, Betty, Wilmas, Pebbles , Bam Bam, Dino and don't forget mr Slate I belive it was something like that or another mumbo jumbo I don't like hippos only the game hungry hippos Booo yow I win YAYZAS! The reason why I love The Flinstones soooo sooo much is because of the theme song and of course all the great trouble fred gets into and he always involes hi sbest frined Barney Rubble in the Jungle Mungle! I love the bowling scenes maybe Fred does a face plant because I do them very well so says Leah! What is your favorite cartoon of all time>? Oh I also love Garfield and Friens #2 on my list can't belive I would forget the orange cat and dldo no no ODIE Yes odie was the dogs name and owner JOhn Arbucle yuyour seatbelts ha ha ha! Well until next time may the Oz always be iwth you so long!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oz The Movie Critic!

Hey friends it's Oz again for another knee slapping edition of The Oz Files! Today I will explore what my favorite job would be in the world and why would I find that job so interesting? There are a lot of jobs out there that would interest me so deeply. I got a background in sports I love sports and it would be a lot of fun to be a sports writer for a major sports team and follow the team wherever they went. It would be nice to interview the players and the coaches and what not. I mean that would be a dream job for sure I am just putting that out there for you to nibble on if you were Mike Tyson I might be a little worried! I also enjoy singing and singing is something I do very well. I'm not just saying that to gloat I am saying it because it's a gift and the gift is beautiful. So being a singer would be something that would interest me in so many ways! Singing in front of packed arenas and touring and doing media interviews would definitely be real time consuming but real worth it. Gotta love those blood sweat and tears! I also like to eat and drink so I think a professional food and drink critic would be something really fun to do. Why not get paid for eating and drinking and at the same time get the ole belly rumbling with some food and drinks! Hmm I wonder how you get that job maybe you have to get lucky I guess! Those are all amazing jobs but there is one that just stands out from the rest. With what I am about to share may surprise you and it may startle you but here it goes! If I had the pick of any job in this world I would be a movie critic yeah! Think about it getting paid to sit at a theatre with free beverages and snacks and enjoy a movie. I like writing so write about a movie do you like it do you hate it? Did it make you cry or did you give it two thumbs down? Who knows maybe someone will read your movie review and think that they have to see that movie just because the brilliant Oz said so. In my opinion you can't blame them for thinking so! Oz wants to know what is your choice and why is this job so interesting? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you

Monday, March 9, 2009

The TV show debate rolls on!

Hey friends it's Oz here for another edition of The Oz Files! Today's topic is going to be what is my favorite TV show and why is it so amazing? Well to begin I own let me count them 8 complete series on DVD wow that's quite the collection. I love the old time TV shows I am not really a fan of any modern shows accept for Survivor and American Idol and of course Sportscenter! For starters there was the classic Threes Company with John Ritter, Suzanne Summers, Joyce Dewitt, Jenilee Harrison and Priscilla Barnes just to name a few. Threes Company was about two girls and a guy sharing an apartment together and in order for the guy to stay he had to pretend he was gay and this turnned about for some high quality laughs and oh my goodness won of my all time favorites this is definitely at the top of my list! We now move our focus from a comedy to a rather serious drama show which aired in the 1980's and ran through the early 1990's. It was none other than the Wonder Years oh what memories! This show dealt with real issues that every day families went through which I thought it was pretty neato! Fred Savage played little Kevin Arnold and he was so good at what he did and you know that's how he rolled! the supporting cast was tremendous with Jason Harvey playing Wayne Arnold the older bratty brother of Kevin Arnold. The parents Dan Lauria and Alley Mills very strong indeed! The sister Olivia D'Abo played this hippy free spirit she was a riot and there were others but the character that pulled that show together was the voice of big Kevin Daniel Stern wow what a great job. I would be remiss if I did not mention the stunning Danica Mckellar who played Winnie Cooper meow! This show definitely deserves a lot o praise. Another show I really adore is Growing Pains! The show about a family with a pshycologist father Jason Seaver and mother Maggy Seaver a journalist and then the three kids Mike Carol and Ben Seaver. This show was off the charts funny maybe a little too corny for some but I really enjoyed it! Mike Seaver always getting into trouble and he was always oh so devious you never knew what was coming next. I could go on and on about this great show but I won't you gotta see it to believe it son! This was definitely a hard decision if I had it my way these shows would be a tie for my all time favorite along with Happy Days but I can only pick one show. In my opinion the best TV show ever assembled has to be The Cosby Show! This show oh my goodness Billy Cosby Halarious then you got Phylicica Rashad, Malcom Jamal Warner, Keisha Knight Pulliam, Tempestt Bledsoe, Lisa Bonet and Raven Symone and so many more. This show is so good because of course you got Billy Cosby with his wacky stories that make you laugh so hard you turn red and pass out so call the doctor if it's an emergency! The kids in the show were sooo good I mean they always got in trouble and they way they got in trouble was so classic. The mom and dad always found a funny way to punish them. It was also fun to see the kids grow up over the years I was Rudy's age when the show came out so it was fun to watch every episode I just love this show as much as Bill Cosby loves the J-E-L-L-O! On a side note HUUUUUGE fan of Different Strokes as well Whatchya talking about Willis? What is your all time favorite show and what makes it so amazing? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Elvis and Aliens!

Hey friends it's Oz again for a very a revealing edition of The Oz Files! Tonight Leah has decided to let me choose a topic and I have to let you know choosing a topic is hard to do! She's got mad skillz yo! Anyways I have come to the decision to talk about drum roll please... Bam bam bam Was Elvis abducted by Aliens? There are a lot of people out there who think that Elvis is still alive and there are those who think he died of an overdose. So what really happened to the king of rock and roll? This serious subject is one that can't be taken lightly. I will first say that those who think that Elvis is still alive may be right because it is an opinion and may be the wrong one but an opinion none the less! If Elvis is still living on planet earth then why hasn't anyone seen him? Has his looks gone by the waste side and he now looks like a common man if he was still alive he would be 74 years old! Word on the street is that there have been Elvis sightings all across the world wow why haven't I seen him? All I ask is for a glimpse! There are others who say the king is dead! All signs point to this to be true but how can you rely on death certificates people? It is reported that he died of a heart attack and there was a reported 14 drugs in his system and was pronounced dead on arrival! Can you really trust what you hear they are saying the autopsy results won't be available to the public until 2027. That is 50 years after his supposed death! These are all great stories but this is actually what went down. Elvis was enjoying his life down in Memphis and all of a sudden in the blink of an eye he saw something flying in the air! Elvis couldn't believe his eyes he thought it was superman but to his surprise it was a flying object in the air. That's right a flying saucer was approaching his residence and he had no idea what do think. Once they landed he got down on his knees and the aliens said Elvis you are the king of rock and roll and we want to be just like you. Elvis responded there is only one King of rock and roll and at that point the aliens abducted Elvis from his home and he hasn't been heard from since! The mystery continues and will be continued. Ha ha um what do I really think what happened of course he's a dead man there is no debating this but I appreciate your time and energy everyone! What do you think happened to the King of Rock and Roll? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Restaurants and Me!

Hey friends it's Oz again for the closing of what has been a food themed blog week! Today's blog topic is what is my favorite restaurant? What do I love about it? What do I usually order when I go there? So there are a lot of different combinations that would satisfy the Oz's emotional and nutritional desires. I love a lot of food and different eating establishments. I like drive throughs and I like sit down restaurants but in this case I have to pick a restaurant and that's what I intend to do. You know there are fancy restaurants and there are simple restaurants I prefer a family type establishment with good talent. I will talk about what talent means in the Oz dictionary of amazing words in a little while. I will cut to the chase and let you know that my favorite restaurant on this earth is. Are you sitting down? The news that I am about to deliver might shock some of you and my choice is definitely Red Robin. Now Leah I know you probably thought it would have been Heroes and Legends because of my great times there. However I put Heroes and Legends and The Swinging Doors in there own category sports bar/restaurant lounge. There are several reasons why I love the awesomeness that is Red Robin. The first is definitely the gourmet burgers hence the name Red Robin Americas Gourmet Hamburgers and Spirits A.K.A Red Robin! Also they have bottomless steak fries which are to die for not literally but you know what I mean can ya dig it? The drinks are really thirst quenching pops and other beverages that I will discuss in just a little bit. The atmosphere is second to none, It's a great family atmosphere and very popular with all age demographics even if you wear flannel! One last thing why I love Red Robin so much is they have great talent and when I say talent I mean the waitresses are good to look at and converse with. I haven't met a low grade talent at Red Robin yet so I don't think that will change! On a side note my second favorite restaurant The Onion also has grade A ++ talent for sure! I am now obligated to answer the final question of miss Leah which what do I usually order when I go there? Well there are some different combos but mainly I will either order a monster burger and they call it a monster burger because it's a beast of a burger but Oz has tamed that beast several times! Most recently I've been ordering the classic Red Robin burger with an egg and Bacon and all the fixins on it. It's quite the tasty treat yummy! The steak fries are something you can't describe how good they really are. You can't really go thirsty so you have to order something to drink. What I usually order is either a root beer or a sprite and always order one or two margaritas sometimes had three one time that was a great time! They have really really good ones and I got a free one last year because they forgot I ordered another one so bonus point yes! So that's my story and I'm sticking to it! So what is your favorite restaurant? and why do you love it so much? What do you usually order when you go there? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Perfect Meal!

Hey friends it's the Amazing Oz back again for another epic tale of The Oz Files and you love it! So Leah thinks she's really funny giving me a three part blog topic whatever she says goes! So Leah has decided that tonight's topic is going to be what is my idea of the perfect meal? What items would it include? What would be for dessert? IF you have been reading my blogs I usually give some examples then make the big reveal this time I am going to change it up just a pinch! Since this is a pretty loaded subject I am just going to dive right into it just like I took a dive on the players and spectators bowling alley Leah loved it! Even though I don't recall that ever happening! Oz the Great and his idea of the perfect meal. Decisions decisions, I'll just put this out there as long as there is meat that is cooked that is always a good sign for me to dig in and devour what is put in front of me! On the other hand you can never go wrong with bread products because they are soo good and mighty healthy. I'd prefer a hot meal rather than a cold one that's just how it has to be. this one is for you Leah, Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Ha ha wow that was random anyways another thing would be gotta have something to drink so that definitely has to be a cold beverage! Well that covered the first of this three part question. Now the elements will now come into fruition as I peel away the layers of this blog into a masterpiece! You may ask what does your meal consist of? I'm glad you asked because I have an answer it took me a little time to think about it but I have come with a great meal. My first idea was meat pizza with root beer and bread sticks always a good choice but then cooler heads prevailed! I would first start with a nice dinner roll with butter yum! I like the ones they have at Golden Coral oh baby so fresh and gooey! I think eating that roll made me thirsty so I think I'll have a Sprite and a Strawberry Margarita Blended yummmers! The main dish is quite extravagant it's a good ole fashion pot roast. This includes onions, carrots, potatoes, beef, celery and so much more that's some good eating right there son! So that covers part two of this three question blogathon! Now every ones favorite time of the meal it's dessert time. Sir or Madam would you like a dessert menu? The response no thanks we know what we want! Leah I am sorry to break your Little heart but no it's not chocolate cake smeared all over my face wow good times though AY! My choice for desert would have to be the HUGE piece of carrot cake you get at Swinging Doors best in town they bring it on a HUGE plate wow Swinging Doors sounds better by the minute! So there ya go folks another great writing piece by the one the only wiz of oz himself! Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain! Oz wants to know what is your ideal meal? What does it consist of? What is for dessert? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Candies At The Silver Screen!

Hey friends it's oz here again for a roller coaster of a ride they like to call Ozzie's playhouse no it's the Oz files blogathon! Today's topic is what is the bet candy to munch on while at a movie and why? Well dudes and dudets this should be a very lovely discussion. Myself I do go to a lot of movies but I'm not big on the candy while watching a movie kinda guy I am more of a popcorn on large sprite kind of guy but Leah supplies and I demand thought you would like that play on words! I think a good movie candy to start with would be those red hot tamales ohhhhhhhhh baby they are hot and steamy meow! One time at the Garland Theatre I bought this HUGE bag of starburst man I downed that bag like there was no tomorrow! I heard a little voice saying Ozzie eat me I'm juicy and fruity! How about those Junior Mints? Yeah buddy Junior Mints they are like chocolate and minty so it's like health food! Well not exactly but I'm sure if you thought about it for quite some time I'm sure you would see it the Oz's way! Sour Patch Kids wow those can be sooooooooo lethal it's not even funny! You have to bring a glass of something to drink because it makes your mouth go numb and your eyes are watering well that's just me! How about those Red Vines mmmm good if you ask me! The strawberry flavor of that gooey goodness is just ay okay and so "yummo!" Well it has come to that time where Oz has to make his presence felt and that's how it should be and that's how it's always gonna be YA DIG? My favorite movie snack if I had to choose and I am would be milk duds because milk duds are so gooey and so healthy for ya! Milk duds are so addicting you eat the whole box wow so so tasty! If you don't like milk duds then we will have to check you into the nearest psycho ward ASAP! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Old Time Treats!

Hey friends it's the ozomatic blogging machine at it once again are you thrilled I am. Today's blog is what is my favorite food as a kid and do I still love it? Well let's see let's start off with sloppy joes I mean sloppy joes are definitely a kids treat because they are sloppy and all kids get sloppy and your name is Joe Bonus points ha ha i kill myself! Um Pizza is always a kids favorite remember chunky cheese where a kid can be a kid? Man always had my birthday parties there such good times pizza is DA BOMB! You can't forget hot dogs they are always a great hit with the kids even I was a kid hard to believe I'll find picks I'm sure i was STRAPPING! how about baby food that is child as they get. It's a bird it's a plane no it's a spoon with terrible sauce but apple sauce is a good tasty treat. How about those rocket shaped Popsicles? This girl Kristina said and I quote" uhm they had the cherry level and the coconut goodness level and the bottom was blue raspberry which as the best part cause ur tongue would turn blue!" Thank you great comment and she's racked! My choice is the mac and cheese great stuff indeed you can't have too much mac and cheese! Can you? To answer the other part of the question do i still enjoy it? Heck ya dudes and dudets and others um well what's your flava baby? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Best Food While Under The Influence!

Hey friends it's oz again how do ya do scooby dooby doo? Anyways this weeks blog theme if you haven't guess already is food week the other week was my favorite things. Leah has such a great wit about her gotta love it! So in today's blog I will be discussing what is the best food while drunk and what makes it so amazing? Wow so many things to ponder where would I even begin? Aww Yes how about we start with good ole fashion hamburgers. The thing about hamburgers are that they are good anytime day or night and sober or not sober. Here is the catch hamburgers when your drunk you can demolish like 6 in one sitting because your so hammered you don't know what to do. This is coming from a past experience mmmmmmm Kay! How about strawberry margaritas Oh you mean food Leah aw my bad! Let's see how about onion rings because onion rings are a great bar item and if your at a bar you might get drunk and well onion rings just might fit that bill. This next selection is coiming out from left field and what I am about to say may shock those of you who read this blog. I'm gonna say how about top ramen I mean top ramen is easy to make even a drunk person can make it well maybe if your really hammered you may have someone else make it! None the less top ramen would be a great choice if you were drunk. I shall now make my huge decision because that's what I have to do I make the executive decisions around here. My choice would be nachos with sour cream and other stuff on the nachos. I think Leah knows why I have chosen the nachos and sour cream one night last year what a crazy night that was at players and spectators! I had wow A LOT to drink wow I was soooooooo gone. In that night i ended up doing a face dive into the bowling alley floor and I was downing sour cream onto my face and the nachos I was taking the sour cream wasn't even ours to take they were just sitting there so why not? Also was eating chocolate cake and had it smeared all over my face wow wow such good times! To answer the question what makes it so amazing? I think for the main fact Nachos is THEE bar food of all time and when your drunk you might as well enjoy the nachos and sour cream and many other toppings of choice. I just say go nachos because I'm a nacho nacho man everybody sing I'm a nacho man oh wait that's Macho Man my bad so sad! Oz is dying to know what is your favorite food while drunk and why is it so amazing? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long

Monday, March 2, 2009

Potato Madness

Hey Friends it's Oz here back again for yet another mind blowing out of body experience we like to call The Oz Files! Today's discussion will be about potatoes they can be cooked in sooo many ways but which is best? That's why I'm here to come up with some hum dingers to see what really is the best way to cook a potato. Let's start with hash browns because potatoes make good breakfast foods. hash browns have that distinct taste and you can't just have one taste you have to have several until you finish off the good ole hash browns. Potatoes are good mashed because you know on Thanksgiving or Christmas mashed potatoes are one of the great American staples in this great country of course. Now potatoes are good scalloped having it that way is just so delightful it makes your heart go number for only a moment! I could eat scalloped potatoes every day for the rest of my life them is good eating I reckon! How about the All American french fries I mean french fries are pretty popular anywhere you go! Each restaurant establishment makes them different some have curly some are regular some are waffle fries depends what floats your boat and please don't sink your boat that would be sad! Okay now I have come to the point where I am going to make my huge reveal on how Oz likes his potatoes cooked. I sure love my jo-joes I mean who doesn't like them? They are huge and nice and soft and really good anytime of the year. My friend Lindsey was quoted by saying, "Hoe-hoes Theresa like dem jo-joes!" That is a great quote and very profound well done. So Jo-joes are definitely a hit with Lynz and Myself the great and powerful wizard of Oz! Oz wants to know what is your favorite way potatoes are cooked? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hey friends it's Oz again at your blogging service once again. Today I will be discussing peanut butter and how amazing it is! Peanut butter comes in two varieties there is creamy and crunchy. There is no wrong way to eat peanut butter if you ask me. Mom's across this great country always make the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. What kid couldn't resist? How about peanut brittle wow what a great tasty treat it's so hard glazed and amazingly addicting yummers! There is always the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches oh yum that really hits the spot! However peanut butter is finger licking good right out of the jar. You can't forget about dipping Oreo cookies in peanut butter now we are talking oh my goodness what a delectable delight! I have tried peanut butter milkshakes and let me tell you I wouldn't recommend one any day soon! i'd be remissed if I did not mention reese's cups and pieces wow soooooo GOOD one of my all time favorites! Some people like peanut butter on there pancakes which I don't get but I haven't tried it so I won't knock it! Having toast with peanut butter is one of my favorites nice and creamy! If you like peanuts you have to like peanut butter because if you don't I'd have to give you the Oz scowl! Finally peanut butter has been around for many generations and as far as I'm concerned it will be around for many generations to come. I would like to know do you like peanut butter? Also, what are your favorite peanut butter combos? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!