Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an April Fools edition of The Oz Files. This will be a shorter than usual blog because I have to get this done before I go to trivia and I don't got much to say on this subject because I don't have a lot of experience with it. However Leah said that today's topic is going to be what is the best prank I've pulled or a prank pulled on me on April Fools day. I have never pranked someone and I have never been pranked but just a little while ago it happened the Oz got pranked on. My good "friend" Lyndsey just sent me a text that says don't text or call me anymore! That's fucked up what you did! I'm done with you and stop looking like a retard while you read this cause it's April fools day! Wow at first I was totally shocked and dumb founded. I was like what did I do to you then I kept reading and I'm like oh that Lynz what a prankster! I will let you all know you have no idea how much a relief it really is when you let out a sigh of relief. Anyways that's all I got for ya today. I wish you all a great April Fools day and a happy new year. What kind of pranks have you been involved in? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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