Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Chicken Crossed The Road!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a chicken edition of The Oz Files. Leah had some good dreams she took a nap so this blog topic is quite refreshing. Tonight's blog topic is Why did the chicken cross the road? What was so important on the other side? This debate has been brewing for ages and it's up to Oz to answer the age long question why did the chicken cross the road? First of all you always hear the childish remarks with the answer to get to the other slide. Dude that's not funny kid please come back with better material. So why did the chicken really cross the road? It's quite simple he was doing his potty dance running around like a chicken with his head cut off ha ha not literally but he definitely is a chicken or her I don't want to discriminate! The chicken was a lonely chicken and he had nowhere to go and he felt sad. I think I saw him shed a tear or two and Big Bird was right there to lend his shoulder to cry on. After that sad pathetic sight had passed then the chicken got pretty hungry. So the chicken actually did cross the road and he or she did not know what was in store. When they crossed the road to the amazement of the chicken he saw a huge bucket of white crispy 8 piece chicken style. When the chicken he saw thought and he knew at that moment his brothers and sisters had been made into a KFC crispy special! When the chicken realized this they knew what they had to do. It had to be slaughtered to redeem the chicken's families honor. So the deed was done and that poor chicken lived a good life and the chicken was also made into a KFC meal for a family in need. It wasn't for a family just for Leah and Oz to enjoy ohhhhh they deserved oh so much! Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Why did the chicken cross the road and what was so important on the other side? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. To get to KFC? that's definitely not the answer I was expecting!

  2. ha ha ha I was struggling with an answer so I asked at random my friend erich on yahoo IM that question he said a big bucket of chicken so I went with it
