Friday, April 17, 2009

The People Clicker!

Hey friends it's Oz here for an invention edition of The Oz Files! It is that time again yes it's free write Friday. That means Oz gets to choose his own topic and tonight's topic is if I could invent anything what would it be and why? I think this is a good subject and I will start by saying the invention that I would do already exists in some ways but not in the way I would use it. I would make some modifications for certain. The modern day remote control is the basis of what my invention would be. However there is a slight catch to this whole idea of a remote control. People in today's society use it to watch TV and watch DVDs. Which are all good things and I support them 110%. However the Oz is here to make some drastic changes to this ever so fascinating piece of equipment. I would have seven basic keys for the remote. They are as follows power,pause,rewind,mute,volume up,volume down and fast forward. You may ask Oz those are already in place what are you talking about son? Those controls definitely are in play in today's ever changing society but the Oz has bigger plans in store. My invention would be called the all in one People Clapper. The main purpose of this invention is to use the remote control function on people. So if you don't like someone all you would have to do is whip out that controller and press the power key and they are gone and they would come back after a two minute timeout but by the time they come back your long gone. How about if your in a situation that renders for you to think about something for a minute or two so what do you do you press the pause button to the person you are talking too. Once you reach a resolution then you un pause and make a rational decision. It makes you and the other person happy it's a win win all around! Have you ever been in a situation where you wish you could go back in time maybe just a few minutes or maybe just a few hours? Well with the People Clicker your just one click away from going back in time. Say you robbed a bank and after doing so you really regret it just point the People Clicker towards you press rewind and go back in time and then relive the moment like it never happened. Can you say ground hog day? I can and I think it's fabulous. If your day is dragging along and you just want it to be the end of the day so you can go home there is an easy way to achieve your goals. Of course use the People Clicker and point at yourself or even point at the clock to enhance the object finder. All you gotta do is click fast forward until you want to stop and boom you got your goals accomplished and all it took was one click of a button. This brings me to the last two controls which would be one of my favorites. Let's say your interested in one thing and talking to someone about the other and you want to tune them out a little bit. All you gotta do is click that volume down button and voila you got a little of this and a little of that going on. Also what if you want to hear what they are saying but they talk so soft you can't hear them or if you want everyone to hear just press the volume up arrow and crank that sucker up and you can hear what they are saying as long as you point the People Clicker to that person. You can also point it to yourself turn your self up or down it all serves a purpose! Well I hope you all enjoyed The People Clicker invention. What would you invent and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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