Monday, April 27, 2009

Lost In Sin!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a wandering edition of The Oz Files. Leah has decided since I do get lost on occasion hasn't happened a lot but wants to know the strangest place I've been lost or the funnies memory of being lost? I have great memories of all my "adventures"! However there is one story that has to be told even though it did happen in VIVA Las Vegas. So I'll set this story up for you all. Went to Vegas for a college newspaper conference while I was going to SFCC and we had a great time. So the group of us that went to Vegas were drinking having a good time and we go to several hotels checking them out. Well Hannah and myself were really hungry so we decided we needed to hit up the buffet at the MGM Grand. We get there we sit down and the dude there is like did you pay and I'm like where do you pay? Dude said way in the back oh I say where i can't see. So the dude thinks I'm paying for both but I"m not so I pay for mine the dude gives us two plates. So Hannah is like should I pay and I tell her no they think I paid for ya or so that's what we thought. So we had a good time eating our butts off and she even had more than I did she went for the big pancakes we had to wait til 10pm for the pancake buffet to open up but she did her thing. I was might impressed I gave her the props she rightly deserved. So now it was game time Hannah gave me that look and asked should we just walk out I said just act casual walk down those stairs calm and I'll follow. So we did just that and Hannah got a free meal so that was great. So we are trying to get back to our hotel which was off the strip but right across from the Hard Rock Hotel. It's pitch black outside and we are walking down the strip hoping that we were going the right way. Hannah and I had some arguments about the whole thing . So were walking down our marry way and I say let's turn this way so we did and she thought it was the wrong way and it wasn't ha so I was right for once when it comes to directions. Then we came to a light and she's like I think we have to go straight and I'm like lets turn and she's like no Oz. So we go her way and we are hoping we are going the right direction and well EVENTUALLY we got to where we wanted that was back at the hotel. Our group was like what took you guys so long and were like ummm Hannah got a free meal at the MGM she was hogging down the food and we kinda got lost getting back! But Hannah Said we were both half right on the directions so we were able to get back to the hotel with very little problems but at the time I was like please GOD find the way back home! So there ya go my story all of it true. Oh Man I almost forgot about this story I'll make short and sweet but this is soo memorable. My mom my friend james and myself were going to Seattle for the weekend to watch the Seattle Marienrs. We got to Olympia we were trying to get to our friends house which was just a little outside of Olympia. Boy those maps sure aren't handy because um we went around the State Captiola like 11 or 12 times I kid you not! I was laughing my ass off my mom wasn't sooo thrilled she was freaiking out. That same night the Seattle Mariners traded away Randy Johnson to Houston as that was announced we just kept going around and around the captiol building oh my goodness cuh a great time. We eventually had to stop at a pay phone and called them and our friends husband drove down and showed us the way. Ha wow what a great time I was in high school at the tiem maybe in middle school but wow what a great adventure. So have you been lost and how did you like it? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. Getting lost has to be the most amazing adventure ever. Even if you have a final destination, you know you will be late but there is no reason to stress enjoy the extra little drive.

    I think my favorite lost adventure was in New York City. I was looking everywhere for this one little hole in the wall christmas shop to get something for my mom. I walked EVERYWHERE for hours. Finally on the last day I left the hotel turned around the wrong corner and sure enough there was the christmas cottage. But the best part was while I was searching for it I made many friends and found tons of great things!

