Saturday, March 7, 2009

Restaurants and Me!

Hey friends it's Oz again for the closing of what has been a food themed blog week! Today's blog topic is what is my favorite restaurant? What do I love about it? What do I usually order when I go there? So there are a lot of different combinations that would satisfy the Oz's emotional and nutritional desires. I love a lot of food and different eating establishments. I like drive throughs and I like sit down restaurants but in this case I have to pick a restaurant and that's what I intend to do. You know there are fancy restaurants and there are simple restaurants I prefer a family type establishment with good talent. I will talk about what talent means in the Oz dictionary of amazing words in a little while. I will cut to the chase and let you know that my favorite restaurant on this earth is. Are you sitting down? The news that I am about to deliver might shock some of you and my choice is definitely Red Robin. Now Leah I know you probably thought it would have been Heroes and Legends because of my great times there. However I put Heroes and Legends and The Swinging Doors in there own category sports bar/restaurant lounge. There are several reasons why I love the awesomeness that is Red Robin. The first is definitely the gourmet burgers hence the name Red Robin Americas Gourmet Hamburgers and Spirits A.K.A Red Robin! Also they have bottomless steak fries which are to die for not literally but you know what I mean can ya dig it? The drinks are really thirst quenching pops and other beverages that I will discuss in just a little bit. The atmosphere is second to none, It's a great family atmosphere and very popular with all age demographics even if you wear flannel! One last thing why I love Red Robin so much is they have great talent and when I say talent I mean the waitresses are good to look at and converse with. I haven't met a low grade talent at Red Robin yet so I don't think that will change! On a side note my second favorite restaurant The Onion also has grade A ++ talent for sure! I am now obligated to answer the final question of miss Leah which what do I usually order when I go there? Well there are some different combos but mainly I will either order a monster burger and they call it a monster burger because it's a beast of a burger but Oz has tamed that beast several times! Most recently I've been ordering the classic Red Robin burger with an egg and Bacon and all the fixins on it. It's quite the tasty treat yummy! The steak fries are something you can't describe how good they really are. You can't really go thirsty so you have to order something to drink. What I usually order is either a root beer or a sprite and always order one or two margaritas sometimes had three one time that was a great time! They have really really good ones and I got a free one last year because they forgot I ordered another one so bonus point yes! So that's my story and I'm sticking to it! So what is your favorite restaurant? and why do you love it so much? What do you usually order when you go there? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. Red Robin is AMAZING! Gots to love them onion rings, plus their guac burger! They have good salads also, and their fries are the bomb, especially with a side of honey mustard or ranch! However my heart belongs to another restaurant...

    Cheese Cake Factory!! Sadly Spokane doesent have one (whats up with that?) but in seattle there is one! They have amazing pastas but if you cant guess the best part is the cheesecake! Its even better when you go with a big group of people and order different flavours, take a bite and pass it around. Kinda sucks when you pick a great one though! MMM cheesecake!


  2. there ya go guac no thanks I hate that stuff honey mustard or racnch with fries no thanks that's girly but uh cheesecake is definitely good screw taking just one bite order one the first time then order more that's just a waste of an appetite i'm out

  3. I gotta say, Red Robin's steak fries are quite amazing! A little seasoning salt, and some ranch & ketchup... yum!

  4. Oh yeah, and the drinks are pretty tasty too! Long Islands! =)


  5. hahaha I knew it was you Leah but it's nice to see the name but yes the steak fries have no competition the seasoning salt is epic i might just go down there tomorrow while your in training ha ha um yeah never had any long islands is it tasty stafford
