Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey friends it's Oz here for a weird edition of The Oz Files! Today I will be discussing what I think would happen if a taco and a grilled cheese sandwich got in a fight and why? Leah very random stuff indeed and I like it a lot. In one corner you got the grilled cheese sandwich which is very simple in form just bread and melted cheese. We are now going to reference grilled cheese sandwich as GCS to make things run smoother! The GCS is quite tasty when toasted and sometimes comes out hot so it might have a slight advantage in that area. It consumes it's dairy so you know it has it's strong bones and yes it does a body good! In the other corner we have the taco and the taco is quite the competitor. He has a hard shell which will protect him when he goes to battle and he has a lot of ammunition to use when he goes into combat with the GC. You see the taco has ground beef, sour cream, shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and many more ingredients that we could name. So the Taco has an advantage in that sense that he can come at ya at all angles. The mighty GC won't know what is coming his way. Even if the Taco's shell breaks a little bit it's not a problem because the taco has a very sturdy shell and has great endurance! So with all this said what I say is the Taco beats the Grilled Cheese Sandwich AKA the GC in a 1st round KNOCKOUT! Down goes GC down goes GC down goes GC it's the amazing Taco prevailing because he has so many weapons not a fair fight. The taco said to GC don't bring a knife to a gun fight! Our friend GC did not know what to do all he was doing was showing off his calcium phasique and while he was doing that the taco launched all his amunition and there wasn't much else that GC could do! The Bell sounded and at the end of the night the taco got his hand raised for the victory! So the moral of the story is don't come to a fight with only your looks you gotta bring it every single time! What is your thoughts on this hard hitting discussion? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. And you didn't give Hot Rod any credit? sad...

  2. ha ha oh leah I did not realaize it until like I finished writting it and then I forget you toldme in that text it was from hot rad my sincerest apologies leah

  3. Grilled Cheese?? Really... Its toasted cheese all the way lol who calls it grilled cheese?


  4. I'm surprised the grilled cheese didn't try to throw melted cheese into the taco's eyes to blind him and take over. I guess the grilled cheese just isn't that smart. lol


  5. ha ha ha Leah your too much the grilled cheese really had no chance the taco had too much ammunition
