Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuna Oh The Possibilities!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a tuna edition of The Oz Files. Once again it's free write Friday and Oz has come up with the idea of tuna. Tuna is great for all occasions and I will be talking about why tuna is like so amazing and what is Oz's favorite tuna combos? I am going to first start off by saying that Leah gave me a nice little story and I would like to share that with you. She said,"Oh yeah Josh Mound bought a 4 pound can of tuna and wanted to use it all at once, so he made 28 tuna sandwiches and is eating those for lunch until they are gone. I just thought it was kind funny." Josh Josh Josh wow four pounds of tuna really? You gotta be joking me son for real I mean what are you going to do with 28 sandwiches? Will the tuna be fresh enough for the 28 sandwiches? I love tuna so much but making 28 tuna fish sandwiches with four pounds of tuna I think that is verging on obsessed! I only kid but that is quite the collection of tuna. Jessica Simpson she sure likes tuna ha ha ha! I really enjoy a good tuna casserole who in there right mind would turn down a good tuna casserole? Tuna is a very good meat especially on tuna fish sandwiches. I enjoy my tuna fish sandwiches with dilled pickles, mustard and cheese and of course the MAYO! I am a big fan of the food chain they call Subway. This may shock some but I do order the TUNA on honey oat and let me tell you that is the best tuna combo I have ever met. The feeling is mutual the tuna sub loves me and I love the tuna so both sides win it's a win win! I would not recommend tuna out of the can that could get a little out of hand and a little tasteless. People you have to be classy with the tuna and you can't half ass it you gotta go all the way make it seamless! I have to give a bit shout out to the Rocket Bakery they know what I want every Friday tuna on sourdough no tomato with an ice tea check me out! These are my thoughts and concerns on tuna. What are your thoughts on tuna? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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