Friday, March 27, 2009

A Meal For The Ages!

Hey friends it's Oz here again for the 50Th edition of The Oz Files! Yes it's a great day for the Stafford Whitehead connection. For those of you who do not follow that is the fabulous team of Ozzie and Leah what a team. Since today is the 50Th edition I have chosen a topic myself because it is free write Friday but Leah was thinking of a topic but apparently she is asleep right now so I have chosen a topic that I hope you will all enjoy! I have decided that tonight's topic is going to be if I could have a meal with any three people in history who would they be and why? This topic fascinates me very well and the people I mention may shock and amaze you. Well I have given it some thought and I have come to a decision. The first person I would like to meet and have a meal with would be the Great Bambino Babe Ruth! I mean he's the greatest baseball player to ever play the game of baseball. The guy drank he ate a lot and he smoked cigars and the guy was still super amazing! When he swung the bat it was effortless and when he pitched he made guys look so silly! So Babe Ruth have a seat at my table. Time to meet my second guest for this great meal. I would also like to meet none other than Los Angeles radio host and host of American Idol and other programs Ryan Seacrest! Now Ryan Seacrest is one lucky guy! he host a very popular morning radio show, he hosts America idol which is just blown up and he works for E! He's got a star on the walk of fame at a very young age the guy is epic! All guys would like to be him and all girls want him! It would be fun to talk to him and ask him how he handles all the fame and fortune and what he looks forward to in the future? So Ryan have a seat and I will now reveal my third choice will be none other than Greg Heister the Shyster! Now Greg Heister does the TV games for Gonzaga Basketball and let me tell ya he does an awful job thee WORST announcer on planet earth! I'd like to meet him and tell him how terrible he really is and Seacrest can announce that Heister was just orbited out of space by the Great Babe Ruth GOODBYE HEISTER! It looks like the meal will only be for two because heister is way out in outer space god speed! Well this has been a fun blog for me to write I hope the first 50 were as enjoyable as having me around ha ha! Well who would you choose and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. GOod topic. I'm not surprised that 2 of your 3 are sports related. lol

  2. YEs I would have gone with 3 for 3 but I wantd to spice things up a bit if you know what I mean!
