Monday, February 9, 2009

Beans: Are they really the magical fruit?

Hey friends it's Oz at your service once again. Today's topic is one that is a major issue in this country and for that matter around the world. Let me ask you this, Beans are they really the magical fruit? Beans come in several different variations. You got green beans, string beans, Lima beans, baked beans, fried beans and many more I suppose. Green beans and Lima beans may not taste good but they are good for you. Take for instance the string bean, who wants to eat string beans you might as well be servicing liver worst yuck! If you go on a camping trip I'm sure you would pack up some good ole fashion baked beans. Baked beans have a little kick to them you love em or you hate em. I would only baked beans if that was the only thing that was left to eat. If I had other options I'd go for the better tasting food but you can never go wrong with baked beans. Now if you eat nachos from your favorite Mexican establishment then we get into some good ole fashion fried beans. Now those beans will give you major league gas. I'd say don't eat all of fried beans because you may be backed up for the next couple of hours if you get my drift boys and girls. You never know maybe you will be a tooting machine composing great symphonies from the tush. Now the real question are beans really the magical fruit? I would have to say based on the fact that beans are a vegetable, Oz would have to say no they are not a fruit but are they magical? I'm sure if you cleared out a room I would have to say they are definitely magical! They are a magical vegetable but fruit I'd have to say no. I'd like to leave you with these closing thoughts, What is your opinion on beans the magical fruit is it really the magical fruit? Or is it just a good song? Also, what is your favorite kind of bean and why? Well until next time may Oz always be with you!

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