Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oz And Springtime!

Hey friends it's Oz again for a springtime edition of The Oz Files. It is now springtime and Leah has posed the question what is my favorite part of the spring? There are several things I like about the spring but I have to choose one and that is what I am going to do. People who know me best know that I am a huge sports fan. So some people may like the leaves turning different colors or maybe even they like spring cleaning. That definitely won't be for me no sirree bob. My favorite part about spring definitely has to be can you smell the green grass the hot dogs the smell of dirt oh yes that means one thing it's time for some Major League Baseball! When spring rolls around baseball season is starting up and I catch a case of the baseball fever. If your around me at this time of the year it's quite contagious so if you like baseball I highly recommend you catch the fever. Have you ever seen Fever Pitch? Oh boy the guy in that movie reminds me of myself wow so so similar! I won't knock anybody's favorite time of spring because between you and I when springtime rolls around that means that winter is long gone. Once spring passes us by that means that summer is just around the bend and that is my favorite time of the year. Maybe I'll talk about the summer when it is summer time oh the scorching heat! Anyways what is your favorite time of the spring? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. haha... Why am I not surprised that this was about sports?

  2. ha ha well sports and Oz are like two peas and a pod BFF's oh yeah and you gotta deal!
