Sunday, February 22, 2009

Team Trivia Drunk Or Sober?

Hey Friends it's your good buddy Oz. Today's topic is when your competing in team trivia is better to be drunk or sober? Yes I know this topic is ground breaking and pretty heavy stuff. Let me start off by saying that I have seen people at trivia drunk as a skunk and sober and I've been in both situations as well. If your going to be sober for team trivia I think you have a better shot at winning because you have a clear mind about everything and you probably wouldn't fall down handing in your teams answer. Also when your sober you can talk some sense into some of your drunken team mates they try so hard but in the end they are too trashed to think for themselves. Another point for being sober while doing team trivia is if you win you remember winning and can savor thee moment in your place in team trivia history yeah boy! On the other end of the spectrum is there anything wrong with being drunk at team trivia? Let's see if you pace yourself and drink and drink all the way through, I'll tell ya I commend you for your efforts because it takes someone special to be the designated drinker. Yes maybe you can't think straight or even walk and maybe you might know the answer but your team mates will veto you because your intoxicated but when you are right and they are wrong you can yell I told you so very loud so the whole bar can hear you. If at halftime of team trivia you take the special shots for your team to gain points and you have like 12 shots wow that would be ay okay with me you gotta take one for the team! What do I think of all of this? It's a close call but in the end The Oz has to lean on the side of being sober because if you win you remember it and your not hung over the next day and you don't have to send drunken text to people who think your from outer space trying to crack the code. I want to know what is your stance and why? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. From the texts I've been getting on trivia nights, it seems like you don't follow your choice. lol

  2. ha ha ha um the last couple times have been very sobering
