Wednesday, February 25, 2009

TV Series or Movies On DVD?

Hey friends Oz is back again for another edition of the Oz Files. Today we discuss the hot topic of TV series on DVD or Movies on DVD? Which do you prefer and why? Wow this is a great topic I am sure it's something that has been discussed a many a time at watercoolers across the country. I am going to start off for the movies on DVD. Movies have become such a great American pastime for several generations and many generations to come. When a movie comes out you really want to see what do you do? You go to the movie theatre of course and enjoy the movies in the company of friends and family or maybe if you went to two movies on Monday like I did in the daytime then in movie number one it was just you and a girl and the other one you were all by yourself wow what a great time had by all. Opening weekend at the box office is a major thing all across the world. However maybe you would like to hear the reviews from certain publications and people you know before making an educated decision about watching the movie or not. This is where the movies on DVD come in. If you see a movie that you have had your eyes on for quite some time and you were slapping yourself silly because you regretted not seeing it at the theatre. No fear thank goodness for technology my friends we have something we like to call a DVD! So you go to blockbuster or wherever you prefer and buy or maybe rent a movie just to see what you think of it. At that point if you give it two thumbs up then I am sure you will make that conscious decision to buy that movie to keep forever forever forever I'm sorry I love the Sandlot Go Squintz ha ha! One last point on movies on DVD is now if you have a blu-ray machine you can watch movies in blu-ray from what I have heard are out of this world visually. OOOO AWWWW. So that is the case to support the whole movies on DVD. Now I proceed to TV series on DVD should we or shouldn't we? When you look at TV shows there are quite a few to choose from. Most of the older shows that are off the air you can buy for really cheap online and make a whole collection. Wow that sounds like a great idea oh wait I have already done that I have like 12 or 13 full TV series oh and you better recognize. A great thing about TV series on DVD is that you can relive past moments from your favorite shows and if you are really lame then you can buy certain seasons but I the wizard of Oz only buys TV series if they are a full series if they are not you can forget about it! Also TV series have theme music and if you really enjoy the show I am sure you will also enjoy singing along to the theme music and don't be afraid to admit that you sing a long it's okay everyone does it. Also with the TV series I am sure there are some great classic lines that everyone knows and you want to see it over and over again this is a great way to watch your favorite shows on DVD. Now That I have went into detail on both points of view it is now time for Oz to make his final cut. This wasn't easy but when it boiled down to it I had to go with TV series on DVD because you know I love TV shows and I loved DVDs put them together what do you get? TV series on DVD and I really enjoy the older shows than the newer shows I have like 12 or 13 series on DVD they are fun to watch. I also enjoy movies too but they are better for me to watch them at the movie theatre but movies are totally awesome! Give a little shout out to Mama Mia and Abba good times good times bravo bravo bravo! What is your take on this whole discussion? I would like to know so leave some comments. Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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