Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Farmer And The Dale!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a farming edition of The Oz Files. Tonight's blog is going to be about the art of farming. Leah says, Ok farms if you had a farm, what kind of farm would it be? What crops would you have? Would you have any animals? And last of all would you be a farmer that does most of the work or would you hire lots of workers? Howdy cowboys and cowgirls it's farmer Oz here giddy up! What kind of farm would I have? Hmm, I would have a dairy farm because I love milk and milk does a body good babe! The crops on the dairy farm would be hay, alfalfa and corn. These crops are fed to the cows to get healthy and milk produced for the masses. Yes I would have animals of course I'd have a lot of cows because you need them to sell to other farmers and also we need to make the milk. Finally to answer the last question would I do most of the work or would I hire farm hands? That's an easy one for me I'd hire farm hands actually I'd only hire one farm hand and her name is Leah Stafford. I think she would enjoy the squeezing of the utters very satisfying! Ha Ha um yeah so I hear she likes milk so she might as well do all the milk producing you never know she may put her mouth by the utter and drink it like from a sprinkler but it's from the cow itself hahaha! Well these are my thoughts on farming and yes I am not a country boy just a city boy talking about farming to the best of my God given abilities. Well what would you do on a farm and so forth? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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