Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hey friends it's Oz here back again yet for another amazing blog from an amazing person! Today I indulge you in a topic of what superpower would you have and why? Wow this is definitely a blog that will be a hard one to write because I have never been into the whole geeky superpower stuff but Leah is the boss! We lead things off with a potential superpower of choice which is being invisible. Have you ever imagined what it would be like if you could be invisible? For or at least one day in your life and be that fly on a wall. When people are not cognisant of there surroundings and they something they may regret later on and you can be invisible no one can hear or see you and I think that's a pretty cool thing if you ask me. How about having the ability to spin a web and the ability to climb walls and swing from buildings? Yes the spiderman man he's got mad skills YO! If you planned multiple dates with this ability you can swing yourself from one place to another in no time flat. I think this superpower is jaw dropping and earth shattering. How would you like to fly everywhere you go? It would definitely save you a lot of money on airplane tickets! You can be your one person flight service get ready were ready for takeoff. You wouldn't be late for anything unless your flying abilities only gave you a speed limit then in that case a cop with a helicopter would pull you over for speeding in a a no flying zone ha ha! It's that time again for Oz to make his decision on what superpower I would like to have and why? It's fairly simple I would like to read minds. Just think of all the possibilities your talking to someone and they may be saying one thing and thinking of another and it's tearing you up inside on just what exactly they are thinking. No need to fear the Oz is here at your service you want to know what your boyfriend or girlfriend are really thinking Oz could provide you with that information it would only cost you 5.00. Ha Ha I only kid but anyways Oz wants to know what superpower would you choose and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Perfect Weekend!

Hey friends it's Oz here once again to provide you with the most up to date blog on the face of the earth. Tonight's topic is as follows, What is my idea of the perfect weekend? There are a lot of things that can be done on the weekends and work isn't' one of them so you can count me out sucka! A great weekend for a lot of people would be spending times in the outdoors appreciating nature and roughing it. That's not for Oz however I love camping and that sort of thing but it's not my #1 way of spending a weekend. When you think weekend you think sports of course! It doesn't matter what time of year it is it's always sports season 24/7/365. You can watch a wide variety of sports marathons such as baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, NASCAR and so much more. Watching the games in the comfort of your home is such a luxury because you don't have to get up and get in peoples way to get a beverage or something to eat and most importantly potty breaks. You don't want to run to the bathroom and possibly piss your pants or even worse oh wait nah I won't go there too graphic. I really enjoy watching NASCAR every single Sunday it's just so exciting watching the pre race show and then the race and the crashes and the strategy it's like so totally awesome it reminds me of my personality so amazingly groovy man! I think watching WWE is ay okay everyone loves it it's hard to not like it! Watching golf is okay if Tiger is playing if he's not um not so much. Tennis is okay if Federer or Nadal are playing if not then don't bother it's a watered down sport these days. I also enjoy going to movies on the weekend. Hey I might even go tomorrow who knows but I am getting a haircut buzzzzzzzz! From what I hear going to the movies on a weekend is a popular thing apparently during the week not so much very empty so you get a nice movie to yourself I experienced that earlier this week! Lastly another thing I love on the weekends is the blogging and texting oh wait texting is what I do best and blogging well that's not far behind! Oz wants to know what is your idea of a great weekend besides you know hanging out with Oz I mean who wouldn't? Ha well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Myspace OR Facebook?

Hey friends it's Oz here at your service for this fine evening of your blogging pleasure. Leah has decided that she wants to heat up a nice debate on myspace vs facebook. Which one do I prefer and why? Leah already knows my answer due to past text messages and conversations the past couple weeks. However the general public out there do not know what I prefer so this is your time to get a glimpse into the life and times of one Ozzie Whitehead the 3rd. Myspace has been around for several years and I'm not going to lie it's a hell of a website. One man having this great idea of having ordinary people have there own space online to share with there friends and family a totally cool concept. As time went by there were a lot of spam messages going into peoples inboxes which set up an outrage with fellow mysapceers. That has trimmed down quite a bit don't get a lot if any spam messages anymore. Myspace gives us common folk a chance to read blogs from celebs I enjoy the Matt Hardy, John Morrison, The Miz and Victoria blogs WWE ROCKS they are fabulous! Over the past couple months and most notably the past couple weeks when I send a message to one or two of my friends on mysapce my account gets phisched. I change the password try again oh your phisched again and again and again you get the picture people! So now I've managed that problem now I don't use myspace on the computer just on the G1 phone on myspace mobile much better. That is the case for choosing myspace over facebook. Now we will venture into the facebook generation. I will start by saying that facebook is a lot easier to find old classmates it lists them by first and last name alphabetically. Also facebook isn't all that flashy with the profiles it's so easy even a caveman can use it um ha ha! There are tons of applications beyond myspace comprehension and that's the bottom line. The Friend updates and what are you doing now are cool you can comment on everyone and you can write on peoples walls like I used to write and color on the floor and walls of my bedroom as a kid also used the permanent marker my mom wasn't too thrilled. Facebook is also the best way to network in all these communities and facebook is really rad. Both myspace and facebook have mobile applications which I have to say both are really solid. It has come to that time where I have to make a decision. That decison wasn't that tough and my decision is that facebook craps all over myspace and that's the bottom line because stone cold said so! The number one reason why facebook is better than myspace is my account hasn't got phisched one time it's really secure. So Oz wants to know what is your stance on this sticky debate between mysapce and facebook? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

TV Series or Movies On DVD?

Hey friends Oz is back again for another edition of the Oz Files. Today we discuss the hot topic of TV series on DVD or Movies on DVD? Which do you prefer and why? Wow this is a great topic I am sure it's something that has been discussed a many a time at watercoolers across the country. I am going to start off for the movies on DVD. Movies have become such a great American pastime for several generations and many generations to come. When a movie comes out you really want to see what do you do? You go to the movie theatre of course and enjoy the movies in the company of friends and family or maybe if you went to two movies on Monday like I did in the daytime then in movie number one it was just you and a girl and the other one you were all by yourself wow what a great time had by all. Opening weekend at the box office is a major thing all across the world. However maybe you would like to hear the reviews from certain publications and people you know before making an educated decision about watching the movie or not. This is where the movies on DVD come in. If you see a movie that you have had your eyes on for quite some time and you were slapping yourself silly because you regretted not seeing it at the theatre. No fear thank goodness for technology my friends we have something we like to call a DVD! So you go to blockbuster or wherever you prefer and buy or maybe rent a movie just to see what you think of it. At that point if you give it two thumbs up then I am sure you will make that conscious decision to buy that movie to keep forever forever forever I'm sorry I love the Sandlot Go Squintz ha ha! One last point on movies on DVD is now if you have a blu-ray machine you can watch movies in blu-ray from what I have heard are out of this world visually. OOOO AWWWW. So that is the case to support the whole movies on DVD. Now I proceed to TV series on DVD should we or shouldn't we? When you look at TV shows there are quite a few to choose from. Most of the older shows that are off the air you can buy for really cheap online and make a whole collection. Wow that sounds like a great idea oh wait I have already done that I have like 12 or 13 full TV series oh and you better recognize. A great thing about TV series on DVD is that you can relive past moments from your favorite shows and if you are really lame then you can buy certain seasons but I the wizard of Oz only buys TV series if they are a full series if they are not you can forget about it! Also TV series have theme music and if you really enjoy the show I am sure you will also enjoy singing along to the theme music and don't be afraid to admit that you sing a long it's okay everyone does it. Also with the TV series I am sure there are some great classic lines that everyone knows and you want to see it over and over again this is a great way to watch your favorite shows on DVD. Now That I have went into detail on both points of view it is now time for Oz to make his final cut. This wasn't easy but when it boiled down to it I had to go with TV series on DVD because you know I love TV shows and I loved DVDs put them together what do you get? TV series on DVD and I really enjoy the older shows than the newer shows I have like 12 or 13 series on DVD they are fun to watch. I also enjoy movies too but they are better for me to watch them at the movie theatre but movies are totally awesome! Give a little shout out to Mama Mia and Abba good times good times bravo bravo bravo! What is your take on this whole discussion? I would like to know so leave some comments. Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Captain Vs Captain

Hey friends oz here back again for yet another heart pumping chest bumping edition for The Oz Files. Today Leah has decided to make this topic very interesting. Today's discussion will be who would win a battle between Captain Morgan and Captain Crunch and why? This brings together a clash of the titans. In one corner you got Captain Morgan who is the face of spiced rum and who has a long sword and his scruffily looking facial hair. Also looks like he's had his share of shipmates ha ha. Captain Morgan looks like he wants to fight somebody 24/7/365 and it wouldn't surprise me if you saw Captain Morgan on Americas Most Wanted for Bar Hopping oh my bad I couldn't resist. In the other corner you got the good ole Captain Crunch. His most notable traits would have to be his white mustache and his blue captains hat with the letter C in gold lettering. He also has the smile that can tell 1,000 words. Captain Crunch has the voice for the kids and the kids at heart and Captain Morgan is the voice for young adults and real old men and women. Before I make my decision who will win and why? I'd like to say that Captain Morgan is definitely a young buck compared to Captain Crunch and may have a slight advantage in the stamina department. On the other hand Captain Crunch has perseverance because he has a lot of experience and knows how to take those body blows. If you ask the crunch man AKA Captain Crunch what is the key to a a victory in a battle? His answer would be it's a marathon not a sprint young whippersnapper! What does Oz think on this whole controversy? I think if there were to be a battle between Captain Morgan face of the spiced rum and Captain Crunch the face for cereal across this great country of ours I would have to take Captain Crunch Soley based on his vast experience and his cereal is really really good! So it looks like Captain Morgan bites the dust! What do you think on this controversial topic? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rain Or Snow The Debate Continues

Hey Friends it's Oz again for my blogging extravaganza. Let's cut right to the chase today's topic is rain or snow which is better and why? I will begin with the case for the rain drops, Why would you like rain rather than the snow? Well rain comes down and you get all wet and you might even catch a cold if your out too long. Rain is cool because when you have a thunderstorm rain is soon to follow. Rain produces puddles of rain so if you want you can play in the puddles. Tonight I found myself with a decision walk through a gigantic puddle or run into the chance of falling on ice I went with walking in the puddle. How did that turn out? Not so good my socks are soaking wet boy it was nice and chilly that is for sure. As a kid I used to catch rain on my tongue and drink it yum tasted like chicken um no just a joke there it tasted more like water. If your waiting for a ride or walking down the street and a vehicle comes by and find a puddle and goes through it fast then your screwed. I'd like to call that wipe out and one last thing do not have your cell phone out and text when it's not raining because even if it did rain and your under a building raindrops might fall into your keypad. Hm this sounds oh so familiar Leah gotta love those alien text had to get a replacement! One last thing you gotta love Singing In The Rain! Now it's time for the snow debate! As a kid I loved the snow you can build snow angels and make snowmen and have snowball fights and even go sledding or skiing. Wow those were the good ole days! Let's fast forward a few years and now as an older person I'd have to say snow is a drag. You have to shovel the snow and the snow turns into ice. If you drive in the snow it's hard to drive in even with snow tired. Snow delays flights especially during the holiday season now I don't think you would want to deprive your loved ones of your presence. A couple inches here and there of snow is fine but when you get 6 feet of snow in 2 weeks that's another horse of a different color. This brings me to a story a very bad experience if you ask me. I was walking on the sidewalk well not really a sidewalk I'd like to call it a snow bank and both feet got stuck in the snow and one of my shoes got stuck and buried in the snow. I tried pulling that sucker out of the snow with no gloves on for a better part of 45 minutes. There were times I had to lay there for awhile to compose myself I kept yelling and praying and almost came to tears! Thanks for listening to that heart felt story and I will always remember the day that Oz's shoe got the business. Now it is time to make up my mind which do I prefer? Is it snow? Or is it rain? Hm based on the above information I don't think this will come to a shock to anyone but I'd rather have the rain than the snow. Raindrops falling down having thunder storms are okay in my book. The reason why rain is so good is because I said so and that's the bottom line. What is your choice do you have any good or bad memories about the rain or snow? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Team Trivia Drunk Or Sober?

Hey Friends it's your good buddy Oz. Today's topic is when your competing in team trivia is better to be drunk or sober? Yes I know this topic is ground breaking and pretty heavy stuff. Let me start off by saying that I have seen people at trivia drunk as a skunk and sober and I've been in both situations as well. If your going to be sober for team trivia I think you have a better shot at winning because you have a clear mind about everything and you probably wouldn't fall down handing in your teams answer. Also when your sober you can talk some sense into some of your drunken team mates they try so hard but in the end they are too trashed to think for themselves. Another point for being sober while doing team trivia is if you win you remember winning and can savor thee moment in your place in team trivia history yeah boy! On the other end of the spectrum is there anything wrong with being drunk at team trivia? Let's see if you pace yourself and drink and drink all the way through, I'll tell ya I commend you for your efforts because it takes someone special to be the designated drinker. Yes maybe you can't think straight or even walk and maybe you might know the answer but your team mates will veto you because your intoxicated but when you are right and they are wrong you can yell I told you so very loud so the whole bar can hear you. If at halftime of team trivia you take the special shots for your team to gain points and you have like 12 shots wow that would be ay okay with me you gotta take one for the team! What do I think of all of this? It's a close call but in the end The Oz has to lean on the side of being sober because if you win you remember it and your not hung over the next day and you don't have to send drunken text to people who think your from outer space trying to crack the code. I want to know what is your stance and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Piano Man!

Hey Friends Oz here to supply you with a great blog about, What is my favorite singer/band and what makes them so excellent? Let me start this off by stating that I am not a music guy but I do like very few singers and bands. Elton John is one of my all time favorites. The guy knows how to put on a show and his voice is so electric. Sir Elton John is a music legend and my goodness can you feel the love tonight? It doesn't get any better than Elton John and Your Song that is an absolute classic. It has been used in several films most notably Moulin Rouge. Another one of my favorite artists would have to be Barry Manilow! Yes, I know he's old but wow what a great vocalist and musician. With songs like Mandy, Copacabana, Can't smile without you and many more. Barry Manilow has appeared as a guest judge on American Idol a couple of years back and he has nothing but good feedback. Now how about some bands I only like two so I will cover each of them for ya. First off the Beach Boys are like SOOO rad dude! With songs like surfin USA, California Girls, FUN FUN FUN, Little Saint Nick, Barbara Anne and many more. With the high pitched voices and the pizazz of the 1950's the Beach Boys will always be on the top of my list. Keep on rocking the beach boys surfs up dudes and dudets! The Beatles wow a cult following all across the world. I don't think you won't find anyone who doesn't like the Beatles or at least respect them. Songs like Hey Jude, Let it be and Let's get together and so many more. I would also like to state the case for ABBA who I just discovered over the summer because of Mama Mia. They have tons of songs like Mama Mia, S.O.S, Gimmie Gimmie, Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Take A Chance On Me, The Winner Takes It all, Money Money Money and so many more. It is now time to reveal what my favorite singer/band is and why they are so excellent? When push comes to shove there is only one guy that is my number one artist and that name is none other than Billy Joel "The Piano Man"! Billy Joel has so many hits it's not even funny. Just to name a few we got The Piano Man, New York State Of Mind, Moving Out, Honesty, Big Shot, The Longest Time, Uptown Girls and so many more. All his music is full of passions and most of the songs are from his past life experiences and that's awesome. Why is he so excellent because he's the man and that's the bottom line! The Piano Man gotta love it! On a side notes I own all the greatest hits of the above topics up for discussion accept for the Beatles which that may have to change. Oz wants to know who or what is your favorite singer/band and why are they so freaking excellent? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Animals Put Your Paws Up!

Hey friends it's Oz again are you getting tired of me yet? No, that's a great answer and it's time for another blogoramma. Today's topic is what is my favorite animal and why is it so amazing that just came from the horses mouth ha ha ha um anyways let's get started. Let's start off with the common pets cats and dogs. One would say that a cat is high maintenance and very stubborn animals and dogs can be a man's best friend and dogs can do many things. They can do tricks, hunt, swim in the lake but I wouldn't suggest the ocean because they might drown. As well as guarding the ones you love. We go from home to sea let's see what's around the bend. A Fish is quite the unique animal if you want to call it an animal. Fish don't live very long because of fisherman and other animals that like to eat them. I prefer salmon or trout yum they taste good so I guess you know that I won't be picking fish as my favorite animal. We can speak of the flamingo, a flamingo is hot pink and it stands on one leg and I don't know how they survive out in the wild. Maybe if you know you can tell me. An Ostrich can grow up to 9ft tall and runs up to 40 MPH wow that's so awesome I wish I was an ostrich so I can hide my head into the sand to avoid being noticed. Monkeys are also a great animal from what I hear they are intelligent animals but you never know. Swinging from trees all day wouldn't be so bad at all but I don't think I could handle the continuous feeding of the bananas wow not so much. This brings me to my choice of my favorite animal and why I think it's so amazing! The animal that comes to mind is the skunk and this is a very odd choice but the skunk makes a great pet if you are a bum that is because skunks smell when they spray off odor and bums just smell really bad or if you don't take showers! Skunks are black and white and I'm white so I guess that makes them ay okay! Skunks are small and filled with potent ammunition so I would say don't piss off a skunk because they are my friends! There should be a skunks zoo only for skunks. Skunks or Us that would be a totally awesome thing but it won't happen and I think that's just bogus. Anyways what is your favorite animal and why is it SOOOOO AMAZING? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Favorite Movies?

Hey friends it's Oz again how do ya do matees? I'm doing well but that's besides the point part two of the blog today is drum roll please... What is my favorite movie? I'm sure Leah really wanted to get down deep and see what's inside this mind of mine. Well let's see there are a lot of great movies I do enjoy many of them are sport films. Football movies like Remember The Titans, We Are Marshall, The Little Giants, Friday Night Lights and a lot more. Baseball movies, of course you got the epic tale of the Sandlot, Field Of Dreams, Eight Men Out, Bull Durham and the Natural the list goes on and on. Those are just some sports movies that may be the Oz's selection for best movie. Musicals are great too. I love Sound Of Music, Annie, Cats, West Side Story, Mama Mia, Singing In The Rain and so much more. Comedies who doesn't like a good comedy? Such films as the American Pie Trilogy, Animal House, Catch Me If You Can, Meet The Parents, Zoolander, Starsky and Hutch, Wedding Crashers etc etc etc. I could go on and on about other movie genres but I won't do that it's time for the Oz to make his pick for his all time favorite movie. The envelope please... The Oz has chosen his favorite movie is Catch Me If You Can this is just a great story a true story in fact about a boy running away from home at the age of 13 or 14 scamming writing bad checks and getting away with it for 3 or 4 years with his charm and absolutely mind boggling story and the good thing about it is the real Frank Abagnale JR makes billions he created the security measures you see on checks and drivers license guys a genius loved the book lots of great stuff check them both out you won't regret it! Oz wants to know what is your favorite film and why? Until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Favorite food and why?

Hey friends it's Oz again here for another blog for your viewing pleasure. One of the topics up for discussion today is what is your favorite food and why? Food hm what a great word and speaking of food that always makes the tummy rumble. On a serious note, let's start off with spaghetti. Spaghetti and meatballs are a very nice food indeed it's from Italy and it's zesty and very healthy for you and the noodles are nice and long and the meatballs are really tasty too so you can't go wrong with spaghetti and meat balls. Now we move on to a more traditional American food which is hamburgers. I should be an expert in hamburgers I've had quite a few hamburgers in my day and let me tell you I haven't met a hamburger that I haven't liked. Yummy beef, onions. lettuce, pickles, cheese and mustard and the essentials. Let's move on to the pastries cake and pie. Cake and pie are very tasty but they tend to be very rich and very bad for your health but it's a good time had by all so pie and cake yummy what a wonderful treat yes sir! Finally the last food up for bids on the Oz is right is pizza. Pizza college kids and people of all shapes and sizes love pizza. I don't even know how many kinds of pizza you can order it's very convenient that is unless you ordered online and did not know what you were doing and ordered a pizza on a Sunday and you get the pizza Monday at 10pm UM YEAH MOVING ON! I have come to the conclusion that my favorite food is you guessed it PIZZA a good ole fashion pizza pie appeases Oz's appetite! What is your favorite food and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Favorite Sport and Why?

Hey friends Oz is at it again this blog is for all you sports fans out there. Leah has decided to make this blog what is your favorite sport and why? Aw, so many things to say in so little time. Sports are a great thing across this great nation of ours. I wouldn't say around the world because soccer doesn't count OOOOO BURN! Leading things off is baseball America's pastime. Baseball has been around for so long it has great history and prestige and even though games average out to be two and a half hours or longer, it's fun to watch every play because you never know what may happen next or what record might be broken you may even see a very rare triple play or maybe a no hitter or even better a perfect game. One of my all time favorite baseball memories are manager blowups throwing things on the field and getting in the umpires faces and throwing bases into right field gotta love Lou Pinella! Football college or pro is definitely in the running for one of my favorite sports because there is hard hitting action from start to finish and game could last 3 hours or more. the NFL and college have real fast players with untapped talents it's mind boggling how big those guys can get. Basketball college or pro is really good. NBA has big stars who make super dynamite plays and college has great teams and when it comes to march madness it really doesn't get any better that that. Hockey is also a great sport it may not be a fun sport to watch an actual game but the fights are EPIC and bloody at times Teyaunnee would have to agree she loves hockey just for that fact. Golf is great to watch let me take that back Tiger Woods is fun to watch everyone else why bother ha ha um Tennis is good to watch oh wait no that's only Nadal and Federer! The Olympic sports swimming, gymnastics, skiing and many others are real good too. I'd pay to watch Michael Phelps swim any day that kid is intense and crazy good. Finally we come to soccer oh are we talking about sports oh my bad scratch that thought soccer isn't a real sport. It's decision time and I have come to the conclusion that my favorite sport to watch is baseball because of all the great athletic catches that are made on a daily basis and all the huge home runs that are hit and players getting hit and rushing the mound and managers arguing with the umpires it's quite the spectacle and I would have to say WWE is on the top of my list love WWE you can't beat it. It's always going to be one of my great loves go HBK the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels I'm a sexy boy! That brings me to this final question, What is your favorite sport and why? Do you have a favorite memory from any event you may have attended? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Vacation Destination

Hey Friends it's Oz again back again for some more fun and excitement. This was supposed to be last nights blog but I was out late last night but anyways here we go. Today's blog is about my favorite Vacation Destination. I am sure there are several spots across this great world of ours that would be pleasing to take a nice long vacation. I will focus on a few spots then I will ultimately makes my choice for my favorite vacation destination. Let's start off on the west coast, San Fransisco is a great city with scenic views of the golden gate bridge and the bay and off in the distance you have Alcatraz not to mention there is the fisherman's wharf and china town and so much more. Staying on the west coast Las Vegas would also be a great choice for a nice vacation. In Las Vegas you have hotels a plenty and casinos everywhere you walk there is even a casino at the airport and in many stores and restaurants it's pretty insane. You can drink with open containers out in the street the weather is nice and you can see some great shows and cheap food you can't beat that. I almost got lost in Vegas but Hannah we made a good team and we made it back to the hotel. Los Angeles is a very nice destination with the walk of fame and tons of celebs all around and great weather and the list goes on about LA. How about Florida great sunny weather and they got the gators and great parties during spring break who could beat that. New York City definitely a lot a great choice with Manhattan and great food and entertainment with the Broadway shows and I am sure you will find a celebrity sooner or later. My friend Teyaunee would like to go to Hawaii for a vacation because she said it's real warm. I'd like to add that Hawaii has the ocean and the beach and I'm sure a luau would be in session as well! Now the Oz has come to his conclusion and all the above are great choices to spend a vacation but this time Oz is going down under and he has chosen Sydney Australia because of the Aussie girls and accents and of course a shrimp on the barbee and you can't forget a digery doo G'day mate! What is your favorite vacation and destination and why? Well until next may the Oz always be with you so long!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Favorite Day Of The Week

Hey Friends, Oz is back to his same old tricks once again back for another blog. This weeks subjects will have a theme set up by Leah and this week's theme is My favorite things. Today I discuss what is my favorite day of the week and why? I am going to discuss each day of the week and then after all the days are given there time in the sun I will reveal what is my favorite day of the week and why. Monday for starters is the first day of the work week for most and sometimes it's hard to get up and get yourself pumped for a Monday. However during the football season there is always Monday Night Football so if you are an American Monday could be just the day for you and if not then Monday could be a drag. You got a case of the Mondays? Mondays are good if you don't have to work ha ha I don't have too ya baby! Tuesday rolls around and you are feeling pretty good about yourself. You made it through Monday and Tuesday should be a breeze. What is there really to do on a Tuesday night um not a whole lot. Wednesday is typically known as hump day. If you get through Wednesdays then the rest of the week will be a piece of cake. What would you do on a Wednesday night? You may want to try some karaoke or maybe even team trivia. Thursday rolls around your one day closer to the weekend but not as close as you would like it. Good news is you can watch survivor and watch college hoops on big Thursday on ESPN. Friday comes along and you are so happy and energetic because the weekend is drawing close. You tell yourself make it through Friday and the weekend is mine. Friday is a great night you can go out for dinner and can go see a late movie or do whatever you want because you don't have to work the next day. Saturday comes along and you can sleep in if you want that's not what I do but anyways. Saturday is a sports feast all year round college football, college basketball, NBA basketball, NHL hockey and MLB baseball and many others. Saturday night is a great night to go out and party and be marry. We finally arrive to Sunday, Sunday is a sad reminder that the next day is Monday and most of you have to work the next day. On the other hand Sunday is a relaxing time and a day to go to church and enjoy NFL football or whatever you would like or maybe you want to take a long deserved nap. With all this said I have come to a decision on my favorite day of the week. The obvious answer is Saturday of course because of all the sporting events you can watch all day long and it's the weekend. This wasn't a hard choice to make and I would like to know what is your favorite day of the week and why? What do you do on your favorite day of the week? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

Hey friends Oz here again for another great blog. Today's blog is about Valentine Days hence today is February 14Th 2009 Valentines Day. Roses are red violets are blue I am Ozzie and I love you! That is what Valentines Day is all about, Love is in the air between boy and girl or maybe you like the same sex I don't know. As a kid Valentines Day was a special time getting valentines day cards from your fellow classmates. Valentines Day candy hearts can't be matched, be mine, forever yours and many others. Whenever you got a valentines from a secret admirer that was always a thrill. Progressing into the high school years there was the Valentines Dance where the cute couples ventured to dance and be marry and make a statement to everyone this is who I love. If you are in the older generation then you have to find a way to woo your partner. Maybe you buy jewelry or candy or even a bouquet of roses you really can't go wrong. If you forget about Valentines Day and your honey may not ever want to have anything to do with you ever again but if you make it up to them then you may get lucky. Valentines Day is a day where restraints are booked with reservations with couples dining and making there statement to say I love you and you love me now were a happy family um sorry couldn't resist. The bottom line is love is in the air on this special day so if you have a sweetie I wish a very happy Valentines day and until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Alcohol and You!

Hey friends, it's time for another edition of you guessed it The Oz Files! In today's discussion I will be talking about alcohol and the different things that may happen when not taken in moderation and much more. Let's go back to the 6th grade for most of us young enough I am sure you remember the DARE program. the DARE program was a very good thing going. A policeman would come into classrooms every week and talk about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The motto was "Just Say No" and as youngsters I am sure we all said yeah I'm not going to drink not going to drugs, then you grew up and were subject to the peer pressure. Kids would tell you come on every one's doing it, You're not cool if you don't pee your pants well that's not about drugs that's just a line from billy madison but you know you get the idea. In middle school you see kids drinking and smoking who knows what a really sad day in the eyes of many DARE graduates across this great nation. When you approach high school this is where the big peer pressure kicks in having all sorts of high school keggers and stoner parties you name it you could probably get your hands on it if you wanted too. If you go to college you can really count on heavy drinking and lots of it wow yeah go to Pullman Washington you will find short lived memories from what I hear. Let's talk about young adults drinking some drink hard A some drink beer some drink jello shots it's all up to the individual. Let's talk about Strawberry Margaritas now those things are real tasty. Going blended is the only way to go if you get it on the rocks that would be like really sad and very nasty. If your an old man who wears flannel and who has a bad comb over I'm sure you would just like to have a good old scotch and sometimes they like a wedge of orange in there beer! Now that I have covered the different types of alcohol you can consume, now we shall move on to what can go wrong when too much alcohol is consumed. If your at a BBQ and you have had too much to drink and you see a kitty pool filled with water what would you do? Hm, how about dive into the pool and lay in there for several minutes at a time! Good times are definitely in order. What happens if you drink too much and your out in the back yard with your pants down singing oh Christmas tree while taking a leak hm I wouldn't know about that just a suggestion! Also if your bowling don't think the floor is a pool because you may end up doing a nice swan dive if you know what I mean. If your a bum and drink that would probably make you really warm for a very short time then you would still ask for crack money or Even crack. Don't drink while drunk that's against the law and the coppers will get ya! If you are outside drinking depending on the time of year you might frolic under the leaves or make snow angels of grace and beauty! With all that said drinking can be a deadly virus that tears away at your liver but my doctor told me that I have the cleanest liver she has ever seen well that's how good I am and you can't deny it. I'd like to pose these questions to you., What is the most you have to drink? What is something you did that may have been laughable when your were intoxicated? Finally, what are some things that come from drinking that you think someone should know? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Hey friends Oz here again for another blog. Today's topic up for discussion is birthdays. Let me start off by saying I love birthday parties lots of cake and ice cream and if it's your birthday you get presents and added bonus for sure. As a young kid my birthdays were so glamorous because my birthday is on Halloween of all days. Yes, I know that sure does explain a lot doesn't it? My birthdays as a young strapping lad consisted of cake, ice cream, presents and extra candy from strangers when trick or treating told them it was my birthday and ordered them to give me more candy. That's how I rolled back then in the day. I still have a present from my childhood an original MY BUDDY wow what a treat. As I grew into puberty the birthdays consisted of no trick or treating but parties with pizza and pop and candy and the whole nine yards. Also as a kid a lot of my parties took place at Chucky Cheese where a kid can be a kid. In my high school years birthdays consisted of going out for dinner with family and my senior year two girls from the softball took me out for dinner at the onion and did some crazy dance. I've had my birthday at the onion and have done a lot of sick dance moves it's all about getting the free HUGE ice cream fudge sundae OH BOY! The Onion is common place these days for birthday festivities! Those are my birthday experiences, Oz would like to know what are your fondest birthday memories? What kind of presents have you liked and disliked? Until next time may the Oz always be with you!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mini Pizzas

Hey friends Oz is at it again with another jaw dropping blog based on the random text messages sent always a delight. Today's topic is drum roll please, Mini Pizzas hm what a tasty treat! OK so we all like the regular pizzas small medium large extra large or maybe even a colossus. When you talk about mini pizza that is a whole different animal. A mini pizza can be cooked in the microwave and they are not really filling because they are "mini". They come in all sort of flavors, pepperoni, meat lovers, cheese, supreme, veggie loves and the list goes on and on. To fill you up real good you may have to pound away 6 of them mini pizzas. I would definitely have a nice cold beverage on the side to wash it all down with. If you decided to go with a hot beverage I don't think that would do your body good you would just have tongue burns ha ha ha! So what I ask is this, what are your thoughts on the mini pizza phenomena? Do you think eating mini pizzas are good for you? How often would you want to eat a mini pizza? Finally are you a mini pizza lover or hater? Until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Getting ripped off on weird store sales?

Hey friends Oz here again for yet another exciting tale of exhilaration blog action. In today's discussions I talk about getting ripped off at weird store "sales" So let me first start off by saying I'm not a big sales guy I hardly go shopping but this is what I am dealt with by the lovely Leah. Let's say your at the supermarket you see a sign that says buy 1 pizza get the second one free. Does this sound to good to be true? The answer is yes! What the sign really means is you can only buy 1 pepperoni pizza and you have to get another pepperoni pizza or else you have to pay full price for both pizzas how lame what if you want a pepperoni and a supreme? Decisions Decisions at the point I would recommend speaking with a manager because we all know that's how you get your own way and the "customer is always right' If your a pop lover or beer lover here is one for ya. There is a sale at the supermarket that says coke products or beer products are half off however the catch is you can only buy the coke itself you can't buy like sprite or any other coke brand and for the beer you can only buy bud light the other beer is full price lots of scheming at these stores I tell ya. I'm sure I could ramble on and on about this subject but the bottom line is this. Tell me a time when you were ripped off at a grocery store or any store when you saw a deal that was too good to be true and how did you respond? Until next time may the OZ always be with you so long!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beans: Are they really the magical fruit?

Hey friends it's Oz at your service once again. Today's topic is one that is a major issue in this country and for that matter around the world. Let me ask you this, Beans are they really the magical fruit? Beans come in several different variations. You got green beans, string beans, Lima beans, baked beans, fried beans and many more I suppose. Green beans and Lima beans may not taste good but they are good for you. Take for instance the string bean, who wants to eat string beans you might as well be servicing liver worst yuck! If you go on a camping trip I'm sure you would pack up some good ole fashion baked beans. Baked beans have a little kick to them you love em or you hate em. I would only baked beans if that was the only thing that was left to eat. If I had other options I'd go for the better tasting food but you can never go wrong with baked beans. Now if you eat nachos from your favorite Mexican establishment then we get into some good ole fashion fried beans. Now those beans will give you major league gas. I'd say don't eat all of fried beans because you may be backed up for the next couple of hours if you get my drift boys and girls. You never know maybe you will be a tooting machine composing great symphonies from the tush. Now the real question are beans really the magical fruit? I would have to say based on the fact that beans are a vegetable, Oz would have to say no they are not a fruit but are they magical? I'm sure if you cleared out a room I would have to say they are definitely magical! They are a magical vegetable but fruit I'd have to say no. I'd like to leave you with these closing thoughts, What is your opinion on beans the magical fruit is it really the magical fruit? Or is it just a good song? Also, what is your favorite kind of bean and why? Well until next time may Oz always be with you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cats Vs Dogs what's your choice?

Hey Friends Oz is at it again. Today's subject is Cats Vs Dogs which do you prefer? I have two cats I've had a dog before so this one is a real close call. Let me start off with the cats debate. Cats are cute and cuddly and when they want to eat they will meow at you until they get what they want. Cats have claws and they really hurt if you are not careful. If you get a cat make sure you declaw them so they do not tear up the house. Cats like to rub there heads against several objects such as purses, bags, other people and many others. Cats like to clean themselves daily so I would consider them very high maintenance. Some cats walk around with their heads held high thinking they are all that and a bag of chips but us owners know otherwise. Kitty Cats are well potty trained for the most part but one of my cats Pistol he's an older cat and he likes to poop on the floor and sometimes in the litter box Jazzy a cute little thing about 2 or 3 years of age knows how to do her business she's such a good cat. Cats also like to play a lot tackling each other and lick each other so it's a little of give and take. That is the argument for the Cat. Now I make the case for the dog. Dogs come in all different shapes and sizes and a lot of dogs like to smother you with kisses. Which is a definite plus but if you don't like dogs maybe your not all for the dogs. Dogs are definitely a man's best friend and that will never change. There are some dogs that are meant for hunting or guard dogs in those cases dogs can be a very dangerous animal who can be put to sleep because they bite some innocent person and that is very sad. Dogs are very blunt about marking there territory when they make there mark you know not to cross the line. Dogs are good for playing fetch with a Frisbee, going to the lake or go camping. Dogs make good companions for the blind being guide dogs which I think is very very cool. With all this said it's time for Oz to come to his conclusion. Do I prefer Cats or Dogs? It's a very tough call I have to admit but when it comes down to it. I have to give the nod to the feline the cats because they are less of a hassle to clean up and they are a smaller breed of animal and they are so soft but I also love dogs but in this case Cats get the slight edge! I have a couple of closing thoughts. What is your preference? Cats or Dogs? Man's best friend or do you like Garfield? Why do you like one or the other? Until next time may Oz always be with you!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Clumsiness is it in you?

Hey Friends it's Oz again and today's topic up for discussion is clumsiness and injuries that could happen when things go wrong. Clumsiness is defined as a lack of dexterity, nimbleness or grace from the Websters dictionary. I myself have had my own compilation of spills and thrills. Take the simple activity as walking with one foot in front of the other for Oz that is quite some task. In some cases I have had the misfortune to fall into things such as podiums, walls, file cabinets, doors, pillars and even air believe it or not it is humanly possible. I can recall another time when i was playing ping pong and I was playing doubles and I stepped on my partners foot and you may ask "what happened?" glad you asked what happened is a really really bad ankle sprain good news for me is that i have sprained both ankles at least ten times a piece. My junior year in high school in pre game warm ups I was hit in the face with a basketball and I was laid out on my back I battled the elements and was able to deliver the water like there was like no yesterday. What irritates me is when you bite your lip and you bleed and when you eat salty fries it burns like hell. Leah likes to vacuum her floor and somehow managed to gain two cuts near her BIG toe ouch what a warrior! If you get hit by a semi truck I don't think your going to get up from that it is highly likely your going to be going to the cemetery so don't get hit by a semi. I will recall a freak sports injury at the major league level. In 1990 rookie Glen Allenhill for the Toronto Bluejays had a bad dream about spiders and was sleep walking in his hotel and it did not help that he has the fear of eight legged creates and he walked up the stairs up in his apartments and scraped his knees and elbows on the carpet when he woke up he was on a couch and his wife woke up screaming he was a bloody mess and he required crutches in essence missing the game vs the Seattle Mariners. Sammy Sosa hurt his back by sneezing wow what a tragic way to go on the DL. With all these examples I'd like to make a couple closing comments. Oz wants to know what are some painful memories that happened to you did it require surgery and I would also like to know what is the weirdest injury you have ever heard of ? Until next time may the Oz always be with you!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Breakfast For Dinner

Hello friends let me introduce myself my name is Ozzie but the ones who know me best call me oz. I'd like to introduce this blog by saying that this is a random subject format being provided with a random subject from a friend of mine and I provide the magic they call Ozmosis. Today's subject is breakfast for dinner? HM, what an interesting concept we have here it's dinner time and the most logical choice would be hm let's have a nice hamburger with fries and a root beer or a beer you know a traditional Amercian meal. On the other hand your saying what about a cup of joe some biscuits and gravy maybe some sausage, bacon or maybe even a nice tall glass of OJ the non simpson variety the OJ you drink not the ones who live behind bars. If you have a big appetite how about a nice stack of pancakes with a side of toast and if your really hungry dash in some french toast and a three cheese omelet! Those are just some ideas to think about. Let's move on to what is better for dinner a nice steak dinner or do you want to change it up and have breakfast for dinner? I don't think you would want breakfast for dinner all the time but once in awhile in moderation is definitely a good change of pace and dinner for breakfast not a bad idea how about Tacos for breakfast and Rice Krispies for Dinner and for Lunch how about a little creme brulet and for desert how about a twinkie HM gotta love that cream filling! So, I will close with this statement. It doesn't matter if your black or white if your prepaid or postpaid if your happy with what you eat and keep it under control then I'm all in support of your eating habbits but remember friends it's not if you win or lose it's how you play the game and I play it rough anyways let me know what your throughts on this subject until next time may the Oz always be with you.