Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Oz Scammer!

Hey friends it's Oz here for the second blog topic of the day oh and it's gonna be a dandy it's a sporty edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's topic is what is the most memorable sporting event I have ever attended and what made it so memorable? I have been to many sporting events in my lifetime but it's really hard to just pick one. So here I am faced with a dilemma and I think Oz has come to a solution. In a previous blog I mentioned how I may have scammed the Spokane Indians out of two free press passes for a whole summer. Well I think I'd like to elaborate on that a bit and I think everyone reading this will have a good laugh. So in 2004 when I was going to SFCC writing for the newspaper in the sports division mostly. I also wrote for other various sections. So we got a call at the office from Jay Stewart who does promotions for the Spokane Chiefs and Spokane Indians and who used to be play by play for the Chiefs. He called asking for the lead sports writer which was me asking me if I wanted to do an article on the Grotto. Which was being built and nearly completed and I jumped all over that opportunity like white on rice. I went out to Avista Stadium with a photographer and I had a tour of the stadium had a nice chat with the President of the Spokane Indians and Advertising dude about baseball and the Spokane Indians and the grotto and various other topics. We had a nice chemistry brewing and after the interviews were done the President of the Spokane Indians asked me if we have a paper in the summer and I said "sure" we do. He asked me if I'd like to have two summer press passes to the games this year to do some stories on the Spokane Indians. I was thinking to myself hmmm Free Press Passes to Spokane Indians baseball games all summer long. Hmm Sounds good to me only one of us knew there would be no articles written but I did bring all my stuff up to the press box acting like I was doing something. Opening day rolls around I arrive at the ballpark I say I got two press passes for Ozzie Whitehead. To my amazement the guy hands me two press passes for the entire summer I was quite baffled. So I ask someone where is the press box so I have these passes might as well take advantage of a great situation. I met the PA announcer the scoreboard operator the sound effects dude even the broadcaster and a Spokesman review reporter. They had no idea who I was and I preferred to keep it that way. Oz always like to keep a low profile so that I can scam the city of Spokane for all it's worth. One of the great perks being part of the "Press Box" was the free hot dogs, hamburgers and pop. The view was out of this world and I brought my tape recorder and a notepad and I looked all legit. What did I do with this information I threw it away and I enjoyed my recording at the ball park. I kept coming back every night. If the Spokane Indians were at home Oz would make sure he'd be there. I invited friends and such up with my extra press pass it was quite enjoyable. We had a fun time up in the press box. The season had almost came to a close but it was to be my last night in that glorious press box. This douche bag kid who ran the sound effects said who are you I told him and he said Bobby Brett is going to speak with you. Dum Dum Dum DUUUUUM! So that last night I brought my uncle up to the press box which was pretty sweet. I did talk to Bobby Brett who um owns the Spokane Indians. He said I know you got the press passes but the press box is meant for the Major Media outlets he did not say it like that he put it in a nice way. So he said if you need any tickets to any games you let me know and I'll get ya great seats. So that was my last night in the press box however that wasn't the last time I would use my press passes. I would keep showing up at the stadium I would get in for free and I'd just sit in some fabulous seats that were not occupied. So to answer the blog question my most memorable sporting event would have to be the summer of 2004 at Avista Stadium watching a lot of free Spokane Indians games and I think why was it so memorable I think I've explained that in great detail. I scammed the Spokane Indians for free stuff and I'm quite happy with that. Some of you out there may be thinking say it aint so say it aint so Oz! My friends I regret to inform you even I the great and powerful wizard of Oz can be mischievous as well. What is your most memorable sporting event you have attended and what made it so memorable? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. OH wow that is very scandalous I can see your mind plotting more ways to get free things from them! Great story, definitely put a smile on my face!

