Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Oz Candy!

Hey friends it's Oz again back for a tasty edition of The Oz Files. This topic is kind a loaded topic so keep up or else you will have me to deal with. You buy a candy bar at the bus plaza, and find a golden ticket in the packaging. When reading it, you see that you have won a contest with Hershey's. You get to create a candy bar with whatever ingredients you please, and 75% of the profits from all sales of this candy bar will go to you. What will be in this candy bar? What will this candy bar look like, and what will you name it? Lastly, what will you do with your share of the profits? Oz finds himself downtown at the plaza and he buys a candy bar and what a sight I've got a golden ticket! Wow I won a Hershey's promotion I'm going to be a rich man oh yeees! Can you dig it 75% of the profits go to the Oz oh yes I can dig it! The candy bar would be filled with caramel, cherries, almonds and the outer covering would be pure brown chocolate. The candy bar will be in the shape of an O of course. This may be the very first chocolate O shaped candy on the face of the earth. This amazing candy bar shall be known as The Oz Express! What will I do with my earnings? I would quit my job and buy a house. I would also watch sports all day long on the big screen HD TV I'd be watching it one laying back in the recliner! Well my stomach is full so what would you make and all? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

The Darkest Hour!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a twilight edition of The Oz Files. So sorry about the delay in the blogs um Leah and AT&T are having 3G issues so we had a lot of drama but now I think we got it under control so we are doing two amazing blogs tonight! The first blog topic is 24 hours the earth is coming to an end how do I spend my last day on earth? Wow this is a devistating subject to think about but let's roll with it people! Oz is on the prowl and the earth as we know it is coming to a screetching halt! Oz will grab the bulls by the horns and do whatever he wants to do and nobody is gonna tell him otherwise. So I would have to burn down the holley mason building woops my bad! Then I would definitley throw a big celebration bash drinks a plenty. Leah and I would be tearing down the place. The pole dancers taking classes would Rest In Peace. The dream of being olympians will not come true let's have a moment of silence. Ok, that's good enought so what's next on the list? The Rocket Bakery will be lost and those beautiful people who work there I'll join ya soon. I would then drink quite a few strawberry margaritas oh so tasty! I will miss them margaritas and I will need to go to the bach and swim with the dolphins. I would also go bowling and slide down the lanes that would be a lot of fun. Can you say human bowling ball? I just did and I love it! One last thing I would go to Leah's place and watch the Wiz! Ha HA inside joke on that one! What would you do with 24 hours left? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Road Trip Across The Nation!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a roaming edition of The Oz Files. Tonight Leah has decided that we are going to talk about if I were to go on a road trip across the United States what 10 places wold I visit? Also what places would I avoid? Well let's dig in to this juicy subject! I would first have to visit San Fransisco, California I love that city. You have to go to Alcatraz take the ferry take the tour it's amazing it's long and it's oh so fab. There is a lot of stuff to do in the bay area but Alcatraz is my first destination. The second place I'd like to visit on this road trip would be the Space needle in Seattle, Washington. I have been to Seattle quite a few times but never been up in the needle that is something I have to do! Let's see here at number three we will drive down to SIN CITY better known as Las Vegas, Nevada. I mean there is a lot to do depending on what you like you might lose a lot of money or maybe you will feel pleasure I don't know that's just up to you! If your strapped on cash you can get a pay day loan no you go to a buffet sooo cheap and the food is sooo epic! As we travel through the United States Of America we find ourselves in Chicago. I would absolutely love to visit Wrigley Field the home of the Chicago Cubs that would be just a dream! that rounds out the fourth destination. Our next destination is going to be Hawaii oh baby the sun the water and the hula skirts! Need I say more? So at number six we land in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. I would so love to get a Philly cheese steak wow. My uncle Rich says they are oh soooooooooooo GOOOD! So that's something I would like to do. At number 7 we land down in New York, New York. I would love to go to Yankee Stadium and go to a Broadway show. That would be an absolute dream. We mozy on down to number eight and we find ourselves Texas. I don't care where I go in Texas I hear everything is bigger in Texas I would like to test that theory! At number nine we land in Sante Fe, New Mexico. I think I would like to visit New Mexico because it's one of those states that don't get a lot of pub. Oz would like to see what this is all about and maybe they have good tacos. Yes Oz loves his tacos soft or hard doesn't matter just let me scarf them down! We finally end our trip at number 10 and we land in beautiful San Diego, California. I'd love to enjoy the sun and the beautiful babies! Also I want to say stay classy San Diego! I have list of places I would avoid and at the top of the list is Pullman, Washington. Also avoid Utah um enough said about that. Um Bakersfield, California I've heard it's not where the smart people hang! Ummm I would also avoid the deep south at all costs just don't do it they will ask you for emergency credits so please oh please avoid the deep south Y'all! I think that about covers the places to avoid. Where would you go people lock in! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lost In Sin!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a wandering edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided since I do get lost on occasion hasn't happened a lot but wants to know the strangest place I've been lost or the funnies memory of being lost? I have great memories of all my "adventures"! However there is one story that has to be told even though it did happen in VIVA Las Vegas. So I'll set this story up for you all. Went to Vegas for a college newspaper conference while I was going to SFCC and we had a great time. So the group of us that went to Vegas were drinking having a good time and we go to several hotels checking them out. Well Hannah and myself were really hungry so we decided we needed to hit up the buffet at the MGM Grand. We get there we sit down and the dude there is like did you pay and I'm like where do you pay? Dude said way in the back oh I say where i can't see. So the dude thinks I'm paying for both but I"m not so I pay for mine the dude gives us two plates. So Hannah is like should I pay and I tell her no they think I paid for ya or so that's what we thought. So we had a good time eating our butts off and she even had more than I did she went for the big pancakes we had to wait til 10pm for the pancake buffet to open up but she did her thing. I was might impressed I gave her the props she rightly deserved. So now it was game time Hannah gave me that look and asked should we just walk out I said just act casual walk down those stairs calm and I'll follow. So we did just that and Hannah got a free meal so that was great. So we are trying to get back to our hotel which was off the strip but right across from the Hard Rock Hotel. It's pitch black outside and we are walking down the strip hoping that we were going the right way. Hannah and I had some arguments about the whole thing . So were walking down our marry way and I say let's turn this way so we did and she thought it was the wrong way and it wasn't ha so I was right for once when it comes to directions. Then we came to a light and she's like I think we have to go straight and I'm like lets turn and she's like no Oz. So we go her way and we are hoping we are going the right direction and well EVENTUALLY we got to where we wanted that was back at the hotel. Our group was like what took you guys so long and were like ummm Hannah got a free meal at the MGM she was hogging down the food and we kinda got lost getting back! But Hannah Said we were both half right on the directions so we were able to get back to the hotel with very little problems but at the time I was like please GOD find the way back home! So there ya go my story all of it true. Oh Man I almost forgot about this story I'll make short and sweet but this is soo memorable. My mom my friend james and myself were going to Seattle for the weekend to watch the Seattle Marienrs. We got to Olympia we were trying to get to our friends house which was just a little outside of Olympia. Boy those maps sure aren't handy because um we went around the State Captiola like 11 or 12 times I kid you not! I was laughing my ass off my mom wasn't sooo thrilled she was freaiking out. That same night the Seattle Mariners traded away Randy Johnson to Houston as that was announced we just kept going around and around the captiol building oh my goodness cuh a great time. We eventually had to stop at a pay phone and called them and our friends husband drove down and showed us the way. Ha wow what a great time I was in high school at the tiem maybe in middle school but wow what a great adventure. So have you been lost and how did you like it? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Destination Spokane Washington USA!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a Spokane Washington edition of The Oz Files. Leah finally came up with a topic after some roadblocks but here we go. The topic is what about Spokane do I most like and what are the main places for visitors to enjoy? I have lived in Spokane most of my life I believe we moved here when I was 1 or 2 years old. Spokane has a lot of great amenities but I will focus on one sole category and go into what makes it so great. The city of Spokane has a lot of great local sports teams. In the winter time you got the Spokane Chieeeeeeeeeefs hockey going on which goes through March or April. Going to a chiefs game is so electric the body checks the fights the scoring and the booing it's all part of what makes going to chiefs so amazing. They play in the Spokane Arena which is home to the Spokane Shock and host several other events. In the fall we got the Spokane Shock which is the A2 league AKA Arena Football 2 league. Think of it as the minor leagues of Arena Football. I've been to one shock game and boy oh boy it was an electric atmosphere. The Shock are also a good fun team to watch they won the whole ball of wax in there first year that was quite a great moment. One of my favorite things to do in Spokane are going to the Spokane Indians games at Avista Stadium. They are the A short season farm team for the Texas Rangers oh that is baseball just in case you have been under a rock. The summers in Spokane are fabulous with the great Indians teams each and every year. To learn more about the Spokane Indians you may want to reference The Oz Scammer blog. The best thing about Spokane for me is none other than the Gonzaga Bulldogs Basketball fever! Some people around here on bandwagon Gonzaga fans Not I haven't missed a game since 1998 and that was before they were any good. That means I had games blasting on the radio. Huge thing in town but those are things I like most about Spokane if I had to choose one so I put it in one category. If your new in town or are visiting Spokane I will give you a few stops to check out. The first place I would have you go is Riverfront Park. There is tons to do feed the ducks, go to the IMAX, go on some rides or have a picnic and much much more. I would catch a show at the IMB definitely a must you will have a great time. Is eating on your mind you can't go wrong with Red Robin downtown then head on over to AMC to catch a movie or two. Lots of stuff to do in Spokane um not really but definitely go bowling! What do you think of Spokane? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fortune Is It In You!

Hey friends it's oz here for a wheel of fortune edition of The Oz Files. Leah was eating Chinese today I had it last night so this is pretty ironic. She has decided for me to write about fortune cookies what are my thoughts on them and have I gotten any fortunes that have come true? I have sobered up a bit after tonight's festivities. I will start by saying Chinese food is very tasty and satisfying. The fortune cookie sometimes you stare at it and wonder what's inside that cookie? A fortune of course are they bogus yes but it's all fun and games. I was reading through some online threads about fortune cookie quote because I don't remember a fortune cookie quotes and no they haven't come true for me. However I was reading the threads and this girl got a fortune cookie that said you or a close friend of yours will get married next year and she got married and her quote was WOWZAS! There was one that was kind of funny and nutty that said you will lose three pairs of socks next week and that did not happen. My favorite from the thread I was reading was you will be invited to sing karaoke. Now folks let me tell ya that is some magical stuff right there yes siree Bob! I honestly can't tell you any recent fortune cookie quotes because I really don't care. I think the Chinese gymnasts are on steroids. Now what do I really think of fortune cookies? I think they are tasty but tare filled with a lot of crap that people actually thin may happen to them. Think of a fortune cookie as desert with a kick. You get the cookie and you get a meaningless piece of paper that tells you your so called fortune. People I hate to beat this like a dead horse but Ir's all lies and nobody believes this unless your from China so YAO Ming you will be rich one day. Oh wait you already are my bad so I guess that fortune cookie did not work too well! What are your thoughts on this subject? Have you ever had any fortune cookie come true or any weired ones? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Can Of Corn!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a fly ball edition of The Oz Files. Today is once again free write Friday and Chad host of Team Trivia At Morty's on the South Hill Wednesdays at 830 to 1030 come out a great time has come up with a great topic. In baseball when a lazy fly ball is hit and caught it's called a can of corn. Chad wants to know why is it called a can of corn? I have done the proper research and I think you will find it intriguing indeed. So how did the catch phrase can of corn get it's name in big league lights? Well Let's go over some ideas where it may have originated from. Was baseball played in the cornfields of Iowa so when a fly ball was launched into orbit they said that's a can of corn nice and easy. Maybe the phrase can of corn came from farmers at the harvest who in there free time played baseball and said oh that's a can of corn yummy! Word on the street Can Of Corn came from an old wives tale the boys were playing in the back yard and when they saw the ball go into flight they knew it was an easy play and they call hmm just like a can of corn. Those are all great ideas but they are oz stories and I'm glad you enjoyed them as much as the Great Oz! This is the real story behind the Can Of Corn. An easily-caught fly ball. Supposedly comes from a general store clerk reaching up and dropping a can from a high shelf. Frequently used by Chicago White Sox broadcaster Ken "The Hawk" Harrelson. Also, a phrase used in the expression of mild excitement, general agreement or indication from one person to another that completion of said task is in order. What does Oz make of all this a general store clerk reaching up and dropping a can of corn? I think it's quit odd how this came about but so be it the phrase has stuck ever since. That's how it is and that's how it's always gone be you gotta problem with that you got me to deal with! What do you think of the Can Of Corn Origin? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fast Food Oh The Agony!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a tasty edition of The Oz Files! Leah has decided to make this a fast food debate. The topic fast food is it amazing or amazingly disgusting what is my opinion? So the debate has been raging for decades on this exact same issue. Where does the Oz stand on this issue? We will find out I may not have a stance I may take both sides and come up with a middle ground we will see. We in America are known for our food and to be more specific the fast food variety. We as a people of this great nation are always on the go and sometimes you have to stop somewhere to get a bite to eat. We don't have time to sit down and eat somewhere so what's the next best option? That's right fast food is where it's at and people really enjoy it. Some people eat out more than half the time in a given week. There are a lot of different choices to pick from. You got McDonald's, Burger King, Arby's, Jack In The Box,Taco Time, Taco Bell,Subway,Quiznos,Bruchi's and so much more. With that being said there are some choices that are good like Subway and Taco Time for the most part pretty healthy. You have the burger joints and let me tell ya they are tasty but healthy um not so much but still people do enjoy them and they are definitely a booming business. To sum it up for the case for fastood being amazing is your in a hurry and you gotta eat on the go why not do a little fast food? I wouldn't do it all the time but once in awhile is good in moderation. The case for fast food to be amazingly disgusting. Fast Food is known to be the leading cause of Obesity in the United States well I don't know but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. A few years back in Spokane Jack In The Box had to close down for a few days because there was an E coli outbreak that swept the city and everyone was in an uproar. After a few days all was well and now Jack In The Box hasn't lost a step even though there service is quite slow downtown but on division quit solid! Another reason fast food could be amazingly disgusting is that it costs you money if you keep going and going like the energizer bunny! Don't get me wrong fast food is good food but you might go broke if you keep at it. Summing up the case against fast food is it costs you where it really hurts and most importantly for the most part fast food isn't healthy for you. Where does the Oz stand on this whole heated debate? I'll tell ya where I stand and that is on the fence. You heard it here folks the Oz is on the fence and this is why. I believe that fast food is good in moderation and would be bad if you went out constantly. So in my case I do the fast food thing like twice a week which is pretty good. I do the Subway thing on Sunday after church love that tuna. Fridays go to the Rocket Bakery for a tuna sandwitch with Ice tea and other stuff. So all in all it's good and bad but whatever you choose do it with care for your body and your wallet. Milk it does a body good! What is your stance on the fast food debate? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Battle Of The Johns!

Hey friends it's ozzie I"m quie um sober I guess well not really but anyways so my blog tongiht is who would win a fight between John Stamos and John Cusack? Wow I'm reallyh buzzing and not sober so please bare with me foks for I love you all! I will no t be using spell check tonight so I hope you enjoy this amazing writing prowess of amazement! so we got JOhn Stamos from FULL HOSUE which I so heart I love tath show! We also got John Cusack who I loved in Serindipty I think that's teh only movie I've seen him in and I;ve only seen Stamos in Full house So I guess we will have to go by that! SOrry about the long run on sentance but I think ti's duable! So Stamos in one corner has the cool hari dew and I think he likes moutain dw as welel who wouldn't blame him do the DEW. Stamos has a loving family and friends behind him and I love his love for elivs. Some of this blog i'm not even looking at the computer! I'm still badass you know it to be trueeee! In the other corner you got Mr CUSAK i've seen him in some things but mot notably I've seen him in Serendipty which I absolutley LOVE! I love Kate Beckansle woow she wa as was a foxsxxy lady! So Stamos wstars starts the contes toff with his hairgel splatting Cusack in theeye sblinding him for just a few mometns! Then cusack counters and puts Stamos in a choke hold which seems to be very deadly an coulds make stamos submit! However Stamos is a warriot and he wouldnt give up and he's soo amazing athat he powers out of the predictiment and he does a russion sweep kick and down goes cusak! Not to be conused with Q 6 your local news LEADRE!! Cusack says heeey i'm so charing i'll take you down with my glaring look of suspense! Stamos goes down but he's not down fo rlong! So samos spears cusack and cusack goes down he' sout of breath adn samos goes for the PIN FALL and the refs says 123 rign taht bell it'

s over CUSACK wins oh wait no that's stamos stamos wins and he wins and win and he's amazing. Thank you for all your support people I lofve you all! So whai who do you think wins and why? Well until next time may the Oz alwaysb be with you s long!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

They Call Me Survivor Man!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a reality check edition of The Oz Files. Today Leah has decided that since I'm like into the big reality shows that the topic is if I could be on any reality show what would it be and why? Now since I am one hell of a singer American Idol always comes to mind but no that wouldn't be my #1 choice but definitely a close second. How about dancing with the stars? Um not so much I dance like a white boy so I guess enough said on that subject. Maybe I would love to be on The Amazing Race love that show but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to keep up but tune into CBS Sundays at 8pm be there or be square. I think when it all boils down to it I would like to be on none other than Survivor! I haven't missed any episodes since season 1 same with American Idol! I think that meeting complete strangers and trying to co-exist with them for 39 days would be something I would be digging. The sole purpose of the game outwit outplay outlast be the sole survivor and be handed that one million dollar tax free check on the early show the next day. Jeff Probst the host is pretty kick ass. I think the alliances that are made and broken and then blindsides are quite amazing. The hidden immunity idols make the game that much intriguing. Some people make there own idols and hide and people think ti's real and they play it at tribal and get burned! It's a funny show and really damn popular they do two shows a year! The challenges are great immunity challenges and rewards. Some people have one SUV's and cars and some are just amazing rewards to go on or receive. Survivor is dangerous lots of people have had to go home because of serious life threatening injures happens at least once a year. Last year happened twice it was quite a sad day in survivor land! Also it's a good life experience and you get to be on TV in front of millions. Well this is my choice and I would like to meet Ryan Seacrest amazing! Anyways these are my thoughts on this whole topic! What reality show would you be on and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pole May I Have This Dance!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a pole dancing edition of The Oz Files. Yes I am afraid to say it Leah has come up with a pole dancing topic. So pole dancing is under consideration for an Olympic sport in the 2012 London games should the Olympic Committee allow this? So I had to do my research on this marvelous topic and I have found out the Mormons are behind this revolution. There will be a link of the article that I found will have more. So a Utah Based "dance" studio is really starting the movement to have pole dancing as an Olympic "sport." I mean seriously pole dancing is meant for the strip clubs and bars that I have poles. I am sure there are a lot of women who make a lot of money at pole dancing props to them but seriously ladies do you we really want to watch pole dancing in the Olympics. I mean come on guys I can see it now representing Russia Oksana Kolev on the pole! A hush comes over the crowd as they look Oksana up and down in that sexy "uniform" other known as tramp apparel. The commentary look how Oksana has great pole presence as she goes up and down and her head is on a steady pace. WOW she's really commanding the pole this kid is gonna be tough to beat! She has set the bar high oh speaking of bars that is where pole dancing should stay! Let's see the scores for Oksana Kolev one judge for artistic a judge for presentation and the other judge for technical all three judges gave her a 10.00 because they were not watching the performance they were enjoying the sights and sounds of OKSANA KOLEV the Russian bombshell. I think I've made it clear the Olympic Committee would be so stupid to let poll dancing in the Olympics! Here are some quotes from the article I'm gonna link 'This is not stripping at all. I don't take my clothes off at all,' owner says. Kim Walters, also a mom and another Studio Soiree member, said, "I'm an LDS house wife. It's not a typical thing for LDS women to do." Well what do you think of this topic on pole dancing possibly becoming an Olympic sport? For those Olympic hopefuls Holley Mason has classes on the 3rd floor follow your dreams! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long! CHECK IT OUT!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Big Time!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a fictional revelation edition of The Oz Files. Leah is bowling and has a sunburn ha um anyways tonight's topic is if I could be any fictional character from history who would I be and why? Well I had to think about this for a few minutes but suddenly the light came on and we have come to a decision. I could have appeased the geeks out there and went with some sort of comic superhero but you know I did a blog about spiderman so I already spoke to that demographic. I also could have gone with a cartoon character like Garfield but you know I already did a blog about dogs and cats so I've already covered the feline society. I was strongly considering Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but I just couldn't pull the trigger but he's one hell of a character COWABUNGA! How about Charlotte from Charlotte's web um not so much I'm not a spider or a women and I don't like books so I guess that rules that out. You guys do understand I'm just filling up BS space because I don't have a lot to say ok good were on the same page What I have chosen may shock and amaze people on how old school I'm going but we shall see. The fictional character comes from the silver screen from way back in 1988 I was six years old. We are going with Josh Baskin from the movie BIG starring Tom Hanks. Not going to go into detail about the movie but basically Josh Baskin is at a carnival he want to be big he's a kid and speaks to the Zoltran and he wakes up and he's in a grownups body but in a kids intellectual structure. Anyways the reason I chose to be Josh Baskin is any kid wants to be big but sometimes things backfire just like in this movie and 13 going on 30 definitely have to go check them both out wink wink at Leah! Just think about it your like 13 years old and you wake up and you look like your 30 something and your friends are like 13 and you can actually drink and do stuff kids can't do. The opposite sex for you at the tender age of 13 in a grown mans body is quite hilarious you tend to go for the 13 year olds ha ha! What would be bad is if your a kid and are in a 30 something body and your mom likes you a lot now that would be scary but common down in the South and Utah! Well as I said I did no have a lot to say on this topic but I wanted all of you to know who I thought would be really cool to be if I could. Well what are your thoughts on this topic who would you be and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Chicken Crossed The Road!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a chicken edition of The Oz Files. Leah had some good dreams she took a nap so this blog topic is quite refreshing. Tonight's blog topic is Why did the chicken cross the road? What was so important on the other side? This debate has been brewing for ages and it's up to Oz to answer the age long question why did the chicken cross the road? First of all you always hear the childish remarks with the answer to get to the other slide. Dude that's not funny kid please come back with better material. So why did the chicken really cross the road? It's quite simple he was doing his potty dance running around like a chicken with his head cut off ha ha not literally but he definitely is a chicken or her I don't want to discriminate! The chicken was a lonely chicken and he had nowhere to go and he felt sad. I think I saw him shed a tear or two and Big Bird was right there to lend his shoulder to cry on. After that sad pathetic sight had passed then the chicken got pretty hungry. So the chicken actually did cross the road and he or she did not know what was in store. When they crossed the road to the amazement of the chicken he saw a huge bucket of white crispy 8 piece chicken style. When the chicken he saw thought and he knew at that moment his brothers and sisters had been made into a KFC crispy special! When the chicken realized this they knew what they had to do. It had to be slaughtered to redeem the chicken's families honor. So the deed was done and that poor chicken lived a good life and the chicken was also made into a KFC meal for a family in need. It wasn't for a family just for Leah and Oz to enjoy ohhhhh they deserved oh so much! Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Why did the chicken cross the road and what was so important on the other side? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The People Clicker!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an invention edition of The Oz Files! It is that time again yes it's free write Friday. That means Oz gets to choose his own topic and tonight's topic is if I could invent anything what would it be and why? I think this is a good subject and I will start by saying the invention that I would do already exists in some ways but not in the way I would use it. I would make some modifications for certain. The modern day remote control is the basis of what my invention would be. However there is a slight catch to this whole idea of a remote control. People in today's society use it to watch TV and watch DVDs. Which are all good things and I support them 110%. However the Oz is here to make some drastic changes to this ever so fascinating piece of equipment. I would have seven basic keys for the remote. They are as follows power,pause,rewind,mute,volume up,volume down and fast forward. You may ask Oz those are already in place what are you talking about son? Those controls definitely are in play in today's ever changing society but the Oz has bigger plans in store. My invention would be called the all in one People Clapper. The main purpose of this invention is to use the remote control function on people. So if you don't like someone all you would have to do is whip out that controller and press the power key and they are gone and they would come back after a two minute timeout but by the time they come back your long gone. How about if your in a situation that renders for you to think about something for a minute or two so what do you do you press the pause button to the person you are talking too. Once you reach a resolution then you un pause and make a rational decision. It makes you and the other person happy it's a win win all around! Have you ever been in a situation where you wish you could go back in time maybe just a few minutes or maybe just a few hours? Well with the People Clicker your just one click away from going back in time. Say you robbed a bank and after doing so you really regret it just point the People Clicker towards you press rewind and go back in time and then relive the moment like it never happened. Can you say ground hog day? I can and I think it's fabulous. If your day is dragging along and you just want it to be the end of the day so you can go home there is an easy way to achieve your goals. Of course use the People Clicker and point at yourself or even point at the clock to enhance the object finder. All you gotta do is click fast forward until you want to stop and boom you got your goals accomplished and all it took was one click of a button. This brings me to the last two controls which would be one of my favorites. Let's say your interested in one thing and talking to someone about the other and you want to tune them out a little bit. All you gotta do is click that volume down button and voila you got a little of this and a little of that going on. Also what if you want to hear what they are saying but they talk so soft you can't hear them or if you want everyone to hear just press the volume up arrow and crank that sucker up and you can hear what they are saying as long as you point the People Clicker to that person. You can also point it to yourself turn your self up or down it all serves a purpose! Well I hope you all enjoyed The People Clicker invention. What would you invent and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wedding Crashers!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a delayed edition of The Oz Files. It was my bad Leah sent me the topic on time and I just fell asleep and woke up at 11:30 and so today we at The Oz Files deliver two hard hitting blogs. In this edition is Leah's topic what movie would I make into a sequel and what would be the basic plot? So I had a lot of time to think about this and I have come to a great decision. So I think a great movie to do a sequel from would be Wedding Crashers! The name of the sequel would be Wedding Crashing 2 The Mix up! So those of you who have seen Wedding Crashers the movie ended when the two married couples were headed down the highway in a car and were on there way to crash a wedding posing as Mormon cowboys. So the basic plot is this they go to this wedding pose at Mormon cowboys and cowgirls who is gonna do the crashing will the marriages be scorn after this crash? You have four married people will the four individuals involved each have someone to crash with? I think this would be quite riotous with two married couples crashing the same wedding posing as Mormons anything can happen under the sheets! When your talking about Mormons maybe the crashing can crossover and perhaps the four individuals will cross paths with all the erotic pleasures of Mormon ways! We can't go any further but this is the basic plot how will it end why don't you tell me what you think how it all boils down! Oz also wants to know what sequel would you make and what would the basic plot be? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AT&T The Big Cheese!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a technology edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided that today's topic is going to be what does AT&T have to do to achieve world domination? This is quite the great topic since Leah and myself work for AT&T so this is going to be a tasty treat. When you think of AT&T you think of greatness and pure genius. AT&T is such a big company they have a wireless division, wireline division, internet division and hey they even have Directv bundles. I think AT&T makes a lot of money off stupid prepaid customers they suck them in and take there money with crappy rate plans. The people love it the people savor it the people love spending money for AT&T. What does AT&T have to do to achieve world domination? Well if we are talking about cell phone world domination it's quite simple. AT&T has to buy out at least one major cell phone company which I could see that happening down the road. IF and when that happens AT&T is going to be the biggest and the baddest company of man kind. What I think would be the cherry on top would be if AT&T merged up with McDonald's. Think of it AT&T and McDonald's join forces to bring the best promotions of mankind. Buy an IPHONE and we will throw in a book of mcd's coupons as a special promotion. America loves McDonald's so I think that would definitely be a huge factor for the first step in the right direction for world domination! One other thing that AT&T has to accomplish to gain world domination is hire Ozzie Whitehead as there spokesperson. With Oz representing the AT&T brand you put a sexy voice out there for a sexy product! AT&T and Oz equals world domination so whose with me? So what do you think AT&T has to do to gain world domination? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Oz Scammer!

Hey friends it's Oz here for the second blog topic of the day oh and it's gonna be a dandy it's a sporty edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's topic is what is the most memorable sporting event I have ever attended and what made it so memorable? I have been to many sporting events in my lifetime but it's really hard to just pick one. So here I am faced with a dilemma and I think Oz has come to a solution. In a previous blog I mentioned how I may have scammed the Spokane Indians out of two free press passes for a whole summer. Well I think I'd like to elaborate on that a bit and I think everyone reading this will have a good laugh. So in 2004 when I was going to SFCC writing for the newspaper in the sports division mostly. I also wrote for other various sections. So we got a call at the office from Jay Stewart who does promotions for the Spokane Chiefs and Spokane Indians and who used to be play by play for the Chiefs. He called asking for the lead sports writer which was me asking me if I wanted to do an article on the Grotto. Which was being built and nearly completed and I jumped all over that opportunity like white on rice. I went out to Avista Stadium with a photographer and I had a tour of the stadium had a nice chat with the President of the Spokane Indians and Advertising dude about baseball and the Spokane Indians and the grotto and various other topics. We had a nice chemistry brewing and after the interviews were done the President of the Spokane Indians asked me if we have a paper in the summer and I said "sure" we do. He asked me if I'd like to have two summer press passes to the games this year to do some stories on the Spokane Indians. I was thinking to myself hmmm Free Press Passes to Spokane Indians baseball games all summer long. Hmm Sounds good to me only one of us knew there would be no articles written but I did bring all my stuff up to the press box acting like I was doing something. Opening day rolls around I arrive at the ballpark I say I got two press passes for Ozzie Whitehead. To my amazement the guy hands me two press passes for the entire summer I was quite baffled. So I ask someone where is the press box so I have these passes might as well take advantage of a great situation. I met the PA announcer the scoreboard operator the sound effects dude even the broadcaster and a Spokesman review reporter. They had no idea who I was and I preferred to keep it that way. Oz always like to keep a low profile so that I can scam the city of Spokane for all it's worth. One of the great perks being part of the "Press Box" was the free hot dogs, hamburgers and pop. The view was out of this world and I brought my tape recorder and a notepad and I looked all legit. What did I do with this information I threw it away and I enjoyed my recording at the ball park. I kept coming back every night. If the Spokane Indians were at home Oz would make sure he'd be there. I invited friends and such up with my extra press pass it was quite enjoyable. We had a fun time up in the press box. The season had almost came to a close but it was to be my last night in that glorious press box. This douche bag kid who ran the sound effects said who are you I told him and he said Bobby Brett is going to speak with you. Dum Dum Dum DUUUUUM! So that last night I brought my uncle up to the press box which was pretty sweet. I did talk to Bobby Brett who um owns the Spokane Indians. He said I know you got the press passes but the press box is meant for the Major Media outlets he did not say it like that he put it in a nice way. So he said if you need any tickets to any games you let me know and I'll get ya great seats. So that was my last night in the press box however that wasn't the last time I would use my press passes. I would keep showing up at the stadium I would get in for free and I'd just sit in some fabulous seats that were not occupied. So to answer the blog question my most memorable sporting event would have to be the summer of 2004 at Avista Stadium watching a lot of free Spokane Indians games and I think why was it so memorable I think I've explained that in great detail. I scammed the Spokane Indians for free stuff and I'm quite happy with that. Some of you out there may be thinking say it aint so say it aint so Oz! My friends I regret to inform you even I the great and powerful wizard of Oz can be mischievous as well. What is your most memorable sporting event you have attended and what made it so memorable? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

A Case Of The Mondays!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a Monday edition of The Oz Files. We at The Oz Files are pulling double duty today. Leah sent me the blog topic too late last night so we are doing double the pleasure double the fun oz is back Jack. The first topic of the day will be Mondays is it really all that bad? What makes Monday's a fun day? Topic number two will be delivered via text message later on today and then another blog will be posted. So Mondays are usually a drag you have a good weekend you don't want to get up and get back to that thing they call work. Everyone does it and they oh so love that feeling when you get back to work on a Monday ha ha! Here are some things that make Monday's epic. For the football fans out there you always got Monday Night Football! Monday Night Football is iconic everyone sits around and watches that game every week during the football season. I would have to say there are many bars packed to the gills sober people enter drunk people depart oh what a rush! Mondays are great that is if your a WWE fan! John Hoffman and the rest of WWE nation will stand and rejoice in what is the longest running episodic show in cable TV history. That is right it's MONDAY NIGHT RAW! WWE Monday Night Raw has been on the air every week for the past 16 years ohhh boy and it's growing in popularity. So epic so fab and oh so glamorous! Well that is why Monday's can turn your frown to a smile. So next Monday when your feeling down remember this blog and watch USA 9pm for Monday Night Raw and in the football season ESPN Monday Night Football. So what do you think Monday's so amazing? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thanksgiving In April

Hey friends it's Oz here for a Thanksgiving edition of The Oz Files. That's right I said Thanksgiving would like me to talk about Thanksgiving in April? Yeah I know Leah um don't know what she's thinking ha ha I'm just playing but you know we do what we do best roll with the punches. Oh By the way Happy Easter everyone for he is risen! So my thoughts on Thanksgiving well I think it's about giving thanks for what you have and spending time with friends and family. Being with family is a huge part of the holiday season and my family is ay okay they give me a hard time but that's what a family does. Also football is a big part of Thanksgiving Americana. Football and Thanksgiving are like Leah and Stafford they just go together! Thanksgiving is also a time to stuff our little faces with some oh so healthy foods. God bless those turkeys who sacrifice there lives so that millions of people can have tasty Thanksgiving dinner. My favorite is the pumpkin pie with whip cream oh sooooooooo good! My aunt Robin last year she made pumpkin pie had a bit of a funny tase it tasted like chili pumpkin pie but still good we still give her a hard time about that. I don't like apple pie so nasty and wow yeah. I love turkey and pumpkin pie and definitely the worst thing is YAMS so I steer clear. My uncle Russ he loves the yams so he eats them all nobody will touch them. After everyone has eaten everyone is pretty tired so we watch a movie or something and fall asleep. My mom and aunt takes huge risks the next day and do the black Friday shopping that's like going to Costco on a weekend wow don't do it! Well what are your thoughts on Thanksgiving? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sweet Chin Music!

Hey friends it's Oz back again for a sweet chin music edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog topic chosen by Leah who is proceeding to get drunk right now has chosen while in a sober state to make the topic which celebrity would I like to meet and what would we do for the day? This definitely was a battle of wills to see who I would come up with. However I have made a decision and I think it's going to make this a pretty good blog. So let's cut to the chase and find out who Oz's dream celebrity hang out day a ma bob would turn out. This may shock and amaze some of you but for others it just makes sense. The person I have chosen to spend the entire today with is none other than the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels! That's right future WWE hall of famer Mr. Wrestlemania, the showstopper the main event the headliner and so much more. Now that we know who the celeb is now we will talk about what we would do for a day and oh boy it's gonna be SWEET! We would have one activity all day long and we would continue doing this said activity until we fell over laughing. What we would do is go around dishing out sweet chin music to people who really pissed Oz off and if your in the way you might get it too! HBK and I would first have to dish out the sweet chin music to the inventor of flannel and of course people who are flannel wearers they have to be abolished! Here it comes the SWEET CHIN MUSIC down and out down ya go! You might think twice before you put on a flannel because the sweet chin music will hurt ya oh yes right in the jaw! The next casualties would be people who pronounce Gonzaga like Gonzawga! Those guys and gals need to be taught a lesson so the sweet chin music coming at ya full speed ahead pow pow pow your done! We would also have to target every prepaid customer walking the face of the earth they are annoying and would have SWEEEET CHIN MUSIC ringing through there heads all day and all night long! Finally I'd like to say that our last victims of the sweet chin music definitely has to be all WSU fans and alums and everyone who lives or lived in Pullman so they have to go SWEET CHIN MUSIC SWEET CHIN MUSIC ohhhhhhhhhhhhh what a thrill! Anyways so who would you meet and what would you do? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, April 10, 2009

If I Only Had A Brain!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a free write Friday edition of The Oz Files. Today I have chosen a topic of which Wizard Of Oz character would I be and why? I hope you have all recovered from my brash arrogant blog last night I thoroughly enjoyed myself! The Wizard Of Oz is a great story a classic in American Movie history. Dorathy Gayle gets knocked out hard by the twista and has a dream and needs to find a way home along the way meets a scarecrow who needs a brain. The good ole Tinman who needs a heart. Finally you got the Lion who needs the Noive or Courage! As the story goes follow the yellow brick road be careful you might step in something yellow that you did not intend to if you get my drift. I have already portrayed the Wizard Of Oz in 8Th grade and I was soo good. So since I've already lived the life of the Wiz then we will have to rule him out. You should ask Leah about the Wiz I hear she loves that movie. Oh wait she hasn't seen it yet ha ha ha! This is a tough decision do I want a brain? a heart? or the noive? I tell ya decisions decisions but I guess there has to be some conclusion by the end of this blog. We mustn't forget Dorathy's little dog toto oh what a cute little thing now he's in doggy heaven. Let's start off with the Tinman shall we? The Tinman was a woodsmen and he was cutting down trees but he got turned into tin and he wasn't given a heart. This is quite sad how could you go on without having feeling for someone or something? When he gets rusty he has to fill up with the oil can my only question is what happens when the oil can runs out do you have to buy a certain type of oil or do you just go to chevron and filler up? I think the Tinman is a great dancer and he's awesome when he does the toot toot steam pops out of his head so classic! Since I mentioned the Tinman we obviously can conclude that my choice isn't the Tinman but what a hell of a guy! Now I must talk about that darn Lion he needs some courage and in a hurry. The Lion acts rough and tough but in the inside he's just a little pussy cat. He cried when Dorathy hit him on the nose I felt that was a great part of the movie emotion is always good to let out. The Lion needs the noive because without the noive the Lion is useless. Yes, he's a big creature but without that needed edge he's nothing just a guy with a lions mane and nothing more how sad! Since I discussed the Lion he also isn't my choice. So there is only one other option and you know who that is yes the mighty Scarecrow! I would be the scarecrow because he needs a brain his head is all of full of stuffin and his heart is full of pain. He likes to rattle every riddle for any indifiddle in trouble or in pain. I think he's a great guy! He fell off the post and well I just fall a lot so I think the Scarecrow and myself have a loot of things in common. He doesn't have a brain and I have a brain but sometimes I don't use it so I guess that evens itself out a bit. Dorathy and Scarecrow grew very close so close that maybe they had a flame brewing! Scarecrow doesn't like flames or fire so you can't count him out at bonfires! Just follow the yellow brick road and you find the great and powerful Wizard Of Oz. He gave them all what they wanted and they all lived happily ever after! SO what Wizard Of Oz character would you be and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Oz Spiker!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a sporty edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided that tonight's topic will be what is my favorite sport to play and why do I love to play it? There are a lot of sports to choose from and they are all quite fantastic except for the most obvious boring sport of all time soccer. So I guess soccer did not make the cut oh so sorry Europe. I've been known to play a little basketball but when I do I usually end up hurting myself in some weird freak injury. So I tend to steer clear of the round ball and leave that to the professionals and the Hoopfest wanna be ballaz! How about throwing around a pig skin other known as football for our female readers. Ha ummm anyways I can throw a football a very long ways with such great accuracy. I can also catch the ball with ease however football is not thee sport for the Oz striker! The sport of hockey interests me air hockey style I am the best there ever was and the best there ever will be. However that doesn't get the nod at number 1. Ping pong is coming back with brutal force and I must say I do play a lot. When Oz touches a ping pong paddle everyone around him gets that feeling that something special is about to happen. When Oz graces the ping pong table and he battles the best talent out there and when he goes through them limb by limb it's quite the sight to see. When he hits those power shots with one devastating move down the line cross court backhand behind the back you name it I got it watch out China Oz is on to ya! I'll go Forrest Gump on your ass! However ping pong is a very nice sport which I dominate I make grown men cry and I make girls swoon with my God given abilities. I do love baseball however I'm not even gifted enough to play Americas pastime. I love to watch it but baseball is fabulous just like the Sandlot. Heroes are born and legends never die Kid! Anybody want to lend me the sandlot on DVD? I have it on VHS time to upgrade! The time has come where I will now reveal the sport that I have a blast playing and domination those poor souls RIP! The number one sport that I love to play without a doubt has to be none other than volleyball! I will play volleyball indoors or outdoors. You name the time and place and I'll be there to dominate you tools in the epic ozatopia of volleyball prowess. When I serve it I find the weakest player on the court and I exploit there weakness. It's usually some girl or some guy who thinks they are the bomb but all they are is a pawn in Oz's game of life! When the ball flies off my fingers up in the air when Oz's mighty touch grazes the ball it thunders down the line for an ace in your face son! If the ace doesn't happen it's gonna be damn near unhittable. When I'm not serving I'm diving like a champ digging those balls out. Oz says he's not afraid of floor burns or even beach burns it's all about the passion of the game! When I'm up at the net and someone tries to spike one over the OTRAIN they get a heavy dose of reality when they see the Oz roof them and say get that junk out of my house playa! I may sound brash and arrogant but that's how the game is played babes and gents! After each game I definitely do shake hands with my teammates and fellow pawns known as my competitors! It's always good to show good sportsmanship. The Oz says what is your favorite sport to play and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Camping Oh What A Thrill!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a camping edition of The Oz Files. Um I'm kina not sober at the moment I think 11 drinks may do that to ya wow I love team trivia! Um So tonights blog topic is going to be what uis my favorite place to go camping and why is ti so amazing? Leah has a genius of a mind I am sooooo happy she's awesome in everyone every wy way imaginable! So my family and I love to go camping every year we do the camping thing all the tiem. When I say my family and I that means that I am part of the family can ya dig it babes and babets and guys and gents! Um so I like to gio intertubing and I will preface this by saying I won't be using spell check because i'm kinda not doing that tongiht too much work for the OTRAIN so bare with me with the typos! As I was saying i loev interubing and I lovehow my uncle get me on the tube then he makes a sharp turns and takes me a for a ride I will never forget ummm YEAH i fly off the tube and lay out in the lake on my back with such exhausintan it was sooo amzing! We love to go fishing and the fishies in the lake and in thee deep blue sea well they are my friends and I love them and I love to eat them but I don't like to gut them because that is kinda gross but so are peaches so I geuss you get my drift! Um sooo I should probobly answer the questin then what is my favorite camping spot and why is it so amazing? Um I'd have to say the eeeee best camping spot would have to be at 7 bays on lake rosevelts ho oh bay wbaby what a rush! The campsite is quite epic with great views and lots to do I love to swim and I lovd oto jump in the water! I love to eat while camping ohhhhh what a great time had by all! Well um I think I've done a lot of damamge for one night in more ways the an one! So tell me friends and friendetss um that's not a word. hatwhat is your favorite camping spot nd what makes it so amazing? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chucky VS Mickey!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a fight night edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided that tonight's topic will be who would win a fight between Chucky E Cheese and Mickey Mouse? We will make this a lot easier on ourselves by calling the two characters Chucky and Mickey so we don't get lost. Wow this is a battle of the mouses which mouse will prevail? Only time will tell my dear friends. In one corner you got Mickey who's representing Disney and in the other corner you have Chucky who represents pizza and fun. Mickey is an old far so maybe his age and his grey hairs may put him at a disadvantage. Chucky he's not that old compared to old man Mick. Both guys are around kids all the time so they get a young vibrant feeling. Mickey is a fragile freak of nature he's oh so nice. Chucky on the other hand has his nice moments but I speak from prior experience he pushed me one time so I think he would have some brutal force. Mickey mouse has Donald Duck and Cinderella in his corner backing him up. Chucky has his band and a bratty 10 year old kid in his corner and of course a lot of pizza for his energy. Mickey starts off by doing a sneak attack from behind and he jumps on good ole Chucky threw Mickey down! Mickey was crying and he said, "Oh No my big Disney ears are hurting!" Chucky said, "Poor Mickey get up and fight like a big mouse get those big mouse pants on!" So mickey did not want to feel like a pansy so he got up and threw a punch to Chucky but Chucky blocked it and kicked Mickey down low. Mickey's eyes were filled with tears of sadness and pain. Chucky then picked up Mickey and he threw him across the room. Chucky could hear poor Mickey groaning in agony. Chucky then jumped from the table down to the floor where Mickey lay and landed on his little face. Finally Chucky rolled Mickey over and pinned him for the 1,2,3 count! There ya have it Chucky Cheese is the man and he's bigger and Donald Duck and Cindarella were consoling Mickey so they all shed a tear together. As far as Chucky and the band and the kid and the pizza they all lived happily ever after the end! Well what are your thoughts on this epic battle between the mouses? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Vacation Destination!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a frequent flyer mile edition of The Oz Files. This blog may be one of the shortest blogs of mankind because I have to leave in like 20 minutes for work. I fell asleep before 8pm last night and just got the topic this morning so ummmmmmmmmm yeah! Leah has decided today's blog is going to be what is my best vacation I've ever taken? I've only taken a couple vacations only for a few days that is if you don't count camping which I do that all the time. I'd have to say my favorite vacation would be viva Las Vegas. Took a trip down there while i was going to SFCC for the national college newspaper conference and that is where I was introduced to some heavy drinking! Wow I was really not sober a lot of the time. Did a lot of fun stuff met a lot of interesting people down there. I gambled away and won wow I'm shocked wow yes. The food was good me and Hannah almost got lost in VEGAS at NIGHT so it was a good time. What is your favorite vacation destination? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oz And Springtime!

Hey friends it's Oz again for a springtime edition of The Oz Files. It is now springtime and Leah has posed the question what is my favorite part of the spring? There are several things I like about the spring but I have to choose one and that is what I am going to do. People who know me best know that I am a huge sports fan. So some people may like the leaves turning different colors or maybe even they like spring cleaning. That definitely won't be for me no sirree bob. My favorite part about spring definitely has to be can you smell the green grass the hot dogs the smell of dirt oh yes that means one thing it's time for some Major League Baseball! When spring rolls around baseball season is starting up and I catch a case of the baseball fever. If your around me at this time of the year it's quite contagious so if you like baseball I highly recommend you catch the fever. Have you ever seen Fever Pitch? Oh boy the guy in that movie reminds me of myself wow so so similar! I won't knock anybody's favorite time of spring because between you and I when springtime rolls around that means that winter is long gone. Once spring passes us by that means that summer is just around the bend and that is my favorite time of the year. Maybe I'll talk about the summer when it is summer time oh the scorching heat! Anyways what is your favorite time of the spring? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Parks And Recreation!

Hey friends it's Oz back again for a nature version of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog has been determined to be about Spokane area parks. What is my favorite Spokane park and why do I love it so much? Leah once again great topic and a story to be told that will knock your socks off. There are several parks around the city of Spokane and depending on what you like to do at a park your opinion may vary from mine. If you like quiet picnics and a lovely afternoon watching your kids play on the playground then maybe Manito Park is for you. If you like to play baseball or softball then maybe you will like a lot of the parks like Shadle Park, Comstock Park and Franklin Park. However those are great parks in there own right but I do have a park and a story to share and I hope you enjoy it. The park that I love most is Riverfront Park. First off there are a lot of things to do at Riverfront Park. You can feed the ducks and geese which I do on occasion and we will go back to that in a minute when I talk about a childhood experience. The Imax Theatre is in the park and you have rides and mini golf and ice skating rink. Also big events come to the park pig out at the park which brings in mega bank for the city and a lot of good food and entertainment. The entertainment isn't that great but people enjoy it none the less. Other events include July 4Th fireworks display with entertainment which is a huge family event good times had by all for sure. Bloomsday and Hoopfest always end up in the park those are two huge events. Way back in 1974 Riverfront Park was host to the Expo which to this day is the smallest city to ever host an expo. Also Riverfront Park is downtown by a lot of restaurants and by Riverpark Square Mall. As I say it's all about location, location, location. When I was younger my mom and my aunt took me to the park to feed the ducks and the geese and most times the seagulls like to steal the food they are such brats. I feed them bread and throw it in the blue stuff that is better known as water! Well my mom told me when I was younger we went down there and I fed the ducks and I somehow found a way to fall in the blue stuff! I guess someone was able to get me out because I sit here before you today. One of my great specialities is falling down and that sort of thing so that may not shock Leah would it? What is your favorite park in Spokane? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Rock!

Hey friends it's Oz back again for a rocky edition of The Oz Files. Today is Friday which means yes it's that time again it's free write Friday for The Oz Files fan club. Wow, I rumbled through a few topics and I have decided that I will be talking about the great American landmark known as Alcatraz AKA the ROCK! No, that is not the ROCK from WWE Do you smell what the rock is cooking? Alcatraz is located in San Fransisco Californian USA. It's located way out on the water past the golden gate bridge. Alcatraz was primarily used to house the prisoners that were being problematic in the other jails around the world. These were not your common criminals. The men who came to Alcatraz were men who were in mafias and gangs and known for murdering a lot of people and a lot of high level cases. Alcatraz is a giant structure it spans 22.6 acres which equals to 4,700 square feet. I have been to Alcatraz and let me tell you it's quite a sight to see. You can sit inside a jail cell and go to the D block and it's all quite inspiring. I will let you know your feet get tired after awhile walking around there is a lot of ground to cover. You take a ferry from the pier to get to Alcatraz then you have to swim back ahhahahaahaa NAH you take a ferry back too. This leads me to the escape attempts that were made. If your going to escape Alcatraz you have to be sneaky and smart and the bay area is filled with sharks so you gotta have some luck too. There were several attempts but one that stood out in my mind was the last attempt before they closed down Alcatraz. There were three guys who found a way to dig themselves out of there jail cells. They made dummies with faces and clothes to put in there beds so the guards would believe that they were there. They made a raft out of material from which one of the fellas worked. They knew what to do and when to do it. They were able to escape and nobody found them but they did find a piece of clothing on Angel Island which is an island not far from Alcatraz. The warden at the time at Alcatraz said they drowned but many people including myself believe and know that those guys escaped and I was mighty impressed. There have been many movies made about Alcatraz such as Escape From Alcatraz, The Birdman Of Alcatraz and The Rock and so many more. I urge you to go out and watch these films for they are a good cleansing of the soul. If your ever in the bay area you need to go to Alcatraz it's so worth the 7.00 and you will remember it for a lifetime! Well what do you think of Alcatraz? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The One And Only Oz!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a family edition of The Oz Files. Today's blog topic is going to be I'm an only child and what are some advantages and disadvantages and did I enjoy being an only child? Wow what a great question from Leah and I think I can answer these questions for your viewing pleasure. Well this may be short and sweet but we will see how things progress. It is true I am an only child and when I was younger I thought it was called a lonely child so I kept telling people I'm a lonely child over and over again and people were quite taken back. So I guess it's called an only child which I guess makes some sense. Now with all that being said I will first talk about some advantages about being an only child has been like. The way I look at it is this when your an only child with no brothers or sisters you get all the attention. It's quite possible that you may have been spoiled from all your relatives especially your grandparents and of course mother dearest. Being the only child meant that you could do a lot of things and get away with it like you know coloring my bedroom floor with markers and crayon and labeling my walls with permanent black markers! A huge advantage is that I have nobody to compete with for TV viewing it's all mine and I'll take it all please with an order of fries on the side thanks so much! Those are just some advantages I am sure there could be more but I'll leave it at those couple right there. I shall now talk about the disadvantages of being an only child. First off I think that being an only child you yearn for that brother or sister that you wish you had. I always wished I could get a sister to tease and boss around. That did not happen but I'm okay with that and another thing that I do not like about being an only child is you tend to talk to yourself quite a bit because you have nobody to talk or play with. I can recall many times playing catch with a football or baseball or frisbee by myself wow I could sure blaze those parks with my Nike's! Another bummer deal about being an only child was that when you were in team sports like I was with YMCA soccer and basketball I sucked by the way just in case you were interested. There would be parents with multiple kids on a team and they would be saying those are my boys or girls! When I was playing my mom would be like that's my boy and I had to bring multiple family members to cheer me on just to make up for the fact that I only would have had one supporter. I don't know I just made that up but it sounded good at the time about the support at youth events! I'd like to say that I did play and I did suck and that is no lie! I now will answer the question of did I enjoy being an only child? With all the information I have provided I'd have to say that it's been a great experience. I did follow my shadow a few times thinking it was a guy trying to get me but all in all I'd say I turned out alright but maybe some don't agree ha ha ha! Anyways what are your thoughts on the only child discussion? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an April Fools edition of The Oz Files. This will be a shorter than usual blog because I have to get this done before I go to trivia and I don't got much to say on this subject because I don't have a lot of experience with it. However Leah said that today's topic is going to be what is the best prank I've pulled or a prank pulled on me on April Fools day. I have never pranked someone and I have never been pranked but just a little while ago it happened the Oz got pranked on. My good "friend" Lyndsey just sent me a text that says don't text or call me anymore! That's fucked up what you did! I'm done with you and stop looking like a retard while you read this cause it's April fools day! Wow at first I was totally shocked and dumb founded. I was like what did I do to you then I kept reading and I'm like oh that Lynz what a prankster! I will let you all know you have no idea how much a relief it really is when you let out a sigh of relief. Anyways that's all I got for ya today. I wish you all a great April Fools day and a happy new year. What kind of pranks have you been involved in? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!