Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fast Food Oh The Agony!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a tasty edition of The Oz Files! Leah has decided to make this a fast food debate. The topic fast food is it amazing or amazingly disgusting what is my opinion? So the debate has been raging for decades on this exact same issue. Where does the Oz stand on this issue? We will find out I may not have a stance I may take both sides and come up with a middle ground we will see. We in America are known for our food and to be more specific the fast food variety. We as a people of this great nation are always on the go and sometimes you have to stop somewhere to get a bite to eat. We don't have time to sit down and eat somewhere so what's the next best option? That's right fast food is where it's at and people really enjoy it. Some people eat out more than half the time in a given week. There are a lot of different choices to pick from. You got McDonald's, Burger King, Arby's, Jack In The Box,Taco Time, Taco Bell,Subway,Quiznos,Bruchi's and so much more. With that being said there are some choices that are good like Subway and Taco Time for the most part pretty healthy. You have the burger joints and let me tell ya they are tasty but healthy um not so much but still people do enjoy them and they are definitely a booming business. To sum it up for the case for fastood being amazing is your in a hurry and you gotta eat on the go why not do a little fast food? I wouldn't do it all the time but once in awhile is good in moderation. The case for fast food to be amazingly disgusting. Fast Food is known to be the leading cause of Obesity in the United States well I don't know but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. A few years back in Spokane Jack In The Box had to close down for a few days because there was an E coli outbreak that swept the city and everyone was in an uproar. After a few days all was well and now Jack In The Box hasn't lost a step even though there service is quite slow downtown but on division quit solid! Another reason fast food could be amazingly disgusting is that it costs you money if you keep going and going like the energizer bunny! Don't get me wrong fast food is good food but you might go broke if you keep at it. Summing up the case against fast food is it costs you where it really hurts and most importantly for the most part fast food isn't healthy for you. Where does the Oz stand on this whole heated debate? I'll tell ya where I stand and that is on the fence. You heard it here folks the Oz is on the fence and this is why. I believe that fast food is good in moderation and would be bad if you went out constantly. So in my case I do the fast food thing like twice a week which is pretty good. I do the Subway thing on Sunday after church love that tuna. Fridays go to the Rocket Bakery for a tuna sandwitch with Ice tea and other stuff. So all in all it's good and bad but whatever you choose do it with care for your body and your wallet. Milk it does a body good! What is your stance on the fast food debate? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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