Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Darkest Hour!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a twilight edition of The Oz Files. So sorry about the delay in the blogs um Leah and AT&T are having 3G issues so we had a lot of drama but now I think we got it under control so we are doing two amazing blogs tonight! The first blog topic is 24 hours the earth is coming to an end how do I spend my last day on earth? Wow this is a devistating subject to think about but let's roll with it people! Oz is on the prowl and the earth as we know it is coming to a screetching halt! Oz will grab the bulls by the horns and do whatever he wants to do and nobody is gonna tell him otherwise. So I would have to burn down the holley mason building woops my bad! Then I would definitley throw a big celebration bash drinks a plenty. Leah and I would be tearing down the place. The pole dancers taking classes would Rest In Peace. The dream of being olympians will not come true let's have a moment of silence. Ok, that's good enought so what's next on the list? The Rocket Bakery will be lost and those beautiful people who work there I'll join ya soon. I would then drink quite a few strawberry margaritas oh so tasty! I will miss them margaritas and I will need to go to the bach and swim with the dolphins. I would also go bowling and slide down the lanes that would be a lot of fun. Can you say human bowling ball? I just did and I love it! One last thing I would go to Leah's place and watch the Wiz! Ha HA inside joke on that one! What would you do with 24 hours left? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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