Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Hey friends Oz here again for another blog. Today's topic up for discussion is birthdays. Let me start off by saying I love birthday parties lots of cake and ice cream and if it's your birthday you get presents and added bonus for sure. As a young kid my birthdays were so glamorous because my birthday is on Halloween of all days. Yes, I know that sure does explain a lot doesn't it? My birthdays as a young strapping lad consisted of cake, ice cream, presents and extra candy from strangers when trick or treating told them it was my birthday and ordered them to give me more candy. That's how I rolled back then in the day. I still have a present from my childhood an original MY BUDDY wow what a treat. As I grew into puberty the birthdays consisted of no trick or treating but parties with pizza and pop and candy and the whole nine yards. Also as a kid a lot of my parties took place at Chucky Cheese where a kid can be a kid. In my high school years birthdays consisted of going out for dinner with family and my senior year two girls from the softball took me out for dinner at the onion and did some crazy dance. I've had my birthday at the onion and have done a lot of sick dance moves it's all about getting the free HUGE ice cream fudge sundae OH BOY! The Onion is common place these days for birthday festivities! Those are my birthday experiences, Oz would like to know what are your fondest birthday memories? What kind of presents have you liked and disliked? Until next time may the Oz always be with you!

1 comment:

  1. I think the best thing about birthdays is cake, rainbow chip cake with rainbow chip sprinkles!!! yum!!!!!

