Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Getting ripped off on weird store sales?

Hey friends Oz here again for yet another exciting tale of exhilaration blog action. In today's discussions I talk about getting ripped off at weird store "sales" So let me first start off by saying I'm not a big sales guy I hardly go shopping but this is what I am dealt with by the lovely Leah. Let's say your at the supermarket you see a sign that says buy 1 pizza get the second one free. Does this sound to good to be true? The answer is yes! What the sign really means is you can only buy 1 pepperoni pizza and you have to get another pepperoni pizza or else you have to pay full price for both pizzas how lame what if you want a pepperoni and a supreme? Decisions Decisions at the point I would recommend speaking with a manager because we all know that's how you get your own way and the "customer is always right' If your a pop lover or beer lover here is one for ya. There is a sale at the supermarket that says coke products or beer products are half off however the catch is you can only buy the coke itself you can't buy like sprite or any other coke brand and for the beer you can only buy bud light the other beer is full price lots of scheming at these stores I tell ya. I'm sure I could ramble on and on about this subject but the bottom line is this. Tell me a time when you were ripped off at a grocery store or any store when you saw a deal that was too good to be true and how did you respond? Until next time may the OZ always be with you so long!

1 comment:

  1. Well, as far as your beer examples, I think all beer should always be on sale! =) But stores, especially the ALbertsons on NW blvd, really enjoy ripping me off.
