Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seafood A Plenty!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a seafood edition of The Oz Files. So sorry that I wasn't able to do a blog last night because Leah has to work til 11:45 PM next 2 weeks and was sprung on me at 11:45 PM last night so yeeeeeeeeeah! So what we're going to do is two theme weeks and I'll do my own topics of these themes. So I'll be doing two blogs tonight. Tonight's topic is why is seafood so good? What is my favorite seafood dish? What is my least favorite? What is my favorite seafood establishment? Finally how do I rate seafood in the chain of command in food loving? So to answer the first question, why is seafood so good? I'd like to think that seafood is so delectable and delightful. The taste of many food of the sea is very juicy and full of meat. You can dip some food in some sauces which make the food that much better. I would also like to add seafood is so good because the food is caught in the oceans and fairly fresh. What is my favorite seafood dish? I know you are all on the edge of your seats for the answer to this mind blowing question. The answer without a doubt is shrimp. I'll eat any kind of shrimp you throw in front of me. I'll eat popcorn shrimp, breaded shrimp, coconut shrimp, shrimp cocktails whatever it is I'll demolish and conquer. I like other seafood but I L-O-V-E SHRIMP SHRIMP SHRIMP HIP HIP HURRAY HIP HIP HURRAY! Ok, my least favorite food of the sea without a shadow of a doubt has to be muscles. These are the worst tasting food of man freaking kind. Well let me rephrase peaches, rice, potato salad and tomatoes are at the top of the YUCK list! My favorite seafood establishment is Red Lobster I mean you can't go wrong. They have the best bread there and oh my goodness they got live crabs floating in a tank poor souls! On a side note the Scratch Restaurant across the street from the Fox Theatre in downtown Spokane is quite good. It's not strictly seafood it has a wide variety of food selections. The hot pot has sausage, peppers, huge scallops, huge SHRIMP and so much more it's just freaking amazing! Finally I would put seafood in the top 3 of my food genres. I'm an American so American food is at the 1 slit then I'd go with Chinese then seafood at the 3 slot. I love food and seafood is very very tasty. What do you guys think of seafood? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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